May 31, 2011


Just like the Mission of Christ involves every Mission of Revolution, the spiritual axis tucks the Housing Mission in, and gives it sense.

The spiritual axis -which is implicit in the Housing Mission-, is the reason of the intention to provide houses to families, restituting the propitious environment to the human loving relations.

The Housing Mission already started of on the right foot, registration is just a success, the numerous mobilizations to the Voluntary Collective work is hopeful and it is a prove of the Socialist paste of this people. The vertex develops robustly: lands, materials, plans, they show a good arrival.

But the biggest indicative of the success of the Housing Mission is that the miserable went up with all kinds of deformations, threats and bad omens. Even ledezma –who should had been quiet because of his dark past- as a good “adeco” has the nerves to say that the registration will be carried out by them, when we all know and it is at sight, the “fourth’s” genetic ineptitude: the “barrios” are an accusation of the ill-fated managements with its miserable creation. We can talk about the snobs from “primero de justicia”, but let us better dedicate to move forward so the pack grunts.

We were saying that, because of the Housing Mission’s advance, it is time to do explicit, the spiritual axis. This axis –first of all- takes care of the family, which are the essence and the raison d’être of the house. Simultaneously, it takes care of family relations with its environment and the entire society. Family and house form a human complex which is basic unit of society. The house cannot be separated from the family and family from woman.

And from that, the attention towards woman, the mother, cannot be separated from that woman’s family. Woman, family and home form and construct the strongest bonds of all mankind. There is nothing in mankind that overcomes the strength, as well as the tenderness of the “maternal instinct”, it is worth to say, true love. Who wants to see a physical and spiritual prove of love, just see a mother breastfeeding her child, and you would be getting near to the best human feeling, that one that can only be saved with Socialism.

Revolution must overcome the fragmentary feminism, proper from the capitalist ideology and substitutes it for the feminism of integration, which is the true revolutionary feeling: woman can be considered and treated as the axis of family, the soul of society, of humanity, and the main reason of the Housing Mission. She transforms the house in home.

Putting the Mission that way, it is evident the opposition’s demagogy, they cannot resolve the housing problem because they cannot resolve the family problem, the women’s problem. They fragmentize, only Socialism is capable of integrate and love.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!

May 23, 2011


Practice said the last Word: this process is going firmly towards Socialism. The evidences already appear in the social horizon, reality passes on hair-splitting discussions, frivolous fake philosophers deny that our Socialism refutes from the guts of the life itself.

In Venezuela a historical fact happens: the oil workers were called to do the voluntary collective work in the Housing Mission and they went in masse. The numbers overtake fifteen thousand volunteers. Let’s analyze.

Voluntary work: when the worker goes to work motivated by his altruistic feelings of dedication towards society, that society is where he belongs and feels loved; he is giving another sense to work: he is liberating it, he experiments, and free work pre-figures. He does not do it with the compulsion of survival.

Voluntary work is a “sharp tool” that must be used to build Socialism, with it a new ethic of the loving relation is irradiated to society, and through it the working class leads the Revolutionary process.

The massive oil workers mobilization to do voluntary work means that the conditions to the Socialist grow are given in Venezuela, it is a sing of the class struggle that Socialism fights here against the old, against capitalism that resists in many ways to die, that is a unmistakable sing that the Socialist battle occurs here between us -even though- sometimes we do not understand it.

The Bolivarian Revolution –without a doubt- has created conditions to the Socialist construction like never in our history. In Venezuela, it is possible this Socialism’s development because it expands and reaffirms the Social Property that administrated by the State. Daily, workers become more aware of their strength and their historic role, which goes beyond to what is merely demanding, they know their compromise of showing the path towards the new world. That is the material base of the process’ advance.

Resides, the government and the political power is in the hands of Revolution, embodied by Commander Chavez. The call for Socialism, for anti-imperialism, for anti-capitalism provokes the contradictions that movement creates and it gave possibilities to the Socialist course.

The favorable factors converge: Social property administrated by the State, the working-class aware of its historical role, political power leaded by Chavez, who is the most important Revolutionary in the last hundred years in Venezuela; loving understanding with the mass, The Housing Mission as a propitious scenery to the display of the forces of Voluntary work. Here, it concretes the hope of centuries, greatness is possible, and we can defeat the doping mediocrity. We are privileged; we feel the fingertips of Socialism.

There are not excuses to loose ourselves in shortcuts, neither to use jagged weapons; it is necessary to be faithful and break the habits, we have to follow the example of the oil workers. That is Socialism. Now, it is necessary to go through the adversities, deepen it, take care of it, and extend it.

With Chavez all!!

Without him nothing!!


Motherland required the competition of her best child, and more that ten thousand patriots –from the bottom of the heart of the oil industry- stepped forward. The march towards Socialism –which is the effort to build a viable society- needs a real action, a demonstration that man is capable to overcome the selfish behaviors, and being spirit and matter to the construction of another world, as Bolivar dreamt it; oil workers said: Here!

They were called to do voluntary collective work, invited to devote them to the “Great Housing Mission”, which is lavishing them to society, and the Revolutionary Government, offering their most valuable belongings: their work strength. They arrived and did not ask for explanations, they did not hesitated; more than ten thousand good souls with devotion will sing the commitment with the future.

