Aug 11, 2011


The world creaks under our feet: the anxieties of the United States, the panic of the stock exchanges point with accuracy the great crisis of capitalism. The rich can no longer hide the dismal failure of the fiction they have built. Reality hangs them.

Economy threatens with an overwhelming recession, the stock markets fear dark days. The crisis was already announced in Greece, and now it extends to Spain, Italy ... all Europe is threatened. Oil zigzags, prices swing in the fear of trembling markets.

The past problems were manageable, now with the pressure of the bad economic situation they overflow. London suffers the "jacquerie’s" onslaught, and riots recently were known only by hearsay.

The crisis came into their lives without knocking at the door, the mass looting in the absence of better targets to charge their frustration. They speculate conflicts around the world hit by the collapse of a "happy world" which was the result of a gruesome fiction, technological glitz.

In Spain, the indignant protest as they can. In Chile, the students claim their rights in the wide avenues. Allende waits for them to retake “La Moneda”. The crisis has many manifestations, from Central American mafias to famine in Africa, everything obeys the same: capitalism failed, and it has no answers to the world.

We can conclude that the global crisis will produce reactions of universal protests. The world -as we know it- gets to its end.

What to do? Hard days for humanity are coming; the imperial capitalists will overcome the crisis endorsing it to its most humble inhabitants and the periphery countries. Great repressions are waiting. Fascism –a mechanism of emergency of capitalism- will be activated. There is no room for the social-democratic ambiguity, the bourgeoisie’s illusion of democracy blurs increasingly.

Capitalist societies will suffer tremendously the blows of the crisis, they will not be prepared to face the difficulties, and meanness will make them weak, the lack of spiritual strength prevents them to endure the material lacks, they collapse facing the slightest difficulty.

Only societies able to act together with a leader that leads them through the way of resistance, capable of establishing loving relationships, of building a vision where spiritual is more valuable than material, that they know distinguish between basic needs and artificial needs, only those societies may overcome the crisis.

It is necessary to warn the people, telling them starkly, how difficult the situation is, and how to deal with it. It is essential to show the urgency, the importance of life or death of the socialist construction. We have to discard the capitalist fickleness. To consider capitalism nowadays is a crime against humanity.

To discard the dogmatic errors is to consider alliances with the bourgeoisie. And this has no answers to the crisis; rather, it deepens it, preventing the formation of the awareness needed to face it up.

Today -more than ever- the shout: “Mother, Socialism or death!” comes into effect.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, without Socialism there is no Chavez!

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