Oct 7, 2011


Big mouths are very useful in politics, they go to secret meetings and then they do not resist showing as aware people aware and as participant of the actions. The best big mouths are renegades; they with their exhibitionist desire put together their need to be accepted: nobody loves the renegade. Such is the case of semtei or pablo medina. Let's see.

semtei writes an article in “el nacional” which is a rude provocation to Maduro and Revolution, it is not worth wasting time on this ridiculous maneuver. The importance of this article is that the big mouth reveals the intentions of the pro-coup mafia, their plan "B” that the carlos blanco, the quiroz, and so on.

semtei writes, and this is the main paragraph of the article:

"Nicolas, it is known that the President is ill, there is a risk of him dying before the elections of October 2012, and such an event could lead that crooks, thieves and gamblers try to shake the democratic tree to produce a military coup or stimulate a civil war or a class war in order to chase away their sins and conceal their shameless acts. And I appeal to your status as a civil political leader, to your experience as a student leader and as a union leader, so that together with us, we spell once for all this horrifying possibility to fight with sticks, stones, stab, bottles and bullets between Venezuelans”.

With the nerves typical of gringo assassins who bomb Libya to "protect civilians", this lacey betrays the right’s pro-coup intentions. Now, it is understood the international and national efforts to create the image of a seriously sick Chavez, despite Commander is out playing ball and shows in clear recovery, the pro-coup leaders insist.

They try to issue that Commander Chavez may be missing, that would hasten –from the Bolivarian side- a coup and them following obama’s doctrine, they must pass with a preventive coup of that supposed disaster that it would mean. It will provoke a civil war to prevent a civil war, they will stage a coup d’état to prevent a coup d’état, these events that only exist in their pots of media necromancies, twisted of reasoning that allows them to do within the world what they want. They build the excuse for the coup.
The pro-coup plan walks parallel to the electoral farce of the right board’s mafia, which does not recognize CNE and it does not commit to accept the results that they already known adverse. They deny that they are ahead of a coup, but thank God there are these renegade big mouths who betray the hidden intentions, the plan "B" their develop under instructions of gringos.

We, Bolivarian, must defend Revolution and Commander Chavez against any eventuality, we must defend the sacred reasons that constitute the reason of our living and our children: the guarantee of building a country where love and fraternity are the relationship between men, socially and economically. This is only possible in Socialism.

With Chavez forever!

Oct 5, 2011


Those, from the fascist board, have dressed up as scammers do. Now, they wander around with their mask of tamed lambs promising to solve the problems that they created in the past, and calling for peace and love ... Liars! They are wolves wearing Grandma's clothes, but they show the ears and tail.

They try to turn the elections into the same deception that allowed them to prey on the country for half a century. Now, they promise and lie, they hide what really is at stake in the upcoming elections; they try to trivialize the significance of this electoral event, and make them into a mere tournament of buying and sale. Let's see.

Revolution is the operation of redemption of humble most important that have taken place in Venezuela since Independence. It is a continuation of the best of the liberation struggles that held high the emancipation flag of the poor, the healing of society, the realization of those dreams usually neglected and so many times betrayed. Chavez is its leader, and the conscious people are its base, its flesh.

That is Revolution. There is nothing better for the people that the possibility of having their own destiny and that opportunity can only be offered in Revolution. That is the message that we have nested in the collective soul, above that there is nothing more important, everything else comes in addition.

It is truth that we have made mistakes, but in which company of this magnitude is not made one? It is true that there is –still- a lot to do, nobody denies it, it is unanswerable that there are people damaging Revolution, all that exists, but what is evident is the will of Revolution to favor the people, seeking the best ways to dignify them, that is what matters, what is definitive, and what must guide the actions.

If Chavez goes out from the government, if these people do not understand the magnitude of the commitment, if they choose once again their executers, in that case, the enemies of the humble, the same ones who killed Bolivar, Neruda, Santucho, Fabricio, Che ... Christ!, and thousands of fighters for the redemption of human; those fascists will take account of the direction of our nation. They will destroy hope. The humble will return to the time already forgotten when they were excluded from everything, they will go back to be despised.

These are the considerations that we must discuss and bring to the table; let them know the seriousness of October’s decision, that it should not be guided by the superficialities that the oligarchy is trying to install. In such way, we will strengthen the humble, we will give them sacred reasons to fight, and we will make them share in the construction of their future.

But if the counter-revolutionaries choose the path of violence, as it is showed in the writings of their spokesmen, if they put into practice the pro-coup plans openly elaborated, then we will have a people capable of confronting them, because they will know that they are fighting for something that worth any sacrifice.

There is future with Chavez!

Oct 4, 2011


Is the market where goods are bought and sold, all of them, from a bulb to the workforce, everything, even the vote in bourgeois elections. In the market the goods are exchanged for money, and that money for new merchandise. The question that emerges is: The "vote-merchandise" is trade for what? The issue deserves investigation. Let's see.

The bourgeois elections are a huge marketing operation, a sale of merchandise called candidate. The project, the government’s plan does not have significance in the tournament, it is something like the ingredients of a shampoo that nobody sees, what sells is the packaging, the promise of "giving the hair the brightness of a diamond", the quality of propaganda on TV, billboards...

The same happens with the candidates, they are merchandise. What matters is the envelope, the commercial breaks, but above all the promises, it does not matter if they are extravagant, crazy, what is imperative, is that move the consumer's soul and cover the expectation of satisfying false needs.

In the bourgeois elections, the false image covers the seriousness of a plan, the rigor of thought. The candidates turn to the electoral market and this will say, not who is better, but who was able to cheat the most, and who had a better packaging, who "sold" better.

Now, in a few months we will be having a bourgeois election, already the bourgeois candidates-merchandise were launched, they are a cartel, a mafia, they signed an agreement and the guarantor is the gringo embassy. There are several projects that coincide on hating Chavez, they loathe him because he seeks to vindicate the humble, and they hate him as they condemned the Liberator and crucified Christ.

The coming election is difficult, it is a huge marketing operation and we have a culture of market, merchandise and fake necessity. We live immersed in the manipulation of advertising, which is able to convert a poison into food with the same ease that makes a good-for-nothing into a Statesman.

Society begins to suffer the bombing of the electoral manipulation, promises and fears rain, lies dive into the electoral market, the truth disappears, and we are in a cruel war that looks to change the vote for illusions and fears.

There are many appropriate measures, the important thing is to approach time as a war against an enemy that has awesome weapons of physical destruction, as many as powerful weapons of manipulation of the collective soul, the latter are those that have been used against our Revolution, let’s recall “la Reforma”.

Let us prepare the battle. We cannot continue to act with the past’s same logic, we are in a new situation that deserves new behaviors, appropriate structures, appropriate organization and, especially, running the risk of breaking with the logic of the electoral market. We must have the same courage that made Chavez the leader.

Thus, this Revolution has consolidated in the hearts of the people thanks to its ability to break the logic of “la cuarta” and it has showed a behavior, a profoundly different feeling from the counterrevolutionaries.

There is future with Chavez!


Let’s recall that the forms of property, consciousness, and ideas are not independent, they form a group which influence each other. We know that, in opposition to the classical writer’s postulates, revolutions have happened in countries of low development of productive forces, low proletariat. This raises a question: how was possible for countries with low development make Revolution? What is the teaching? How to apply it? Let's see.

Realizing the revolutionary possibility in a country with little development of productive forces, and little proletariat, immediately it is evident the contradiction between ideologies that emerge from that situation and the ideological developments of the world Revolution.

If Revolution is captured by the same ideologies of that precarious level of development of productive forces, then it will dilute it into political conservative forms, late, at the most bourgeois; it will not make the historical leap. Such was the case after perez jimenez’s fall: at that time the ideology village -that guided us- could not break the logic of domination.

Now, if Revolution is led by the ideology of vanguard, by the most advanced at that time, then the logic of domination can be broken. Such was the case of the Revolution of Independence: the liberators assimilated the theory of the French Revolution, the Bourgeois Revolution, although here there was no a developed bourgeoisie. So, they could defeat the ideologies that revolved around the monarchical rule, as proposed by the Protection of the Rights Board of Fernando VII.