This fact –that is not accidental to go almost unnoticed- is one of the most important that has ever happened in the Bolivarian Revolution, and it puts it in a new dimension on the road.

Work –always appropriated by dominant classes- acquires with this gesture of oil workers, a condition of liberating instrument, of new world omen; where exploitation –that is not other thing but the appropriation of social work by a minority- is superseded by the settlement of loving relations for everybody’s benefit.

What happens between the Housing Mission and the Voluntary Collective Work is the pre-figuration of the work’s emancipation, which now, belonging to society, belongs to all of us.

The material and spiritual foundations are settled to establish the society where “each one gives according to his capacity, and get according his necessity”. Hence, exploitation and work’s appropriation, and robbery will not be possible, it would not have any sense. That is the real Socialism.

Beyond the actor’s will, within the Housing Mission, the general antagonism of Revolution shows: capitalism confronting Socialism.

The capitalists, the non-social persons sell very expensive their collaboration, they charge it in cash -and more harmful- they charge it to the selfish Consciousness.

Voluntary Work is a Socialist tool, it faces up the solutions of housing with material and spiritual efficacy, at the end it will remain houses and, more important we will have a sensible mass, which is capable of understanding and confronting the adversities towards the path of Socialism. They will be a sample of the reason we fight. A vanguard will be formed, acting and aware that its effectiveness had been proved; its loyalty towards Commander Chavez will be ready to attend his call.

The challenge of oil workers is big: now, they have in their hands the responsibility to show the path, to lead the rest of society in the Socialist edification.

The heroic deed that these pioneers fight has to be known all over the country and world wide; their generosity and the comprehension of this historical moment have to be known.

That society awards them and returns -with love- the love that they have given to the entire society.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!


Revolution needs to conquer the government, the State, so it can create a new social consensus, a success of its society project, its ethics and moral, and the values that this project supports and brings about.

The government’s arrival creates the conditions to build the hegemony of the Revolutionary culture, in order to socialize and nationalize the Revolutionary project. After Revolution conquers power, a vital challenge begins: How is the mechanism or the instrument to build the hegemony of the new culture? In the answer is the key of continuance, of consolidation.

Remembering a Victor Hugo’s thought -from The Miserable- and Commander Chavez frequently quotes, we could say: “…culture is the wind, everything else is the windmill”; if we do not change the wind (culture), whatever we do would be in vain, it would be absorbed by the old, the labor would be frustrated.

There is a great deal of obstacles in this cultural change. The most important one is to not recognize it: postulating that culture is just one, it is impartial, and it does not have relation with politics; that even it is not the main battle field, neither a confrontation field; it is a formidable obstacle the cultural change.

Following that statement, Revolution would not have raison d’être, it would limited to a material change, a fictitious improvement of people’s life conditions. A Revolution is not needed for that, a good government perhaps would be enough. On the contrary, the Revolution’s task is to make a drastic cultural change, a deep change of the vision of the world and human relations.

The Revolutionary challenge is huge: it is about changing the cultural essence of species, built through millennia of domination, exploitation. Demonstrating that we are not a failed species destined to suicidal.

We already are in conditions of giving that radical turn that life demands. We have reached the final times in excellent conditions: with knowledge and strength to save the species, and transform ourselves harmonically.

We can say that every former Revolution had been training for this last crossroad that challenges humanity. There is no way to save us that replacing culture; only Socialism can do it, to that conviction Revolutionaries had came.

The fight against the exploitation of man by man that motivated plenty of Revolutionary movements is not enough. Now, the fight against the capitalist empire is, besides, for humanity’s survival and life. The capitalist model collapsed, it cannot give an answer to the great dilemmas of the actual man, and on the contrary, it secures his extension.

The Bolivarian revolution must be a vanguard in these changes. It is necessary unleash -right away- a Cultural Hurricane, that exorcizes us from the capitalist logic, its values and habits.

It is indispensable to take concrete steps in this road of cultural changes. We are optimistic; in front of us a new culture is pushing to be born.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!


The Revolutionary intention’s great enigma is how to replace spirituality, the capitalist culture for culture and socialist spirituality. We know that the working-class’ ideology would be the column of the new society, but, how to make it hegemonic? What is the mechanism that drives it to the social predominance catacombs? Let’s see.

The bourgeois ideology imposed on humanity by being a realignment that allowed conceal the exploitation with the illusion of equality, fraternity; thereby, creating the fantasy of the possibility of incorporation the whole society to the privileges that used to be only for the high monarchical elites.

The bourgeoisie socialized the ethical values that support it, giving them a social and natural character. The entire society adopted them, all the social classes and make them theirs.

Now, what will the hegemonic mechanisms of the proletarian ideology be? Which would make hegemony and will transform them into the great majorities’ ideology? Let’s analyze.

The classical authors postulate that “existence determines consciousness”. But this relation is not established mechanically or spontaneously. Therefore, it is necessary the existence of cores that –from work to society- irradiate an example of behavior to the rest, and impregnate it with Revolutionary values. In such way, when the working-class ideology leads, it becomes hegemonic.

The construction of hegemony is not within the numerical supremacy of the working-class; thinking in such way will leads us to undo Revolution. The answer is in the construction of the cores with the essential relation of the proletarian existence, that is to say, from work to society and, from that areas, irradiate the Revolutionary Consciousness. Now a day, these cores are the lands of Voluntary Collective Work.

