Aug 16, 2011


There are some concepts that due to misuse become a kind of wildcard, useful to get out of any theoretical or practical difficulty. One of these concepts is "to invent or to err", another is "under construction". With these "wild cards", we have slipped many fables and avoided the rigor of study and thought.

However, there is a wild card that beats them all: "transition". This wild card has the scent of theoretical depth, it is released and Gramsci's quote comes back, so this way the stage is decorated to support any atrocity.

Thus, the alliance with capitalism is justified by the "transition”. Encouraging capitalist enterprises is the "transition." No changes are made, "transition". The best possible wildcard is used, and as a magic wand, it explains everything. In the "transition" fits all. The perverse use of the concept brings a problem and a demand.

Transition exists, it is necessary, the reality imposes it. The difficulty is to distinguish the real transition from the evading transition, and how we identify it? How we move within it? Let's see.

Transition is the area where, as Gramsci said: "The old does not stop dying and the new does not stop to be born", and he adds that there are moments of light and shade where monsters can be reborn. We infer that transition is not a comfort zone, where whatever we do, fits well. No! On the contrary, it is a territory of fierce class struggle, of deep ideological struggle.

Thus, theoretical preparation and the study of reality are indispensable to the revolutionary success within transition. In other words, the Revolutionary transition can be defeated.

From all this arises few questions that guide us: how do we know whether the transition is good? What is the goal? Where do we go?

First of all, is to understand that transition is a violent clash of tendencies.

The counterrevolution, in all its versions, fights to impose its logic, its values, and its political and economic principles; Revolution battles to overcome the culture of capitalism, of the counterrevolution.

There is the measure of how right the path towards Revolution is. If the measures that we take benefit us, encourage the values ​​of the old, we are going in a wrong way, and however, if those benefit the ethics and the culture of Socialism, we are good.

Hence, to successfully navigate through the transition, it is essential to know where we are going, what is the purpose of Revolution. The task is not easy, several responses showed the fierce inner struggle.

Reformers do not have clear answers to these questions; they prefer to take refuge in the wild cards, to impute the imprecision of "transition", biting their tail, and diluting themselves in generalities.

The confusion of goals helps oligarchy; the spontaneity always ends up playing the old. We, Revolutionaries must establish clearly the objective, and only that way the path will acquire meaning, it may be evaluated and corrected, and only then we can we think of the triumph over the counterrevolutionary tendency.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

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