The Cuban Revolution is an extraordinary example: there they knew how to make a revolution from the field, but leaded by the most advanced ideology of the time. Thus, they got to rise above their circumstances.

The teaching is clear for us: it is necessary to rise above the ideologies emanating from our lack of material development, and overcome the ideologies that feed off our condition of a country that lives off the incomes, and rely on the most advanced universal revolutionary thought, the thought of the Cuban Revolution, Che’s, and Fidel’s.

It is essential that the Social Property of means of production is administered by the State in order to keep them social. And it is urgent to elevate excessively the Social Duty Awareness, and bring the economic forms and the Social Duty Awareness to excess. Only then with excess worlds are founded.

If we fall as prey to the same ideologies of our condition of a country that lives off the incomes, if we yield to the logic -installed by centuries- of political patronage, and if we find the revolutionary in "collective selfish" outputs, non-socials, we will be at the very best, distributing income more equitably, but not founding a new society. And so, at the less adverse wind, everything will make us collapse. The selfish collective (non-socials) forms will be, necessarily, against the Revolutionary Government, and at the end we will realize that we walk in a circle, and we let slip the opportunity to realize the miracle.

With Chavez all!

Sep 28, 2011


Pity the people who do not finish burying its mummies because they run the risk to return to slavery.

The right’s board -with its collection of mummies- is clear indication that this Revolution, this people, has much to do in the path towards redemption.

A bad sign is that the mommies from Punto Fijo’s pact still walk cool as a cucumber through the Venezuelan politics, carrying out –shamelessly- gringo plans. The worst signals are the widows of copei, leopoldo and capriles, those “ladino” fascists, with tattoo and chains, freshly competing in the dispute to lead the country.

It makes us feel deeply sad that former revolutionaries, even guerrilla commanders, put their desires together with the vilest of this society. They may have a thousand reasons to not be with Revolution, that is ethically questionable, but putting on the same side of fascism has no justification -walking around after the governor falcon and the fascist snobs- it is a contemptible with themselves and the most precious of the historical past of this country.

And all this happens in the name of what?

All this happens in the name of a "Democratic Socialism" unable to defend itself, of a propitious ambiguity for the resurrection of the mummies. All this should be revised; there will be time, now what is important is to preserve Revolution.

Mummies and opportunists cannot endanger the wonderful opportunity that we have to make a Revolution. It is not possible to give away our country to this bunch of unpatriotic persons. There are no excuses to do so. This people cannot sacrifice itself and finishing with hope.

It makes us feel dizzy just imagining a government of the board; it would be a government of gringos, a government of those monsters that despise us, of those who wash their hands with alcohol when they touch a humble person, of those who invented ghettos to hide the humble.

It makes our flesh crawl just thinking about what these persons -whose first action during the coup was to hide the Liberator’s picture - would do to the country. That was not casual, they are heirs of the oligarchy that betrayed Bolivar and took him to San Pedro Alexandria, and they are descendants of the murderers of Zamora and Fabricio. There they are, fascist in sheep's clothing to deceive a people that imagine it as candid as the Little Red Riding Hood.

Fortunately, there is Chavez, who runs this people willing to stop that San Pedro Alejandrino is not repeated, claiming the struggles of Zamora and Fabricio, and finally burying the mummies from the past and their opportunist accomplices.

On October 7th, it will not be a common choice, it will be a battle as the battle of Junin and Carabobo, that day will decided the definite fate of this country: we will choose if we keep on the path of sovereignty, existence, or if we deliver it to the empire which is the planet’s enemy, if we interweave with the future or decadence.

With Chavez there will be Motherland!

Sep 27, 2011


Mario Garcés, in the preface to the book "Miguel Enriquez and the revolutionary project in Chile", related that Allende, in the middle of defending the currency on September 11th, told his daughter Beatriz to communicate Miguel Enriquez -MIR’s General Secretary- the following message: Miguel, now is your turn!

It was late... The tragedy excreted from the rotten guts from cowards and traitors, already covered Chile. There was only the resistance of dignity, the heroic attitude of revolutionaries...

Here are a few paragraphs –perhaps- the last interview to Miguel Enriquez, October 8th, 1973. There are many teachings: Miguel is elevated as a Master, that reformism has wanted to silence. Let's see.

To the question: why the Government of Chile fell? He responds:

"The crisis of the domination system that had been developing for years in Chile, was crystallized in the rise to the government of “Unidad Popular”, deepening the anti-bourgeois crisis and multiplying the rise of mass movement. This generated conditions that allowed -if government had been used as an instrument of workers' struggles- to finish in the conquest of power by workers and a proletarian revolution. But the reformist project that tested the UP was imprisoned in the bourgeois order, it did not hit the group of the dominant classes, along with the hope of an alliance with a bourgeois sector, it did not support on the revolutionary organization of workers, with its own organs of power, it rejected the alliance with soldiers and NCOs and preferred strengthened within the capitalist State apparatus and officer corps of FFAA seeking to seal an alliance with a fraction of the bourgeoisie. The reformist illusion allowed the dominant classes strengthen in the State’s superstructure and from there begin its reactionary counter-offensive, first relying on business unions, then on the petit-bourgeoisie, and finally on the officer corps of FFAA, and then overthrow bloodily the government and suppress workers. The reformist illusion was paid and today the workers pay it viciously, its leaders and parties who tragically and heroically defended it until the last minute, confirming dramatically today the phrase of the century French revolutionary Saint-Just from the XVII century: Who makes revolutions halfway, he is only digging his own grave”.

Last question: Would you like to add anything else? asks Miguel:

Yes, today, Day of the Heroic Guerrilla, first of all to pay tribute to Salvador Allende, who gave his life defending his beliefs and thousands of heroes and martyrs in the streets, plazas, factories, villages and fields of Chile, of all the leftist organizations and workers who shed their blood, fighting against fascism, and those who still are falling or tortured today. In particular paying tribute to the member of the Central Committee and founder of the “Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria” (MIR), head of the Regional Committee of Valdivia, and 24 years of Fernando Krauss...”

With Chavez, San Pedro Alejandrino will not be repeated; the Currency will not be repeated!


Ideologies increasingly determine the political grouping. In the right board the stateless capitalists gather, Punto Fijo’s pact’s excrescence. Its position is defined; they are stateless followers of gringo instructions. These are clear: to get rid of Chavez, breaking OPEC to pay the price of oil to vile prices, to attack Cuba, to break the ALBA, to sell PDVSA to reduce it to an office for relations with the north, to take ownership of oil, and oil reserves, to chase the workers, make illegal the work unions and popular leaders. In short, it is capitalism. That way go their plans; those are no inventions or assumptions, that’s was what they did in April in less than 40 hours.

Thus, the stateless capitalists have their coordinating organization; it works as a Major State of gringo advance in the fourth generation warfare. There were parties of Punto Fijo’s pact and the pragmatic opportunists.

The stateless governors form a group that pretends scent of power the dissidence. Their personal interests betray them and ask for money to become stronger and blackmail their own allies, they want to return to the situation of small fiefdoms.

It is not difficult to detect these capitalist-imperialists poles. We should remember that the national bourgeoisies -as he put a classic write said- are caricatures of bourgeoisie, not national; they are appendages of world’s capitalism. It has no place for alliances with "national bourgeoisies" to a supposed stage of National Liberation; this is to take the scaffold the revolutionary possibility. The National Liberation can only be possible merged with Socialism; it is not an isolated step.

That is why capitalism defends itself in combination with these countries and the empire; they are mere agents of global capitalism, never their opponents.

The ideology situation within government is harder to pin down, tactical requirements confuse with strategic requirements. But the ideological struggle is inside us, and that is decisive for Revolution. Let's see.