Along with the voluntary work, we work for the entire society, we reproduce the existence of the Socialist society, we create the materialistic base, and simultaneously we interweave it with the Social Duty Awareness. So, hegemony will construct itself from the proletarian ideology; that is to mention, we will socialize the Revolutionary Values.

Thus, man can find himself with the fruit of his labor, the product is not strange to him, his effort has a sense, it belongs as a member of society and it cannot be appropriate by a capitalist.

Consequently, to each one belongs everybody’s work, of every member of society; to each individual belongs the work and the fruit of his labor, when it becomes social.

This way the capitalist fragmentation can be overcome. The road to heal society starts, and took the sky by storm. The material and spiritual conditions establish in order to move forward for the liberation of work, towards Socialism.

The future relations with work establish. The voluntary workers contingents prefigure with its endeavor and effort towards the society of the future, they work without the compulsion of survival, they work and fulfill, they construct New Man.

With Chavez, all!!
Without Voluntary Work, it is impossible Socialism!!

May 19, 2011


Sometimes we loose the course, or sometimes we dazzle, we abandon the easy success, we loose sight of strategy; we are mistaken about the enemy, and so we are not different, we weaken.

Revolution is a change of vision and culture of the world. It is not a palliative to local problems; it is a radical jump of humanity, which is why it needs plenty of courage: breaking with the parsimony of centuries and the habit of millennia. The Revolutionary effort does not justify itself without that will of drastic changes on the way of living.

Everything starts by saying the truth to society, the only way to prepare it so it undertakes and builds the path towards its salvation. There is no place for the permissive behaviors of capitalism and the populist flirts of “the fourth”, time is running over, it is urgent to found another way of living, from that depends the survival of species. The signals are clear. Let’s see.

The electrical shuts off are daily, let’s say the subway is packed and not collapsed so we do not hurt fatuous sensibility; the rain does not stop, there is a global food crisis and water is limited, the global warming continues, consumerism grows, forests disappear, there is no way to safe fuel, everyday there are more vehicles on the streets, the roads and highways collapse, and more…

The above has a conductive thread: in one side is the colossal aggression of capitalism against nature, and in the other side is the system of spend drift life of capitalism.

If we do not change this equation that repeats all over the world, humanity dies.

What is our responsibility in this definitive challenge?

The world walks unconsciously towards its own destruction, it is more important the Greek debt than the high levels of ocean’s contamination, or the weather chaos. There are just little countries with the real intention of get this course corrected, we are one of them, Cuba, Bolivia is another one, let’s stop counting.

The way how we solve these problems would be an example to the world, it would mark a route and it will tell that the suicidal direction can be corrected. We are the hope, and that is our responsibility; only that justifies us. If we forget this compromise, Revolution would not be a reason of being.

Nobody, only the Bolivarian Revolution can change the course of this society and be an example to humanity; that is our strength.

If we want to fix the housing problem by stuffing a mega city down another, if we do not speak clearly and say that the problem of the electricity is not about generation but the decrease and rationalization of consumption, or we do it or nature –in its defense- will do it in a traumatic way, then, we will be failing our role in history.

If we show the increase of numbers of cars as a great achievement, if we keep wasting fuel, if we continue behaving as a spoiled society, showing respect for the capitalist “fourth”, then, we are not fulfilling our role. That way we do not teach, we do not alert, we are digging the grave and we are creating grave diggers of humanity.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!


Arrogance is a plague that always threatens man. Formerly, it was believed that the earth was the center of the universe, and everything went round it, therefore, man. It was also believed that we are alone in the universe; we are a miracle, a superior species. The races have fall into arrogance and they have considered themselves superior. Justified in this superiority, wars and exterminations had been carried out.

When arrogance reaches politics, the consequences are disastrous; fascism and Nazism are the direct emanation of this plague, Now, Revolution by definition, is not arrogant; when the subordinate fall into this disease the failure road starts.

The revolutionary is humble, he does not underestimate his enemy, he never imagines that his alone on the scenery, he considers -in every planned step- the presence and the action of the powerful enemy.

The reformist, capitalist at last, allowed arrogance, and when he is in the Revolution ranks, hurts a lot; nothing annoys him more than irreverence, it is intolerable; and that way he tries to institute the peace of the graveyard, the boring image of what is uniform, that way kills discussion, intelligence and creation.

The arrogant hurts Revolution very much. He never thinks, reflection is the daughter of humbleness, and pride is the daughter of cretins.

The arrogant, along with the weaknesses that hides his shell, licks up and hits down, the only thing that matters is to be well with the “bosses” and prevent the consolidation of Socialism; that would a fatal blow to his bright headedness: the discussion in organizations, the criticism of masses will liquidate him, he senses it.

Down, he is relentless with the intelligence that leaves him naked, and the irreverence that challenges him. He always manages to get out of it.

The arrogant, always reformist, creates his fantasy and thinks that his illusion is the real world. That is why he underestimates the enemy, he makes plans which do not resist a blow of reality, he mistakes the stage of confrontation he is more interested in the media and immediate results than the solidness of the rigorous construction.

He does not understand the cultural battle, and feels comfortable with the capitalist culture that justifies his haughtiness. He neglects the battle in the collective soul; he leaves it to the mercy of the capitalist values.

