Aug 10, 2011


We said that the peaceful Revolution wins elections to live, and exists to change. But there is a limited time to make changes, this time is determined by the creation of the awareness of Social Duty that those changes entail. The high levels of awareness that ensure Revolution must be achieved before the weakening -of the oligarch elections- take Revolution to unviable levels.

We are at a crossroads: the accumulation of conscience and the weakening are at critical levels. There is no more space for electoral erosion, and parallel, the levels of consciousness demand and make possible the changes. In other words, we are in a defining and revolutionary situation: "to move or die". We should be glad; to get here took us years of fighting and accumulation of experiences, defeats and mistakes. Now, we have to make the changes or the bourgeois logic will devour us.

The question returns: How to do it?

The first thing to do is to detect the column that holds the spirituality of the bourgeois view about life, and its expression in the State’s apparatus. That is to say, what we change will drag and drive substitutions in the rest of the State and, more importantly, in the political behaviour of society.

That column is, without doubt, the bourgeois elections. While we choose with that method, the bourgeois system and its State will be strong, it will be strengthened with each election, and we run the risk that hope and the possibility of Revolution succumb in that swamp.

It is necessary to choose another way and choose other institutions that work differently.

Elections should stop being a spastic episode, individualistic, selfish, and become an expression of social organization. So, we are breaking down the main column that holds the old State. That way we start, that is the first task of the revolutionary changes, so it is necessary to win. Again, winning to exist, existing for change.

The first step toward the revolutionary elections are already there, it is the creation of Community Councils, we have to grouped them into local and regional authorities, until we get to the national authority. The network formed -that way- must replace the bourgeois electoral system.

The national authority should have a different function: the delegates that conform this authority will not lose the bond with the base, and they will be the harness between all instances.
That social network that chooses will not to be an ephemeral electoral structure; in contrast, it will be a permanent organization.

With this step, we will give to Community Councils a high vision, essential to understand that their local problems are connected with the national and international matters. This step would prevent the formation of the mentality of "local little republics", which ignores the problems of the country, believing in the words of Marti, "his village is the world”. Thus, it will begin the substitution of the old State by the new State; it will be the beginning of great changes.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, without Socialism there is no Chavez!

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