Revolution has reached a point that demands ideological definition; it is that progress that explains the recent opportunist detachments. The ideological definition is essential for Revolution; from it, it will depend its future, but this is not easy, several forces conspire against it: customs, the lack of theoretical rigor, rejection for study, and the prestige of improvisation. Definitions, explanations, are attacked by opportunistic sects.

In short, to the ideological precision is opposed every culture that values the lack of rigor and irresponsibility in arguments, which conspires against the ideological construction.

Revolution must internalize that the construction of a revolutionary theory is nothing more than the adaptation of the revolutionary universal thought to our circumstances. It is a vital task, without this clarification, we will bump a lot in our practices, and we will confuse the masses, so it will be easy prey for the capitalists and reformists maneuvers.

In this task we must dedicate great energy. The study, discussion, the theoretical construction, they deserve all the attention.

With Chavez forever!

Sep 22, 2011


If we get to link the universal reasons to vote for Chavez, with the particular reasons, the victory will be assured. If we manage to understand that the happy existence cannot be solved without solving humanity’s bigger issues, voting in favor of Chavez will be massive. If we perceive clearly that only Socialism can give us space and time for life, then Revolution would be invincible in any confrontation against the empire’s horsemen from the Apocalypse.

This is the key to win in October 12th, and also to shield Revolution against the temptations of gringo-lackeys.

Socialism has vital universal justifications, general, what is amazing is that the big masses do not cling to it as a drowning man grabs -with the same despair- the table that means his life.

Thus, Socialism is only survival option that humanity has. The path towards capitalism is a certain extinction of the species, this is not a sentence of stunned preachers, and it is a fact accepted by the brightest minds on the planet. The imbalance of nature tells us the wrong way every day.

It is obvious that Socialism is a necessity of life or death. Every moment the slogan "Socialism or Death" becomes more effective, we could also say "Socialism or extinction", or more precisely, "Socialism or nothing". Already Rosa Luxemburg's slogan: "Socialism or Barbarism" lost validity, nothing, extinction, waiver of barbarism.

But if those general reasons seem distant, crazy preaching, if we feel sure in our ostrich’s ignorance, there are particular reasons. Only Socialism can provide us a new way of living that ensures a happy life. Capitalism makes man ill, it has uprooted of his condition, to the point of making him a consumer machine: he lives to consume, and consumption is the measure of everything. The world of things dominates the world of humans. Things are the measure of existence.

They had made us believe that only by consuming things and goods, we can be happy. But consumption in capitalism is infinite, so that way we are always dissatisfied; we buy something today, and before we get home that purchase becomes obsolete for us, we feel the anguish not having what it takes to be happy, and is that circle of purchasing and unrest, in that insane infinite consumption we consume life.

Socialism cure us from this ailment, it gives other content to human condition, it give us back the serenity of life among fraternal, we met up with ourselves because we recognize ourselves in our fellowman. After that, everything comes in addition; the material needs -now not unhealthy- are satisfied by the work of all. Life, in the integrated society, fosters in such way humanity, so that the sentence "taking the sky by storm" becomes real, and earth becomes heaven.

For Chavez, long life!

Sep 19, 2011


Mario Garcés, in the preface to the book "Miguel Enriquez and the revolutionary project in Chile", related that Allende, in the middle of defending the currency on September 11th, told his daughter Beatriz to communicate Miguel Enriquez -MIR’s General Secretary- the following message: Miguel, now is your turn!

It was late... The tragedy excreted from the rotten guts from cowards and traitors, already covered Chile. There was only the resistance of dignity, the heroic attitude of revolutionaries...

Here are a few paragraphs –perhaps- the last interview to Miguel Enriquez, October 8th, 1973. There are many teachings: Miguel is elevated as a Master, that reformism has wanted to silence. Let's see.

To the question: why the Government of Chile fell? He responds:

"The crisis of the domination system that had been developing for years in Chile, was crystallized in the rise to the government of “Unidad Popular”, deepening the anti-bourgeois crisis and multiplying the rise of mass movement. This generated conditions that allowed -if government had been used as an instrument of workers' struggles- to finish in the conquest of power by workers and a proletarian revolution. But the reformist project that tested the UP was imprisoned in the bourgeois order, it did not hit the group of the dominant classes, along with the hope of an alliance with a bourgeois sector, it did not support on the revolutionary organization of workers, with its own organs of power, it rejected the alliance with soldiers and NCOs and preferred strengthened within the capitalist State apparatus and officer corps of FFAA seeking to seal an alliance with a fraction of the bourgeoisie. The reformist illusion allowed the dominant classes strengthen in the State’s superstructure and from there begin its reactionary counter-offensive, first relying on business unions, then on the petit-bourgeoisie, and finally on the officer corps of FFAA, and then overthrow bloodily the government and suppress workers. The reformist illusion was paid and today the workers pay it viciously, its leaders and parties who tragically and heroically defended it until the last minute, confirming dramatically today the phrase of the century French revolutionary Saint-Just from the XVII century: Who makes revolutions halfway, he is only digging his own grave.

Last question: Would you like to add anything else? asks Miguel:

Yes, today, Day of the Heroic Guerrilla, first of all to pay tribute to Salvador Allende, who gave his life defending his beliefs and thousands of heroes and martyrs in the streets, plazas, factories, villages and fields of Chile, of all the leftist organizations and workers who shed their blood, fighting against fascism, and those who still are falling or tortured today. In particular paying tribute to the member of the Central Committee and founder of the “Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria” (MIR), head of the Regional Committee of Valdivia, and 24 years of Fernando Krauss...”

With Chavez, San Pedro Alejandrino will not be repeated; the Currency will not be repeated!


The gringo thinking tanks deepen their attack against the Bolivarian Revolution and Commander Chavez; they move all their tricks to prepare the ground for an attack. Let's see.

They carried out a job to study where to anchor a campaign of fear. We know that terror is one of their main weapons to lead, manipulate and enslave societies.

The gringo society responds automatically to fear, an example is the self-attack to the twin towers of New York. This led to a panic that already has taken ten years justifying wars, invasions, tortures and laws that threaten their own culture. Because of that fear, they accept the greatest cruelties and forget the economic difficulties. Thus, the nazi concentration camps like Guantanamo’s are admitted, and the genocide in Libya is accepted as a defense.

Here among us, they found that insecurity was the best support to frighten us and lead us. And they are developing a smart campaign to obtain results.

All their spokesmen exaggerate the insecurity problem, the best manipulation techniques are used; and there will not be missed planned crimes, leaded to create an image of insecurity, there groups are not ruled out destined to such actions.

The means of disinformation and manipulation play their role: everyday they publish "short stories" of insecurity, one of the most effective ways to pass distribution of opinion to masses, every day appear "short stories" about robberies, murders, etc. . The offense is obvious.

The question that arises is: how to deal with it? There are several levels of the struggle against the insecurity matrix.

The first thing is to recognize that there is a problem, as Commander Chavez said, is a world problem.

Second, the police response is required and it must be deepened: the creation of the National Police, patrolling, seizure of drugs- all that is important.

Third, we must deal with the situation in its origin, in ideology. This battle has two edges: one, to fight the gringo onslaught, demonstrating that they -the ethics that capitalism generates, selfishness, disdain for human and the deification of money- cannot end with insecurity in capitalist countries, on the contrary, it is the cause of it and support it. Central America and Brazil are as examples of the capitalist development against insecurity towards the mafias. The main battle against insecurity is within ideology.

And, simultaneously, it is necessary to impose and socialize a new ethic, which do not make the crime a tool for appreciation, on the contrary, let it be reason to discredit it. This is the ultimate solution to the problem of insecurity: it is an issue that emerges from the guts of the capitalist system, and it will only find solution in the Social System, which is a deep change in ethics and morals, the establishment of the Society of Love.

Towards that objective and cultural change, campaigns, the action of cultural tools and spreading from the Revolutionary State, should be directed to.

Only with Socialism and Chavez we will defeat insecurity!

Sep 16, 2011


Ultimately it is about life, existence and quality of that existence. That is the essence of the Revolution’s battle facing the counter-revolution, Socialism, challenging capitalism. That is the measure of all things, all actions, this should be the scene of comparisons.