His plans are condemned for the enemy’s strong battering that –ignored- take advantage of the weaknesses and the cracks that his incompetence leaves.

We must defeat the “reformist petit bourgeois” arrogance that considers itself alone in the world, it plans ignoring that it confronts the biggest imperial power that has ever existed, with a thousand of thinking groups, universities and talented people to its service.

Revolution needs to fight where it is strong, in the loving spirit, in the rescue of fraternity, in the foundation of new relations. If we abandon this land, if we give priority to the material, the defeat is secure.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!


When Socialists move over Socialism, they weaken. When they try to temper it, rehearsing hybrids and coexistences, and other forms of capitalism mixes, they always end up getting a definitive snap.

The varied actions -to resolve the housing problem for the humble- had opened a confrontation scenery between capitalism, Socialism and the reformist forms.

The Socialist field tangles in its good intentions: census, the guarantee of materials, the search of lands, the shopping of abandoned buildings that used to be bourgeois liabilities and the “direct collaboration” from the private enterprises.

The important things are the feelings, the spirituality that holds everything up. We have to say courageously, that the historic time demands it: The Capitalist Selfishness holds!! We are manufacturing a capitalist territory, a knife to Socialism’s throat. Let’s see.

It did not take long, so the fishing capitalists appear during the emergency; in the good intentions emerged –as if by magic- a “Socialist Chamber for Constructions”; and if wan not hard to find more cheekiness: the gluttony capitalists disguise of Socialists. We already knew these “Socialists businessman” who are fishing business and trying to silence those who report this rudeness up.

The financial sector -fundamental pillar of the bourgeois appropriation of the income- also enters the fest.

Until there all predictable, capitalists behave as capitalists, i.e. they pass on any ethical or physical obstacle to obtain such dividend. Where the issue takes on new levels of irony is in the political arena.

The weaknesses of the hybrid reformist behavior come to the surface there, which let the petit bourgeois sleep calmed at night. Now appears the quick-witted rosales, planting in the land that, paradoxically, Revolution fertilized; he deepens within selfishness: rosales proposes that individualism should feed directly and safely without all that procedures and paper works, that the “mi negra” card should be used to distribute the means, that each person with their own card can pay the down payment of their house -bought in the capitalist market.

We are coming in a dangerous land: a struggle to see who gives more and more easily, a fragmentation tournament, a suicidal macabre dance around the golden calf.

Through that road will not be Socialism, either motherland; misery will protect the nation and the dispossessions of a foolish fest will remain there, the pains of a failed labor and a skeptical people.

Still, there is time to revert the course that dominates the Bolivarian Revolution, it is precise, and it is a duty to defend the miracle: the leadership and the process.

It is necessary to overcome the conciliatory theories, the hybrid reformists that only help to weaken the psychic foundation of Socialism. It is urgent to go to the Socialist essence, leaning on the spirit and creating Revolutionary awareness. We have to run the risks to call the people to see the big picture, to what is beautiful, and take them out the spendthrift logic

We are sure that April’s spirit, December’s spirit, Paso de Los Andes’ spirit, February 4th’s spirit will lead us to defeat the enemies of Socialism.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!

May 17, 2011


“At the risk of sounding ridiculous, let me say, that the true Revolutionary is guided by feelings of love.”

Che summaries in this thought the essence of Revolution: the rescue of love. Revolution supposes exceeded and surprising love. What is amazing, what marks a Revolution is its love.

The ones that had never been loved, the ones never neglected, come out from the penumbra and feel over their lives the wonderful veil of mutual affection. The miserable joined together in the redemption that they all constructed, their eyes acquire an unknown brightness, and the streets fill with brothers, the shipwrecked go back to solid ground, loneliness blurs in the restituted fraternity. Along with Revolution nobody is defenseless; they will always find the loving hand of the new society.

It was always like that, a fierce fight between the exploiter’s anger -which is racist, elitist and selfish- and the love that frees it from oppression. Marti said: “For God’s sake this war is authentic, the last one -perhaps essential and definitive- that man have to fight: the war against anger.” And Christ understood that the way to heaven was in “love ones each other”. Every authentic Revolution had been signed by love, the one that sums up between the leader and the mass.

When revolution moves over love, it blurs. So, the strength of the Bolivarian Revolution resides in its loving ability. Let’s see.

It is born from the unique detachment action and devotion for the humble, of risking themselves to other’s benefits; as it was February, 4th.

Revolutionary love is affirmed with the “Missions”; with them -the loving commitment- was sealed. The “Educational Missions” returned to people their faded respect that was oppressed for centuries; learning how to read and study was to rescue them from prehistory.

The “Health Mission” was a loving exploit as any other in the world: national heroes, the Cuban doctors go deep to the jungle of the “barrios” and broke paradigms, they were adopted by the dispossessed, and there the Revolutionary miracle happened: love blossoms and the encounter of all to find the good of all. The true healing of society began.

The redeemed humble admitted to be powerful and loved, the government returned to belong to them, it was time to undertake the march, and a new worlds was waiting for them.

Then, the battle between hate and love intensified, the deception mechanisms from haters started to go around, the paralyzing fears were triggered and the optimists were next to their executioners.

It is time to get them back, and that can only be done with love and feelings. All the attempts of love are deceived with materialistic rewards, love belongs to the spirit, and there is where we have to find it.

