Aug 23, 2011


The crisis of civilization shows it tragic face when the revolutionary government tried to rationalize electricity consumption. Society’s behaviour is a sample of how hurt humanity is, and how difficult it will be to heal it and the great responsibility of politics in this endeavor. Let's see.

The revolutionary government -in an attempt to stop the waste of electricity- tested measures of punishment-reward: those who reduce consumption to reasonable limits will be rewarded with low collection, and the profligate will be fined. All this carried out in an environment of explanation of needs in order to save the source.

We do not have enough data to measure how it worked, but we know the reaction of politicians.

"Roberto León Parilli, president of the National Alliance of Users and Consumers Anauco, says: "For domestic users, they are being charged with fees of up to 200%, and have received several complaints about irregularities in the way they are doing the measurements”, he also says: "The measurement is totally illegal and violates the Constitution”.

A similar position has the president of the Legislative Council of State of Zulia, Marianela Fernandez: "she introduced a motion for the annulment against resolution 74, which imposes fines or contributions between 75% and 200% to families that do not reduce consumption or increase it in more than 10% and 20%.

The same attitude had authorities of Nueva Esparta.

A contradiction is showed between the vulgar and selfish politics and the necessary changes to correct the wasteful and suicidal course that leads humanity. The political and economical pettinesses prevent the necessary measures to preserve life.

The coward politicians prefer to continue the party of waste, the comfort of worshiping the "golden calf" to win unconscious votes. It does not matter if tomorrow the debacle comes. They avoid the responsibility to tell the truth to the society, on the contrary, they stimulate the intoxication of embezzlement, and they are criminal leaders leading us –irresponsibly-into an abyss.

The contradiction between the whore politics and energy savings is a manifestation -if small- of another major contradiction that includes it: the contradiction between capitalist interests faced against nature and humanity.

Capitalism is incapable of solving the problems it created itself. If we do not change the capitalist culture there will not be an output for humans, we will be a species that used the wonder of thought to create a monster that devoured it: capital.

In this situation, the courage of the revolutionary government's takes on historical significance, taking such measures of reasonable electricity consumption. It sets a precedent of society with a strategic vision, it dictates lecture of responsible leaders able to tell the truth even at the risk of misunderstanding.

The task of Revolution, of Socialism, is to educate society in the new culture. Every event, every moment should have that goal. The saving measures deserve its approval; they educate and break the paradigm of patronage that we have suffered for a hundred years.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

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