Aug 31, 2011


Having a sense of the historical moment -as Fidel said in his concept of Revolution- requires intelligence to grasp it and a great courage to act likewise, changing it, driving it; that is the essence that the revolutionary leaders are made off, that differentiates them from faded politicians that move according to how the wind blows. These do not change anything, those found worlds.

Bolivar understood his historical moment, he fed from the French Revolution, and the Haitian black rebellion; and from that understanding, he had the courage to break with himself, with his “Mantuano” social class; as Fidel said, changing whatever it needs to be changed. Bolivar fought for independence and broke the stillness of three hundred years; he was the hurricane that founded a new time.

The Liberator was anti-imperialist, as corresponded in his time, he emancipated slaves, and that was the most radical economic transformation of his century, he also had a vision of the Great Motherland and we are still struggling to achieve it. Undoubtedly, Bolivar is a Revolutionary.

Fidel -that living monument of Revolution- is aware of his historical moment and the courage to plant Revolution ninety miles away from the empire, a country with minimal development of proletariat. He knew how to break dogmas and establish a Republic with economic and social awareness; today is a moral sanctuary for the revolutionaries of the planet.

With the Bolivarian Revolution and Commander Chavez, we have deeply moved forward within the transformation of Socialism. Every day, we understand that economy must be controlled by society through the revolutionary State, that control is a requisite so the human snatches to capital, the leadership of its life, so the gain stops being the centre of existence, and man and nature take their place of privilege.

We recover our self-esteem, the human condition that leaded us to be an example for the continent. Now with Commander Chavez, the people found a leader that resumes it. He has the intelligence to understand that the historical moment calls for the creation of a reference for humanity in the capitalism’s surmounting, a society that melts and expands Socialism with its example, that shows that is possible to rise from the capitalist miasma into forms of liberating organization.

He is a leader with the courage to act according to the historical moment, and able to face the empire, and capable to make the changes where something has to be changed.

There are several samples of Chavez’s revolutionary texture; right now, he faces the stature of a giant against the global capitalist empire. He is one of the few world political leaders that come out defending the hounded Kaddafi, while the world turns to other side face the genocide in that merciless bombed people, in view of that “criminal hunting!” of their legitimate ruler. Chavez fulfils us with internationalist proud when he takes position with dignity.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

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