Capitalists just understand of having and amassing; they are unable to get to the noblest fiber of people, getting to love -which is their main weakness and the principal strength of Revolution- it is there where we have to plant the definitive battle. Only that way we will defeat.

With Chavez, all!
Without him, nothing!!


The times to pay tribute to the past have come, the bourgeois elections arrived, a party of domination to confuse the dominated. We could paraphrase the already famous saying: “The bourgeois elections are the opium of the people”. It is the hardest circumstance that Revolution confronts; the result must be favorable, and that is a huge challenge, but the process, the way to get to that result, carries great danger of doping the masses from loss. It is a battle full of traps. Let’s see.

It is not difficult to unravel the essence of the bourgeois elections; it is enough to watch what appears bit by bit in the national scenery. The first thing we are going to do is the installation of Fantasy World, a kind of territory with special Hollywood effects, where everything is allowed less seriousness. Triviality and lightness are the rule; it is about the electorate, so he does not try to move his more primitive fiber, his fears, and his conditioned reflections.

They want to drive Revolution to this kind of elections, a kind of illusion tournament, a shadow play, where reality is stoned by the verbal pyrotechnics with their irresponsible lies. To participate in the bourgeois elections and let oneself to drift along their logic would be a suicide to Revolution. Even by winning, they will spread a conduct counter-revolutionary in the masses that would make impossible the advance. A Revolution that stops will perish inevitably.

From all this emerges some questions: What are the oligarch intentions? What are they hiding behind the electoral colorful cloud?

The fundamental objective of oligarchs is to frustrate Revolution, to get rid of Chavez, they do not hesitate to divert from their goal. So, the empire knows how to recognize its enemies, therefore, they use the bourgeois elections to this end, they disguise of democrats and prepare the conditions to the final counter-revolutionary snatch.

Only the unwary can give credit to the democratic breast-beatings from those who besiege the Cuban embassy, the hunted poets, or they ask that chavistas were reported so they can hound them as rats. Those are the ones that present today as Gandhi.

They do not trick, they have in their foreheads the mark of Cain, and they are proved fascists. Let’s not talk about the second-rater from the pact of Punto Fijo, they all know their misdeeds.

The oligarchs –following instructions from the North- do not contemplate a democratic transition, they need to terrify the mass, and disappear any resistance, so they can take possession of the economy, end up the Missions, making PDVSA private, the basic Enterprises, taking down the social organization and murder any resistance. They will follow pinochet’s protocol: terror to re-inoculate capitalism.

It already appears the steps to achieve their objectives: to discredit Chavez and the government, putting him like any president, from a government as any other and private him of his Revolutionary character. This way, they try to divest the government and Commander Chavez of their strength, which relies in being the first one of a process of culture replacement. Face all this oligarchic plans; we do not have to believe them not a bit, so we can move forward to Socialism, and beyond all, to Unity!!!

With Chavez, all!!

May 16, 2011


Revolution is not the straight path towards the Promised Land; on the contrary, it is a maze of hard solution, a way full of contradictions, unexpected advances and incomprehensible backward movements. The previous statements sharpen in peaceful attempts, in the interwoven fields that coexist and confront craftily.

Who does not understand the logic of a peaceful Revolution, will end –to the first difficulty- in opposite sides. They will not understand the course of the march, neither rhythm nor speed. They will miss the battle fields; they will be victims of disillusionment and will take shelter in the verbal and physical shrillness to resolve the anguish of incomprehension.

The Revolutionary advance is devious, and uneven. Sometimes, it makes progress economically, the productive unities are socialized, and sometimes it moves backward and stimulates capitalism. Revolutionary statements are made, and the old speech comes back. Occasionally, the Voluntary Collective Work is promoted, and sometimes selfishness is celebrated. Being so, it has to be understood that in the battle fields, advance is not simultaneous.

The questions are: How do we know if we are doing alright? How do we know if the advance is solid? How do we sail in the sea of these treacherous waves?

The answers are difficult, we walk through unknown paths, the universal theory guides us within strategy, and tactic stays to reflection, to the intelligence of the process. Then, How to make a decision?

The first thing is to know that the enemy tries to disenchant us from Revolution and our leader, all its propaganda, its actions have an end. So, their hacks with the first question attack us furiously. They know that the strength of Revolution is in the loving connection between out leader and the people, which is where they cause trouble.

Dieterich, `wearing superiority and European science´ decrees that this is not a Revolution, and the only road left is the Right. Masó -remembering his old times of fake Marxist- declares that we are going thought a bad way. Even poleo, a veteran agent from the North, has the boldness of lecturing about Revolution and Revolutionary consequence. Teo does not remain behind and does not resist pontificating.

Already the enemies’ opposite position will give us sings of how well we are doing fighting the system of misery which they represent and try to restore.

We have to take into account that we are moving through unknown and hard paths, in these paths we need constructive criticism, as well as a great faith and loyalty towards our leader, a great discipline, a huge unitary vocation and a lot of study in order to contribute to the difficult circumstances that we will always find. It is important; above all, understand that errors are inherent to the movement, a classical writer said: “the only man that never makes mistakes is the man that never does anything.”

Only that attitude will defend us from the attacks of the enemy, who is very astute. Examples illustrate Bolivar: they put the people against him and took him to San Pedro Alejandrino, and also Lenin: who was accused as a German spy by the enemies.