Gringos-lackeys have a fierce campaign against Chavez’s government, against Revolution, they put forward insecurity as a central argument, they exaggerate the numbers, advertising them, and transforming them into small stories, little soap operas that infiltrate the noble soul of this people.

Revolution must show its numbers and reasons. Let's see.

A government never had done that much for life, for its existence and its quality as the Socialist Government. Socialism has as essence, and reason to be: life, man.

Capitalism -in contrast to its selfish ethics- has a centre, as a reason for its existence, gain, profit, hoarding things, wasteful consumption. Thus, within capitalism: who have the most, worth the most; it does not matter how the objects, money is gotten, money, what is important is to have them. A blackberry enhances whether if it is purchased or if it is product of murder, a good car gives the same status if it is purchased or obtained by corruption, speculation, or drug trafficking which sentence youth to spiritual poverty.

It is time to show what Socialism does for life. Let's see.

Barrio Adentro has saved about half a million lives! Lives of children, elderly, women, boys, that are out there happy, love, sad at times, going to movies, work, owe their lives to Barrio Adentro, to Socialism. This should be advertised strongly, the government’s tools for the dissemination must tell every day the little big stories of these saved lives from the capitalist scythe. And let the opposition tell the lives that ceased because they were not treated during capitalism’s medicine.

Barrio Adentro has fifty-five million of medical consultations that have relived from illnesses and have given quality of life.

These numbers -without counting the other Missions- give an idea of respect for life within socialism, during capitalism this would never be shown. Do not come to talk about insecurity the defenders of the capitalist system, the most insecure system, with more contempt for life, which humanity has delivered.

Murders and robberies are always motivated by the ethics of capitalism, of having, the easy achievement over all considerations, and the lack of Awareness of Social Duty. These crimes are attributable to capitalism.

If any fault has the Revolutionary Government is to not have advanced faster in the rise of the socialist ethics; also the failure of telling these little great stories. The problem of insecurity can be solved with more Socialism, but never with more capitalism.

With Chavez and Socialism will end up with insecurity!

Sep 15, 2011


Oligarchs use fear as a political tool. The meanest forms of capitalist domination, like nazism; they focus that fear on social groups that in this way are deprived of any right.

In Germany, it was accepted to violate Jewish people’s rights and condemned them to concentration camps, and cruelty, rather than produce outrage; it caused the relief of seeing a "threat", built by the nazis, neutralized.

During Independence, the imperial cruelty was such magnitude, which at that time to be patriotic justified the worst atrocities: burning the accused, quartered and drawn them with horses, and hanging their head. There was such a dishonor, that the Liberator was forced to decree the Patriots’ defense, known as Decree of War to Death.

The Bolivarian Revolution is subjected to an offensive producer of fear, and drilling terror. The offense is a national and international, the empire does not misstep. Recent allegations of foreign gringo politics against General Cliver, Bernal, Amilcar Figueroa and Ramon Madriz, are part of this campaign. Let's see.

The columnist of the newspaper "El Nacional", milagros socorro, reveals the empire’s intentions to create fear. Surfing in the feeling of rejection to the self-attack to the towers, they assimilate it to Chavez; they lead the feeling of rejection against us. Let’s read what milagros’ pen says, rented to the empire and bobolongo:

"On the eve of the tenth anniversary of the attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Department of Treasury of United States, announced the inclusion of four senior officials of the Government of Venezuela in the dreaded Clinton’s list of international terrorists. (...) in accordance with the United States foreign politics and the Kingpin Act Drug Trafficking (...)

But this does not stop here. Szubin, the director of OFAC, said very clearly that -that office- "aggressively will continue to target the structures of FARC in Venezuela and the support of the entire region". This means that the aforementioned supporters of FARC have a little folder at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C., where every day a file, a picture, a recording is documented. Thursday's announcement was nothing more than the public announcement of a sustained process of investigation that could follow the same course of Manuel Antonio Noriega’s case. And some would come out of that trance with an orange jumpsuit and walking as a geisha as a result of the handcuffs on hands and feet (...) you can be sure of one thing: everything they have done was recorded by "gringos". And those do not talk shit consecutively, they put the chains”.

The hacks emboldened, their character of foreign agents comes out, and thus they demonstrate that the battle is today, as during Independence, it is motherland against unpatriotic.

With Chavez and Socialism we will defeat the gringo maneuver!


The philosopher George Santayana once wrote: "Whoever does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it". History has shown that the statement is true; who ignores history is doomed to repeat it with a great burden of sacrifice for the unwary companies.

For us in Venezuela, one of the historical experiences that we must study rigorously is Chile’s Revolution. Allende is for us a teacher, he must learn from him.

Allende's Revolution -of course keeping the cultural differences of the two peoples- is very similar to ours: both pretend to be peaceful, both have the same enemies and suffer the same attacks. Undoubtedly, we must learn from it, repeating its outcome would be catastrophic.

Revolutions are miracles made by humans. There are many factors involved in it, and there are a lot of mistakes that can lead to defeat the process, therefore it is very important to study past experiences, only that way humanity learns to build astonishment.

Let’s see some teachings of the Allende’s Revolution.

First lesson: the ruling classes are able to do anything to maintain their dominance; they are capable of creating the biggest illusion of "democracy," and also to appeal to the most brutal dictatorship. Consequently, the revolutionary forces should not hold their politics in the oligarch respect beliefs to laws; they have no law than defending the Capital.

In Chile, they violated the most basic codes, fundamental rights, without even blushing. Frei and Pinochet are the both faces of the same oligarch domination.

Second lesson: Partnerships with the oligarchy are the kiss of Judas: the betrayal. Oligarchies are not human, they are personifications of Capital, and are possessed by the god of money, and they obey their commands and have no will.

Holding to the oligarchy does not save Revolution. Instead, the people, the mass that supports Revolution gets confused, it is a prey of skepticism, it withdraws and in that moment the oligarchy takes his claws out and snatches it.

Third lesson: The offensive of oligarchies against revolutions is carried out from an external front, easily detected; and from an inner front, they are harder to see. This inner front is the most damaging in peaceful revolutions, it presents formulas that mislead and weaken.

This inner front -reformist- was largely the failure of the Chilean miracle, the reconciliation in Chile disconcerted its popular support base and enabled the onslaught of the military bourgeois.

Reformers are the most dangerous expression of oligarchy; they are an effective crafty force, disguised, an important part in the collapse of Revolutions. Then, they make history, and as the cat, they hide their blame attributed to true revolutionaries. Thus, the Chilean reformers went out to the world to distort that story and blame on the Chilean MIR for the oligarchy’s defeat and the castrating agreement.

Glory Salvador Allende and Miguel Enriquez!
With Chavez all!
Irreverence in discussion, Loyalty in action!

Sep 12, 2011


The imperial monster advances on Revolution, every day it gives a step towards this goal, it is clear that its jugular circumstances imposed to Chavez. The drums announcing the executioners’ dance can be heard nearly, the same heard in Libya or Iraq; the same macabre melody that covered Chile in September, and echoed here in April.

We must be alert; the monster does not take a step without effect. Everything it does is part of a well planned coup. The campaign to exacerbate the problem of violence, the fraudulent offers from “mud” to end insecurity caused by the capitalist system that they defend are an infamous piece of their plan.

It is with this vision that we must consider the incorporation of General Cliver Alcalá, Deputy Freddy Bernal, the former president of Parlatino Amilcar Figueroa, and the intelligence officer Ramon Madriz, to the list of "drug dealers" from the gringo state's department, led by hillary-the dark. In addition, she accuses them of having links with FARC, an insurgent movement against the bloody “santanderiana” oligarchy, who is also qualified of drug traffickers and terrorists.

The measure has two impacts:

One, there in the guts of the beast, they sensitize their hypnotized public opinion, building us an image of outlaw and dangerous government to the safety of gringos, thereby they would accept and even require an intervention against Revolution.

