Sep 6, 2011


In “Rebelión” we read the article "From development to the economic politic of decrease" by Jesse Chacón. This article is a good omen, Revolution is thinking seriously, and it searches –rigorously- for the path. Let's see.

Jesse says: "In 2006, The Bolivarian Revolution started an intense political, economic and social process to deconstruct of the capitalist relations and undock from the global yoke of capital in the construction of the national course; however, we have not warned that the central node of the capitalist reproduction is the philosophy of growth and development, which we revere every day. The focus of capitalist reproduction is in the development as a race to make growth unlimited and make consumption in a limited economic and environmental context”.

The problem of the Revolution is clearly stated: the limited economic and environmental context does not allow unlimited growth What to do? Chacon reflects and answers:

How do we protect ourselves?, How to keep up on our ascendant route to overcome poverty and improve the quality of life of our people?, We are sure that the answer is the classic neo-liberal formula to reduce public spending and download on the shoulders of the people the crisis created by capitalists.

Our alternative is to set up (...) a new focus not centre on growth but on the decline. The decrease relates to an economic and environmental perspective -that estimates that the weather crisis and the structural crisis of capitalism- can only be overcome from the left, just if the productive development model is abandoned, its cult of growth for growth without considering the limits, and the overvaluation of the energy pattern as the current technical-scientific.

...It means to understand that we are approaching a limit of historical moment where the key elements for our survival and reproduction as a society are energy, food and water, and the classic goals: the industrial and financial goals.

... The construction of a path of endogenous development, articulated with Latin America and respectful of the environment would be our antidote against the impending collapse of the global capitalist financial model.

So, Jesse is flying high in his reflections, he says the main problem of Revolution, he does not go into political padding. We congratulate him, to Revolution the time to deep thinking has come.

Now, Jesse deals with the crisis just from the material side, which is one side of this necessary debate -very important- but it is just one edge, and not the most important.

It is necessary to reflect on the spiritual side, education of an awareness of the mass that prepares it to accept and promote the necessary material changes. Without that awareness, whatever we think to confront the crisis would be futile, we would not even be able to save electricity, and stop wasting gas.

It is there where the teachings of Che are essential: the New Man, the primacy of moral incentives over material, Voluntary Work, the Awareness of Duty Social C, and above all, his example. Now more than ever, it is necessary to study Che.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

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