With Chavez all!!
Without him, nothing!!


Always when is read about voluntary work is common to find pictures and opinions of Che Guevara, pictures where he is sticking bricks, carrying cement bags, working enthusiastically. This fact is not accidental, this not Che’s whim, it is about the deeply-rooted practice in the Revolutionary theory. Let’s see.

A social class requires to take power so it can prop up its hegemony, that is to say, replacing the dominant culture to the new Revolutionary culture, that substitution occurs mainly in the soul of society, it is a process, first and foremost, spiritual.

Revolution, from its power, must socialize its ideas, values, convictions, a new vision of the world, in short, it as to establish its hegemony. An efficient example that manages to make this change of culture is the example of high-ranking leaders; their behavior is a powerful educative element, that is reflected –directly- the society proposed, the world of the future.

The Bolivarian Revolution –that is developed in a country that lives off its incomes-in peaceful conditions and with a short development of the working-class -within the voluntary work- has a powerful route to show the essence of the society of the future, the new world and the new man.

Voluntary work -as an educative instrument- is an important discovery of the Revolutionary theory and practice. It is indispensable in countries with little industrial development, to the point where it is impossible a Revolution without Voluntary Work, and without the participation of its high-ranking leaders in the educative task.

Che -the heir of the best universal Revolutionary traditions- knew the significance of Voluntary Work and knew the extraordinary pedagogical value from the example of leaders. That is the reason why Che is always dearly connected to Voluntary Work.
For Cubans, Voluntary Work is the continuity of the attack on Mocada’s Barracks, from Sierra, Granma. For us, it has to be the continuity of February the 4Th, April, December, Paso de Los Andes. All are registered in the Revolutionary passion, the same love towards society; we all are formative influence of the Social Duty Awareness.

In the Great Housing Mission, the Bolivarian Revolution has a great opportunity to make headway culturally. It would be vital to the Socialist construction, which this Mission walks beyond houses, and it becomes a territory to the elevation of new man, of the Social Duty awareness. This is the battle of Voluntary Work. From this Mission must emerge a Revolutionary epic, society must feel commotional, society can not sit and wait.

Participation of leaders is fundamental, this is one of the most important tasks of Revolution during its twelve years, it is the most transcendental in the vital replacement of culture that involve Revolution.

With Chavez all!!

May 12, 2011


Sun Ztu –a war philosopher- said:

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle”.

Sun Ztu knowledge has guided a great number of military and policial leaders, his teachings are studied in the best academies of the world. Revolution must reflect on them and apply them in its right time and space. Let’s know the enemy.

The principal enemy of Socialism is capitalism. This simple truth has forgotten many times. Capitalism is a spirituality and materiality, that is to say, a vision of the world and a concretion of that vision. The New York Stock Exchange is an example as well as the search of “the American dream.” Rich people from Venezuela try to go up in the economical scale, as well as the dispossessed.

Capitalism has many facets, all of them are dangerous. We can find them outside the ethic, and inside moral. They live in the bottom of man created in capitalism, it is worth to say, in all of us. Hence, they emerge like a cornered beast when the quandary presents, and when is necessary to make decisions that harm them. They are also evident in the military and fabulous power of the media.

Inventions to save it, justifications to estimulate it and protect it are similar to those that support an addiction. We already know that the temptation of jagged weapons is always present to gobble up the Socialist attempts.

In short, Socialism can not be done flirting with capitalism. If, for any particular reason, is necessary to coexist with the main enemy, then the managed campaing to conciousness, and to socialist culture must elevate it to the utmost, and the coexistence must be explained as a tactical need, pitiful and dangerous, but never as a merit, a worth, or a strategic goal of Socialism.

Sun Ztu recommends to know oneself, that is vital; we must know where is our strenght and weakenesses. Let’s know ourselves.

We came from the guts of capitalism, we are his children, is in the deepest of our souls. Therefore, we live together with the enemy, his logic inhabits us. At the same time, we are creators of the new world, of Socialism and also the enemies of its creation. That dilemma mark us, we fight that battle everyday, from our inside the fear to move forward emerges, the temptations of loss. The battle for Socialism stages, mainly, in our souls.

In conclusion, we can say that if the measures that we take stimulate capitalism, the private sector, we will be feeding the dangerous enemy that we carry inside us. We do not recognize ourselves.

Whoever that gets confused and considers capitalism as an allied in the construction of Socialism, does not recognizes his enemy, or himself.

With Chavez, all!


In every step of Revolution the need for study makes presence. The great Revolutionary leaders motivate education as the column of Revolution, starting with Bolivar who early understood that “an ignorant people are the blind instrument of its own destruction”, and only education could prevent people from being abused in its own credulity.

It is time and the recent events show it precisely to make study more serious and socialize the Revolutionary ideology, making people to take possession and empower in the new culture. To spread a new way of thinking, of reflection, a new method of analyses different from the trivialities that the capitalist means of cultural diffusion had installed in our psyque, different from the morale values, from the ethics that audiovisual media, cinema, soap operas, the pulpit, museums and school have imposed to us.

Why Revolution has failed in the intention of study until now?

It is important analyze the causes, only that way we could retake the path to the education of masses, the birth of a new culture.