The other impact is internal, it is to demonstrate that its power transcends borders, which can punish whomever they want anywhere in the world, so they try to moralize their lackeys and, above all, to provide them security to the pro-coup leaders and their hacks, they will appear writing and underpinning the media manipulations.

In the coming months, it would be decided where Venezuelans want their government to be, whether in Washington or Caracas, if we will be ruled by a patriot like Chavez or unpatriotic fool from “mud”. That is today’s political situation. We are at war with the international capitalist monster, it already has its military outpost here, and “mud” is a command of that army capitalist world that imposes bloodily its will on the planet. They form rows with the empire and attack our motherland, that is, Socialism; the only way to have motherland. With capitalism there can only be submission.

They come to subjugate, they bring into their hands the rusty chains that Revolution put down and throw to the sea, following the mandates of the sacred hymn. It is selfishness which raises the voices again.

They were wrong! They mess with the people of Liberators! Here we will wait for them with the patriotic bravely that leads “el Paso de Los Andes” to liberate half a continent. Here they will not apply the cowardly bombing in the morning and have lunch quietly in New York or Paris. If they touch us, the whole continent will burn with the fire of dignity, there will be no peace for the invaders and their lackeys.

Only with Chavez and Socialism there is motherland!


Revolutions –crouched and at the bottom- carry the seeds of its destruction. That enemy, that goes unnoticed, is very dangerous. In contrast, the oligarchy is clear, easily recognizable, and that gives it a disadvantage in the struggle.

Thus, it is important to understand the "modus operandi" of the crouched enemy. Let's see.

Every Revolution and more if it is peaceful, is inhabited by the past: customs and logic resist die, and strive to defeat the socialist possibilities. The political expression of this past is reformism; its class support is the petit bourgeois ideology.

The past within Revolution cannot act openly; it would be easily detected and its work would be canceled, so it covers propositions with Socialist discourse that undermine progress.

The crouched supporters of the old are defenders of capitalism; that is their greatest weakness; they defend what is exhausted, and what is unable to solve the lacks of humanity, the problems created by them.

They are fair in their political actions, balanced, they have no excesses, they have great restraint, little debauchery, they are always calling to reflection, they offer general comment that any side would support, and e.g. who may disagree when ending poverty or improving education? They never say how they will achieve their proposals; by doing it would be exposed their capitalist character, the inability to solve something.

They expect the crisis, real or fictitious, it is there where deploy their strategy; in times of difficulty they shout that we must make alliance with capitalism and slide towards the political centre, and build a hybrid. On behalf of an alleged productivity, they justify the alliance.

When Revolution runs to the centre, it loses its economic and political boundaries, it opens the way to the kiss of Judas, and there is no limit for the enemy. They build bridges; the battle between two systems gives place to the coexistence between the plundered and the appropriate: "now we all are one", "working for the common good". Generalities justify the union, the question of how to realize the promises is considered impertinent, typical of extremists; the infamous magic that transformed the capitalist into ally is modernity.

Reformists’ accomplices are the renegades, these we know; now they speak with the same fury with which they –yesterday- defended the opposite. The renegades are discovered contraband that is the fate of reformers when Revolution is successful, to each disclaims the move forward.

The struggle against reformism is not easy; it is about an expert enemy who managed to defeat Socialism in countries like China, Chile and USSR. It can be only defeated from strong trenches of ideas, theoretical rigor is the best weapon of Revolution. It is vital to understand the essence of Socialism, let’s ballasting of the ideological pyrotechnics that qualifies from coffee to the avenue that opened yesterday. It is imperative to equip Socialism of a solid definition, and to specify the characteristics that determine it and differentiate it from the fakes. That is the only way to defeat the inner enemy. Let’s paraphrase the Liberator: "Moral and Socialist Enlightenment, are our first needs”.

With Chavez all!

Sep 9, 2011


There are some concepts that due to misuse become a kind of wildcard, useful to get out of any theoretical or practical difficulty. One of these concepts is "to invent or to err", another is "under construction". With these "wild cards", we have slipped many fables and avoided the rigor of study and thought.

However, there is a wild card that beats them all: "transition". This wild card has the scent of theoretical depth, it is released and Gramsci's quote comes back, so this way the stage is decorated to support any atrocity.

Thus, the alliance with capitalism is justified by the "transition”. Encouraging capitalist enterprises is the "transition." No changes are made, "transition". The best possible wildcard is used, and as a magic wand, it explains everything. In the "transition" fits all. The perverse use of the concept brings a problem and a demand.

Transition exists, it is necessary, the reality imposes it. The difficulty is to distinguish the real transition from the evading transition, and how we identify it? How we move within it? Let's see.

Transition is the area where, as Gramsci said: "The old does not stop dying and the new does not stop to be born", and he adds that there are moments of light and shade where monsters can be reborn. We infer that transition is not a comfort zone, where whatever we do, fits well. No! On the contrary, it is a territory of fierce class struggle, of deep ideological struggle.

Thus, theoretical preparation and the study of reality are indispensable to the revolutionary success within transition. In other words, the Revolutionary transition can be defeated.

From all this arises few questions that guide us: how do we know whether the transition is good? What is the goal? Where do we go?

First of all, is to understand that transition is a violent clash of tendencies.

The counterrevolution, in all its versions, fights to impose its logic, its values, and its political and economic principles; Revolution battles to overcome the culture of capitalism, of the counterrevolution.

There is the measure of how right the path towards Revolution is. If the measures that we take benefit us, encourage the values of the old, we are going in a wrong way, and however, if those benefit the ethics and the culture of Socialism, we are good.

Hence, to successfully navigate through the transition, it is essential to know where we are going, what is the purpose of Revolution. The task is not easy, several responses showed the fierce inner struggle.

Reformers do not have clear answers to these questions; they prefer to take refuge in the wild cards, to impute the imprecision of "transition", biting their tail, and diluting themselves in generalities.

The confusion of goals helps oligarchy; the spontaneity always ends up playing the old. We, Revolutionaries must establish clearly the objective, and only that way the path will acquire meaning, it may be evaluated and corrected, and only then we can we think of the triumph over the counterrevolutionary tendency.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!


The rotten part of the Venezuelan politics is run by the gringo embassy. The Yankee diplomatic cables confirm this. It is not just maria corina machado zuloaga -an evident agent- others came along and we must think that the board is riddle with this kind of unpatriotic persons. The putrefaction reaches our borders: only yesterday, today’s accused take positions within the revolutionary camp.

The fact warns in two directions. One, we must be aware of the work of foreign intelligence services, not just gringos, but also from other countries, especially Spain, because of its cultural bonds, it has more opportunities to camouflage. Presumably, they have a recruitment policy that gives those results; let us remember the fine intelligence work to assassinate Che.

The other warning is that we cannot fall into witch hunting; we cannot start a sort of mistrust of everyone and everything. That attitude would work for the enemy, and it would be exalted by the intelligence services.

The question that arises is: how to fight the enemy infiltration?

The answer has two edges:
one, the work of the intelligence corps, we have to be confidents that they are doing their work and have the ability to improve.

The other edge, more importantly, is the ideological definition, indispensable, although some people describe it as sectarianism.

Ideology is an extraordinary barrier against infiltrators, because it is self-control against opportunism, it becomes evident in front of it. It is not infallible, but it is an indication, it turns on the alarms. Let us think that before crossing the gates of the embassy, the lacey crossed the thresholds of pragmatic capitalist ideology, which allows him to assassinate the Motherland.

A moment's reflection, we will realize that furtive visitors to the embassy have a common ideology: they are opportunists, always show signs of that, and let’s remember ismael’s shouts for carlos andres in a pro-Chavez event.

Other visitors that go to the embassy are the defenders of capitalist property, or renegades to the availability of the foreign intelligence; as teodoro, who now poses as the leftist of “mud”, they use him the pink touch to the candidates; we already know why he called "dreadful gorilla" to the gringo Senator, but he does not dare with the system that hatched her.

