A good exercise is to imagine how what a counter-revolutionary government would be. The first thing is to search -in the reality, in history- sings to imagine that government with a certain base, each item must have a support. Let's see.
If they come to power through violent ways, with that violence that is on nowadays, then the measures taken will be accelerated: repression will reach unprecedented levels of cruelty, popular reaction: drowned, leaders: struck down, prisons: will not be enough and stadiums will be fit out. They already did this in April, and Pinochet's school is an excellent teacher. Lots of hands, today white, will stain with blood.
Quickly, the plan of government will be developed. OPEC's output will be immediate; it is one of the payments required by gringos and fascists europeans. And here, it is worth mentioning, that this counter-revolution is unpatriotic, and that is not just saying it, it works as subordinated to the imperial governments.
They receive money for their misdeeds; we know about the sale of entire parties to international financiers, they themselves reported it, like ismael’s case of prostituting the party “podemos”.
But, where the shame and stupidity reach levels of astonishment is with the letter -written in English- which aveledo on behalf of all the counter-revolution sent to the gringo Congress asking for help, asking for an intervention. It is a gem of submission, of lackey mind. They already licked boots in Europe, they asked for help to Aznar’s party.
The unpatriotic will develop their masters’ plans. Thus, besides getting out from OPEC, they will raise the oil production; they need to lower the oil prices. They will give the international reserves, “Faja Del Orinoco” and will privatize everything: wind, water, oil.
The humble will suffer poverty that with the arrival of Chavez walked away from. There will not exist the Missions, it is huge lie when they say that they will leave them. There will not be opportunities for study just for the wealthy, health will be an expensive commodity, crime will scale to levels like Mexico’s and Central America’s; the neighborhoods will become in ghettos, and the middle class will ruin.
The hope will be postpone again; Bolivar’s picture and its legacy will be go back to the dark basement of Miraflores, there along with the dream of redemption; they will hope that the humble wake up and return to rescue them.
Now, if they come through the elections, they will do the same but a little bit slower, with more modesty, without anybody noticing it.
Revolutionaries cannot allow for that to happen, that executioners come to power, it would be to allow the country’s murder, and allowing that has no justification or excuse. The existence of the nation is above all considerations.
Chávez's reelection is guaranteed, but we must be alert, the counter-revolution is clever, it has no scruples, they are capable of any cruelty. They hate the poor; they are fascists and consult the most rotten persons in the planet.
We must be alert, the empire is able of any dirty trick to flip the elections, and they have plenty of resources. If they win, we all lose, humanity will lose.
Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!
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