The origin of flaws in the Revolutionary education can be found in the petit bourgeois ideology and its anarchic version, incapable of stepping up towards the construction of Socialism.

We already know that the petit bourgeoisie can not construct Socialism, the nearest it had came is to criticize capitalism. It can not overcome the means of production of private property; those are the foundations of its selfishness, and its individual get away. If it has any power it uses it, in short to create more capitalism.

Its anarchic version -with its pusillanimous rejection towards the State, every State- drives it to a wrong vision of domination and, therefore, liberation. They ignore the hegemony of the capitalist ideology, its values and culture, that way they reduce Revolution to a distorted vision of the “colonized people” by the capitalist culture. There is no a vanguard need, or an education need to them, “people will know what to do”… Then, why study? Who will teach who? Why direction?

Along with this absurd and pedantic opinion, they sabotage any attempt of education, of study.
But without study the Revolutionary march problems can not be solve; the mass and the leaders would not understand the tactic and strategy; they will not know how to handle irreverence and discipline, they will confuse causes with consequences. So, they are able of establish bureaucracy as objective, but they accept –without blinking- the hybrid capital-Socialism and the non-social property of means of production that origins them.

Che, in a letter to Hart in 1965, from the battle field said to him: “That is why I made a study plan for me that, I believe, can be studied and greatly improved to construct the base of a real school of thinking, we have already done a lot, but some day we will also have to think.”

With Chavez all!
Now it is time to think!


Joaquin Perez Becerra’s dust storm brought a lot of teachings to the Bolivarian Revolution. Besides of usefull separations, it showed flaws and strenghts that are necessary to be studied. Let’s see.

The first teaching: we have great weaknesses in the ideological education. The invention without a support, the cult to improvisation, and the irresponsability in the line of argument have formed us a base and a leadership easy to manipulate by circumstances.

To the first difficulty they react with the common sense that inhabits them, that is to say, the same that has made possible and justifies the capitalist domination. They do not see beyond surface, they are influenced by first impressions, they do not meditate, do not think, they do not make history.

Yesterday was good, it goes, as in a soap opera, from a handsome man to a villain in just one episode. The causes that overcome them by inconvenience are blame to despicable reasons and argumentless reasons.

They search for culprits, they personalize politics and never go to the deepest causes, to “mobiles’ mobile”. They fix things by burning some toys, some comuniqués, they are as rude as stupid that they go self-satisfied to mumble their “military deeds”.

That way, with those instruments to analysis, they let them drive by immediate perceptions, they do not have tools for reflexion, they are easy prey of reaction.

To the first displeasure they throw the Revolutionary option overboard. They work -without understanding- for its executioners, who happily dance watching the conduct that presages restoration.

Only by fighting in the surface they neglect the phenomena causes, and those origins end up building a world that is the opposite to the one they dreamt

The second teaching: Revolution is guilty of that wrong behaviour. It neglected education and the mass’ behaviour, the formation of leaders.

With the absurdity that “mass knows”, it quites the task of management and education, leaving it to the mercy of the ideology that had dominated from centuries. It has not known how to produce, and lead the replacement of culture.

The Mass, our base, is reacting how capitalism taught it, and not how Revolution should have taught it.

We have taken education and study as a subordinated example: “practice is what is important”, action, suffocation. Thinking and reflecting is a waste: “people will know what to do”.

The third teaching: we have an autistic party that has not reacted yet to Joaquin’s episode. Under that downpour, with the disturbed base, there was no information nor orientation, it left the mass to the mercy of “opportunist fisherman in the troubled waters”, we had to wait for Chavez to talk and put things into place.

The three teachings must be taken into account with self-criticism by the direction of Revolution. Correcting it and supporting in Chavez’s high prestige, the faith that the majority has in his actions and the people that is next to him. That is the strenght that Joaquin’s episode showed.

With Chavez all!!


Along with the Perez Bacerra’s episode, the “chavizmo” ranks shudder, reaction excedeed its origin and condemns go beyond the fact. Now the Revolutionary government and Commander Chavez are being cuestioned, a colletive autoflagelation has been unleashed and it grows with the enemy’s sponsorship.

The change to the Right, of movements and parties –that had been kept sensefully towards the government- is shocking, Internet portals consolidate their position of an open call against the government instead of criticize it.

Foreing intelligence agents hurry to stimulate discord, Dieterich appears with his sly analyses, presenting a geopolitics that only works to disillusion the unwaries. Malaver, that hack who is to the service of Obama’s causes, lectures about what must be the government’s international geopolitics. Teodoro, a proud drop out, participates in the fest of confusion.

The matter can not be get throught like an ostrich, it can not be ignore that something will be happening so maneuver can find its solid ground. We have to go courageously to the botton of this issue, and correct the flaws that let us grow.

We believe that in the proximity of 2012, when we are trying to do the Patriotic Pole is and the international siege against the government get narrower everyday, it is justifiable to think that Perez Becerra’s episode was a trap finely wrought, of those where infiltrators originate –in such way- left parties and groups, that make them work for the enemy.

History is full of those episodes. Maybe, it is enough to recall the murder of Irribaren -back in the sixties- that was leaded by an infiltrator, doing a huge harm to the Revolutionary cause. And if they force us, let us remember the dark issue of the child Enmanuel, who cost such a prestige to his authors.