The ideological definition is the most important defense against infiltrators: it gives it deepness to the work of the intelligence corps. The ideological definition has the virtue of being a barrier to these infiltrators; they act in territories of ambiguity, and crash against definitions. A clear revolution in its principles diminishes its maneuver ability, it ties them up.

This appearance of traitors in the gringo embassy should be to raise awareness that we are in a war against the empire, which is not story or electoral maneuver, this is the defense of Motherland: we defend it or we leave it to these confirmed unpatriotic persons.

Only along with Chavez and Socialism there is Motherland!

Sep 7, 2011


Let’s recall that the forms of property, consciousness, and ideas are not independent, they form a group which influence each other. We know that, in opposition to the classical writer’s postulates, revolutions have happened in countries of low development of productive forces, low proletariat. This raises a question: how was possible for countries with low development make Revolution? What is the teaching? How to apply it? Let's see.

Realizing the revolutionary possibility in a country with little development of productive forces, and little proletariat, immediately it is evident the contradiction between ideologies that emerge from that situation and the ideological developments of the World Revolution.

If Revolution is captured by the same ideologies of that precarious level of development of productive forces, then it will dilute it into political conservative forms, late, at the most bourgeois; it will not make the historical leap. Such was the case after perez jimenez’s fall: at that time the ideology village -that guided us- could not break the logic of domination.

Now, if Revolution is led by the ideology of vanguard, by the most advanced at that time, then the logic of domination can be broken. Such was the case of the Revolution of Independence: the liberators assimilated the theory of the French Revolution, the Bourgeois Revolution, although here there was no a developed bourgeoisie. So, they could defeat the ideologies that revolved around the monarchical rule, as proposed by the Protection of the Rights Board of Fernando VII.
The Cuban Revolution is an extraordinary example: there they knew how to make a revolution from the field, but leaded by the most advanced ideology of the time. Thus, they got to rise above their circumstances.

The teaching is clear for us: it is necessary to rise above the ideologies emanating from our lack of material development, and overcome the ideologies that feed off our condition of a country that lives off the incomes, and rely on the most advanced universal revolutionary thought, the thought of the Cuban Revolution, Che’s, and Fidel’s.

It is essential that the Social Property of means of production is administered by the State in order to keep them social. And it is urgent to elevate excessively the Social Duty Awareness, and bring the economic forms and the Social Duty Awareness to excess. Only then with excess worlds are founded.

If we fall as prey to the same ideologies of our condition of a country that lives off the incomes, if we yield to the logic -installed by centuries- of political patronage, and if we find the revolutionary in "collective selfish" outputs, non-socials, we will be at the very best, distributing income more equitably, but not founding a new society. And so, at the less adverse wind, everything will make us collapse. The selfish collective (non-socials) forms will be, necessarily, against the Revolutionary Government, and at the end we will realize that we walk in a circle, and we let slip the opportunity to realize the miracle.

With Chavez all!

Sep 6, 2011


It is unanimous the perception of the crisis, the statements of the sides show that the struggle for power gets sharp, all sectors of the country participate in the discussion, from the military to drivers, this is a clear sign of crisis.

Despite what carlos blanco says, the crisis is a great opportunity to advance. We can say that crises are necessary stations for the advance of Revolution and –simultaneously- are of high risk of restoration. The triumph is not mechanical; it will depend on the intelligence, organization and consciousness that reach the revolutionary forces. Success smiles to preparation.

It is necessary to prepare Revolution for the coming stage, where the rules of the game, necessarily, will change: before, preparation, the electoral machinery, propaganda, the "jingles", the stands from the red party, banners were first. Now the conscious mobilization of the acting majority become priority, the clarity of the lines of command is vital, discipline and, above all, the clarity of ideas, definition of goals.

The party must be electoral machinery, but also an organization capable of acting strongly in situations of social turmoil. The structure must be lubricated in such way that it can operate even in extreme conditions, so the indications given by the direction reach expedite the last corner of the nation.

Simultaneously, every structure, every activist must be ready to act in isolation, knowing the spirit of the party so much that they can reproduce it without indications. Recalling that guideline of the classic writers: "a revolutionary, even under conditions of total isolation, is capable of acting as a revolutionary, to become in his own commander, in his own army".

It would be desirable to alert the people and the party’s members, explaining the intentions from the empire and the national lackeys –which are out from the rules of the electoral game, everyone have to be clear of what is now decided, we have to shield from deception.

It would be convenient and it is time to train emergency agencies that are able to analyze the new situation and its quick changes, to know the enemy and us. The positive surveys are not enough, the expressions of affection for the Commander; it is necessary to "organize love."

The merger with the people should be deepened, that is the guarantee of preserving the operational ability of Revolution.

Revolutionary ideology is the main pillar of preparation face the crisis. It is urgent, indispensable, a great excitement around study, and the ideological discussion. The study should be essential in the life of the people, knowing what the goal, what the intentions are; the motives of Revolution will make us invincible.

The Revolution must defend and prepare to move forward, leading the people in resistance to the oligarch offensive that shows on the horizon.

The cards are released, success will favour the cautious. The warned war only defeats the careless.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, without Socialism there is no Chavez!


In “Rebelión” we read the article "From development to the economic politic of decrease" by Jesse Chacón. This article is a good omen, Revolution is thinking seriously, and it searches –rigorously- for the path. Let's see.

Jesse says: "In 2006, The Bolivarian Revolution started an intense political, economic and social process to deconstruct of the capitalist relations and undock from the global yoke of capital in the construction of the national course; however, we have not warned that the central node of the capitalist reproduction is the philosophy of growth and development, which we revere every day. The focus of capitalist reproduction is in the development as a race to make growth unlimited and make consumption in a limited economic and environmental context”.

The problem of the Revolution is clearly stated: the limited economic and environmental context does not allow unlimited growth What to do? Chacon reflects and answers:

How do we protect ourselves?, How to keep up on our ascendant route to overcome poverty and improve the quality of life of our people?, We are sure that the answer is the classic neo-liberal formula to reduce public spending and download on the shoulders of the people the crisis created by capitalists.

Our alternative is to set up (...) a new focus not centre on growth but on the decline. The decrease relates to an economic and environmental perspective -that estimates that the weather crisis and the structural crisis of capitalism- can only be overcome from the left, just if the productive development model is abandoned, its cult of growth for growth without considering the limits, and the overvaluation of the energy pattern as the current technical-scientific.

...It means to understand that we are approaching a limit of historical moment where the key elements for our survival and reproduction as a society are energy, food and water, and the classic goals: the industrial and financial goals.

... The construction of a path of endogenous development, articulated with Latin America and respectful of the environment would be our antidote against the impending collapse of the global capitalist financial model.

So, Jesse is flying high in his reflections, he says the main problem of Revolution, he does not go into political padding. We congratulate him, to Revolution the time to deep thinking has come.

Now, Jesse deals with the crisis just from the material side, which is one side of this necessary debate -very important- but it is just one edge, and not the most important.

It is necessary to reflect on the spiritual side, education of an awareness of the mass that prepares it to accept and promote the necessary material changes. Without that awareness, whatever we think to confront the crisis would be futile, we would not even be able to save electricity, and stop wasting gas.

It is there where the teachings of Che are essential: the New Man, the primacy of moral incentives over material, Voluntary Work, the Awareness of Duty Social C, and above all, his example. Now more than ever, it is necessary to study Che.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 31, 2011


Having a sense of the historical moment -as Fidel said in his concept of Revolution- requires intelligence to grasp it and a great courage to act likewise, changing it, driving it; that is the essence that the revolutionary leaders are made off, that differentiates them from faded politicians that move according to how the wind blows. These do not change anything, those found worlds.

Bolivar understood his historical moment, he fed from the French Revolution, and the Haitian black rebellion; and from that understanding, he had the courage to break with himself, with his “Mantuano” social class; as Fidel said, changing whatever it needs to be changed. Bolivar fought for independence and broke the stillness of three hundred years; he was the hurricane that founded a new time.

The Liberator was anti-imperialist, as corresponded in his time, he emancipated slaves, and that was the most radical economic transformation of his century, he also had a vision of the Great Motherland and we are still struggling to achieve it. Undoubtedly, Bolivar is a Revolutionary.

Fidel -that living monument of Revolution- is aware of his historical moment and the courage to plant Revolution ninety miles away from the empire, a country with minimal development of proletariat. He knew how to break dogmas and establish a Republic with economic and social awareness; today is a moral sanctuary for the revolutionaries of the planet.

With the Bolivarian Revolution and Commander Chavez, we have deeply moved forward within the transformation of Socialism. Every day, we understand that economy must be controlled by society through the revolutionary State, that control is a requisite so the human snatches to capital, the leadership of its life, so the gain stops being the centre of existence, and man and nature take their place of privilege.

We recover our self-esteem, the human condition that leaded us to be an example for the continent. Now with Commander Chavez, the people found a leader that resumes it. He has the intelligence to understand that the historical moment calls for the creation of a reference for humanity in the capitalism’s surmounting, a society that melts and expands Socialism with its example, that shows that is possible to rise from the capitalist miasma into forms of liberating organization.

He is a leader with the courage to act according to the historical moment, and able to face the empire, and capable to make the changes where something has to be changed.

There are several samples of Chavez’s revolutionary texture; right now, he faces the stature of a giant against the global capitalist empire. He is one of the few world political leaders that come out defending the hounded Kaddafi, while the world turns to other side face the genocide in that merciless bombed people, in view of that “criminal hunting!” of their legitimate ruler. Chavez fulfils us with internationalist proud when he takes position with dignity.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 26, 2011


Definitions are always imperfect but indispensable. We cannot talk seriously without defining the terms we use, these generally are set in advance, and they are customary.

So when we say "in the afternoon he/she visited us" most people understand what it is about. But, when communication is scientific, then the mass that uses it, defines the terms used with maximum precision. Such is the case of doctors, for them "syndrome" is a term with unambiguous meaning. The same for an engineer, the term “debutanization” does not confuse who understand this.

In politics complication is bigger: this is an activity where interests converge: culture, tradition, big and small struggles; we can say that it is the most human activity of all done by man. With it, it confuses reality with fiction, intentions with achievements; the truth is slippery, and lying is ethical, experimentation is impossible. It is the soul and territory of confrontation, material is subordinated to it, crime is an instrument, manipulation a virtue, and this often is a hindrance. Moral values ​​are changeable, history is written lecturing by the interested. Therefore, definitions are more blurring, but more necessary than any other area.

In politics, for example, calling "bastard" to a bad person can be manipulated to mean insult to an honourable lady, and thus attacking to an opponent's television show. Also "petit bourgeois" may signify an offence that annoys, when it is a technical term that indicates social relations. For that reason, it is useful to define what sense are we using the terms. Let's see.

In politics definition is clear, many times and for many people; it is not convenient, it does not allow comfortable movement, so it is branded of being dogmatic, rigid, and slightly wide.

For us, Revolutionary is defined primarily by its position face property of the means of production and consciousness. From this essence dislodges a set of characteristics, morals and ethics.

This definition is imperfect; it is a tool that let us move in the ambiguous sea of politics, it is a guide to action.

Being so, the thesis that postulate that Revolution is possible, in favour of Social Property of the means of production administered by the State, and the Consciousness of the Social Duty which intertwine within, and the integration of the fragmented society, would be revolutionary in the strict sense of the word, in the technical sense. This is the core that determines the search, the goal.

So, no one can feel offended if their theory does not fit into this definition, which is certainly not our invention, it is a decantation of the best universal revolutionary thought. Let no one be offended, you can be a good person, always on the side of the humble, but your thesis cannot be classified as Revolutionary.

Irreverence in the discussion, loyalty in action!

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 25, 2011


Extinction threats the species, and exclusion threads bigger majorities. This truth is borne out by scientists and the best minds on the planet. Extinction or survival is the dilemma that makes all human activity, and determinately the politics; it is where the contradiction explodes. Let's see.

Capitalism needs a rising and wasteful consumption, and that is the requirement for the accumulation of capital, to transform the stolen labor into money which condensed on goods. Hence, any activity within capitalism is subordinated to wasteful consumption. Politics is central to this culture of waste; it has as a main function to guarantee the material and spiritual conditions for the rising consumption.

However, this relationship between politics and the culture of consumption, created a devilish circle: to be elected it is necessary to promise waste, and this will lead us to extinction. The most important task of Revolution is to break this circle.

Here in Venezuela, a country that has inherited the capitalist logic, is present in this devilish circle, it has been installed for over a century of oil revenues, and it has misrepresented us the relationship between work and achievement. So, the government is measured by its ability to make the capitalist consumption possible.

Revolution expresses the quest for "the good living", a goal that deserves study. The perception of the good life depends on and determines the ideological position.

The vision of the good living that meshes with the capitalist mentality is that one that allows the highest possible consumption; satisfying the insatiable artificial needs imposed on us by capitalism. Living immersed in the world of things, and what can be bought and sold, so the wheel of capitalism keeps turning, accumulating.

This vision decrees a war of everyone against all, the individual pursuit of the good living, selfish; it necessarily produces misery and distress. For every one that can sustain the rate of consumption, there are thousands who are left out of any opportunity to satisfy even their basic needs.

The vision of the good living that corresponds to Revolution is that which, satisfying the material and spiritual needs of nature, creates the conditions for integral human development, everything in harmony with nature. It is a social search, not individual or selfish.

The devilish circle leads us to extinction in the medium term, and leads us to the exclusion in the immediate terms, so it must be broken.

Revolution -with the measures taken to regulate the consumption of electricity, to control the waste, and encourage the savings- has taken a major step towards the new culture, it is a serious and courageous attempt to break the devilish circle.

The counter-revolutionary leaders when opposing to these measures are mean. By stimulating the selfishness they walk through the path towards the extinction and exclusion, they try to get us drunk so we continue worshiping the golden calf and turning ourselves’ back to the future.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 24, 2011


For the battalion (negri hacnecker, dussel, dieterich, meszaros), Chavez is its biggest challenge, it already had obtained partial success: Porto Alegre got to distract during years the revolutionary forces, and Chiapas was a faded hope in these theories’ miasma.

Chavez’s arrival ramshackle all these theories, they had to restore the speech and suit it to the new situation, "philosophizing" to prevent that the Bolivarian Revolution follows its redemption’s path.

The battalion moved here, it quickly gains followers and positions to boost its distractions. While the battle was against the pro-coup extreme right they come into effect, but in April and December, when the crisis called forward, they showed his reformist character.

When Chavez announces anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism, and called this Revolution of Socialist, the battalion understood that the decisive moment of battle had come. The goal was and is: how to moderate the intentions of change, how to make them harmless.

So, it opens up inside the process an internal struggle between the distraction-reformism and the deepening of Revolution.

The battalion’s propositions come up as fungus: forums and books, they underpin it. In economics, they were proposed to avoid completely the social property, from cooperatives, endogenous centers, Social Production Companies. In the social field, they influenced on fragmentation. Politically, they hindered the party’s organization. In the cultural field, they sabotaged education, preventing the outbreak that a Revolution supposes.

However, reality is stubborn and showed that the counter-revolutionary battalion’s theories do not work. Their results were meager: there was the need to move forward, the wind of the confrontation forced to take revolutionary measures, it was deepened it, and the Permissive Revolution was abbreviated.

Now the battalion's theories are more explicit, its ideological bases appear more clearly, they are sharpened. Three final elements emerge strongly.

First, Revolution is "not possible", "it is recklessness", "it is not to be in tune with reality", "it is very good but is idealistic", "the real is to adapt to a kind of social democracy", a sort of "empowering the people" but not jeopardizing the system. So, people are just concerned to resolve their life, their environment, and do not look up to society, without focusing on the system.

Second, there is the rejection of the State, it is branded as Soviet, bourgeois, and it is intended to substitute it with forms that fragment society, making it incapable of political action.

The third element is to attack the leader; they know that there is no Revolution without a leader, so the story goes. How to do it? if his reputation is so great, the answer has several edges.

Some, including dussel, equal him to the social democratic leaders from the continent. Thus, Lula, Kirchner, Tavaré are the same as Chavez. To these social democratic leaders compare them with the socialist hope of this Bolivarian Revolution. Others dust off the hyper leadership theory.

One of the most important battles of Revolution is the confrontation with this battalion’s theories, and unmasks them as counter-revolutionaries.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 23, 2011


The discomfort that was brewing for previous years is bursting with the fall of the Soviet Union. Then, perplexity took account of revolutionaries and the empire, and with vengeance it kicked the dead dog. In the intellectual universe -quickly- were composed the capitalist forces and they began their offensive.

The intellectual attack has two phases:

One, that we might call direct confrontation: the counter-revolutionary intellectuals -led by the intoxication of victory- declared the "end of history", beyond capitalism there would not be nothing, the most that it could be done is to perfection it.

This first stage of frontal collision was contradicted by reality: poverty and the disenchantment of the masses produces riots, social explosions that need to be interpreted and, above all, charge them. The direct intellectual assault was not effective to keep peace of domination.

The empire knew that, if the social discomfort escalated into political goals, it would be an alternative to capitalism, it would endanger it. That could not be allowed, we have to attack it there, where it can be harm irreparable: within ideology, theory.

A number of "theoretical potions" emerge with revolutionary taste, destined to dilute the fuel of protests, to make them in safe manifestations for the system.

The intellectuals called to postulate these theories, they were pushed to stardom by the media, names began to ring: tony negri, martha hacnecker, dussel, dieterich, mészáros ... they won prizes, they were awarded and edited abundantly. They formed the counter-revolutionary intellectual battalion. With them, capitalism must take another face and preserve itself.

The thesis of this battalion have a common structure, they obey to a single intention. Let's see.

They ignore the class struggle; replacing it with names that sound good, they give an air of erudition, using: crowd, potentia, constituent power, community, the people, but never social class.

These terms, these categories are irrelevant, they are useless to explain the movements of reality, they are only used to distract and pretend that they are doing revolution, when only prevent the escalation of protest to a political level.

When the dispossessed social classes believe this thesis, they are deprived of the political strife, the clash of classes are thrown unarmed into the slugs jaws of capitalism. In contrast, the ruling classes continue to deepen their awareness of class: with their State, their ideology and organizations are in conditions to hegemony.

This battalion discredits the seizure of power; they invent thousands of things about it. According to them, every revolutionary power can become in Soviet totalitarianism. They propose a kind of ethereal power that only exists in their minds, unables to take the power that they despise. At the most, they form innocuous clusters, which are used for social tourism; they never threaten the capitalism hegemony.

With Chavez’s arrival to power, the counter-revolutionary intellectual battalion was activated. They had obligatory scenery to apply their theories; the challenge was to keep that beautiful popular alluvium to climb the political forms that would endanger the system. They flew over here.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!


Just months after the elections, the dominant theme is the coup. The dispute takes the scene. The fact does not need further explanation. Gringos asked for the search of way out without elections, rushing the onslaught against the people, Revolution and Commander Chávez. And the counter-revolution -submissive- fulfils received orders, plotting; the functions are already distributed. Let's see.

The one in charged of sowing disenchantment is the “squalid” teodoro; for that he talks of Generals that will perform a coup d’état if Chavez loses, the government does not believe in elections and prepares ignorance. In this way, he puts the political struggle in scenery; he justifies the counter-revolutionary conspiracy, preparing the international environment.

The retired militaries are responsible for the whispering of assets, causing trouble; they try to discredit some officers, arousing ambitions, increasing mistakes and oversights.

In other sectors, they try to do strikes as those carried out by the transport sector, prefabricated, forced; it is imperative to think that it was a trial balloon. We already know the connection between this sector and the gringo embassy. Doctors create discomfort, fascists threaten. In the counter-revolutionary board appears strongly the pro-coup component.

Oswaldo alvarez is the most conspicuous spokesman, they demand for resignation.

The pro-coup miserable is active; its hacks give credit to the pro-coup idea, who does not feel it is naive. The political scenery rapidly slides towards confrontation grounds. The election, if it does not disappear yet on the scenery, every day languishes. The counter-revolution knows defeated in the elections, tricked in an Assembly where they do not shine. They do not find a candidate to confront Chávez; they kill with a knife and look for crooked paths.

The revolutionary leaders already denounce the situation. Now, it is necessary to be prepared.

First of all, we have to ask ourselves: why suddenly accelerate the coup? The answer has an international component, we have already treated: the empire needs a success, and Chavez's head is an excellent trophy to climb the surveys, besides the extraordinary and strategic economic benefits.

Besides the international fact, the same Revolution has given clearance for pro-coup ambition. It is necessary to shield ideologically Revolution, let’s remember that every revolutionary defeat is always preceded by an ideological defeat. The counter-revolution is emboldened, its most pusillanimous hacks now sing as roosters because they perceive ideological weakness, ambiguity, desire of agreements, and the deployment of bridges.

It is indispensable to mobilize the Bolivarian mass, the statements are not enough, the electoral majority is not enough, it is necessary a performer majority, able to vote and to go out to defend Revolution and Commander Chavez.

It is necessary to end the little trips, pettiness and minor intrigue between the Bolivarian, it is necessary to raise the level of debate, of statements. Now, every taken step, every public intervention will influence the pro-coup scenery. The verbal pyrotechnics harms us.

It is imperative that the “squalid” feel that the order of the Commander will be fulfilled. The commander ordered: "The response will be devastating". Today more than ever takes effect the "Motherland, Socialism or Death".

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!


In crises, positions of dominant classes are shown without makeup: contradictions are evident, sides become clear, and everything is subject to the power struggle.

We live in deep crisis, let’s remember the words of Gramsci, “The old does not stop dying and the new does not stop to be born, in that twilight monsters emerge". Thus, we have the opportunity to go to the new or go back to old, while we face the danger of the fascist monster's rise. Under these conditions, the opposing sides take their positions.

Fedecamaras -representing capitalist interests, of all, both small and large- comes out to scene, asking its place in the coup, it arrived with its size of executioner, the same April’s outfit. Let's see.

Fedecamaras, capitalist, have their claims for transition, for the coup.

The first claim -and it could be otherwise- is against the workers. "They request to give them carte blanche, letter of marquee to fire employees without any impediment". The capital shows its true exploitative face, of appropriate the labor of others.

Then, they ask "to let them loot the currency reserves, and suspend the exchange control". And that means to give them the country's wealth. Thus, they demonstrate its parasitic nature of rent.

They request to stop expropriation. They know that the non-social property of the means of production is the way of stealing other people's work, this is capitalism’s pillar. What they want is to leave intact the economic structure that allows them to steal work, to enrich at other people’s expenses.

They also call for the suspension of price control.

The government proposal is made of "fraught with good intentions," they speak of dialogue, and being prepared to create jobs for millions, and so on. It is the same lecturing of always, in fact what they present are their requirements for the pro-coup government.

Capitalists already took their place in the coup, they came to light, but other factors are missing, there must come the conference of bishops. Let’s remember “la Quinta Esmeralda”, they relapse and the picture is formed again.

The illusions and plans -that the capitalists will stop acting as capitalists, and that they will lose their nature- will dissipate. The intentions of unnatural unions between capitalism and Socialism are belied by reality.

Revolution must define its profile and overcome the candid stage of the First Republic; it must understand and make understand the mass that we are in a final war against oligarchy. And the North’s masters launched the same order that they gave to Allende’s opposition: ending up with this government, assassinating the example.

In short, what FEDECAMARAS expresses is a disguised ultimatum, it asks the government to give up, to stop being Socialist and to deliver the country to gringos. The answer is one: They will not return! No matter what it costs us, we will defend motherland.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!