Anybody can be shocked, the enemy intelligence has used before this kind of tricks to attack Revolutionaries. In this case, they have had an extraordinary success: they take combative groups -consistent revolutionaries- and put them against the Socialist hope that Chavez is, which has brought us closer to the concretion of dreams than any other attempt.

A Revolutionary Unity meeting is imposed, maybe it has to be leaded by Soto Rojas, who is the responsible for the Pole, another unitary effort. In that meeting the wounds have to be healed, pick up offenses, cancel the silence, and above all, give to the enemy a prove that we have a lot of heart and Revolutionary restraint in here, so we do not leave anything, whatever it is, breaks the Revolutionary course.

Hence, a proposal to correct the errors, to create what is necessary and do not repeat the dissagreement must emerge, we have to diagnose the flaws, the fraternal discussion have to substitute the imposition of ideas, recognizing in diversity.

That meeting have to reaffirm our faith in Commander Chavez, and the clear intention to go toward Socialism, to the same rhythm of our peculiarites.

With Chávez, all!

Revolutionaries Unity!

May 5, 2011


The values of Socialism are prefiguring in the cores that lead its construction and defense, they are not isolated from the big battle against capitalism.

The main Socialist value is the sense of ownership to society, the consciousness of Social Duty, which is the centre of the battle for its construction, the ethics and morale core of Socialists, everything else must contribute to this value.

Thus, everything that favors this value of society sense would be Revolutionary, and whatever that diminishes it or blurs it would be counter-revolutionary.

It is not easy to rescue the sense of ownership to society; there are millennia of selfishness, of individual solutions to the life, that mankind has suffered. As Che said, it is about a formidable step towards to what he called “the higher step that human species can reach, to be Revolutionary”.

Hence, it dislodges the second Socialist value, to fight always for Revolution and Socialism. That is the human being fulfillment, in that battle that we construct to ourselves, there is nothing that can overcome the urgency of the battle for the new society.

It has tried to integrate society, which is the essence of Christ’s approach, the “we should love one another” one of two thousand years ago; it is a plea to integration, and Socialism. But, is in this time that we got to live, where we have –amazingly- the unique opportunity to fight for the concretion of the Socialist aspiration.

The third value is discipline, this value faces the indiscipline that emanates from the individualistic existence of petit bourgeoisie and the marginalized, and it dyes our entire society.

Revolutionary discipline is conscious and that means that it is not a product from fear, but from the conviction of the idea, the strategy and the faith into the leader. Being so, anything justifies indiscipline.

But, as a contrast to this discipline, it exists is the irreverence of the discussion. In discussion between Revolutionaries inside the organisms there is no hierarchy, there is no an authority argument, that would kill the discussion. Now, hierarchy and discipline work when the time to act is.

Along with Chavez the opportunity was presented to this people and revolutionaries –who are fighting from the deepness of the last century- to convert dreams into realities. We were never as close to make come true the desires of such a bloodshed and such an effort, as now; fighting had not ever been so full of sense.

Hence, the fourth ethical and morale value –that emanates from the sense of the historical moment, is the defense of Commander Chavez, without stinginess. Chavez is the Revolutionary most important of this epoch and passed times. Nobody ever knew how to lead this people so near to deep changes that humanity demands. Those are his accreditations. To defend him is to defend hope.

With Chavez all!
Without him, nothing!!


The great enigma of the revolutionary intention is how to substitute spirituality, the capitalist culture and the Socialist spirituality. We know that the ideology of the Working Class would be the new society column, but how to make it hegemonic? What is the mechanism that drives it from the social predominance catacombs? Let’s see.

The bourgeois ideology was imposed over humanity because it was a rearrangement that let hide the exploitation with the equality illusion, brotherhood, creating the fantasy of a possibility to incorporate the entire society to the privileges that used to belong to the high monarchical elites.

The bourgeoisie socialized the ethical values that support it; it gave it a social character and natural. The whole society adopted them and every social class make them theirs.

However, what are the dominating mechanisms of the proletarian ideology? Which would make them hegemonic and transform them in the ideology of bigger majorities? Let’s analyze.

The classical writers postulate that “the existence determines the consciousness.” But this relation is not established in a mechanical way or spontaneously. It is necessary the existence of a nucleus that -from work to society- irradiates an example of conduct to the rest, and impregnates them with Revolutionary values. This way the ideology of the working class leads and makes itself hegemonic.

The construction of hegemony is not in the working class’ numerical supremacy, thinking that way it would condemn us to not make Revolution. The answer is in the construction of focuses with the essential relation of the proletarian existence, that is from work to society and from those areas irradiate the Revolutionary Consciousness. Nowadays, those nucleuses are the Collective Voluntary Work lands.

With voluntary work we work to the entire society, we reproduce the existence of the socialist society, we create the material base and simultaneously we interweave it with the Consciousness of Social Duty. This way the hegemony of the proletarian ideology would be constructed and we will socialize the Socialist values.

Only like this, men meet again with the fruits of his labor, the product is not strange to him, his effort has a sense and belongs as regards a member of society, it can not be appropriate by a capitalist.

So, to each one belong the work of every member of society, work, his fruits, to be social and also each individual belong as a member of society.

Only this way the capitalist fragmentation can be overcome. The society healing road begins and takes the sky by storm. The material and spiritual conditions establish in order to move forward towards the work liberation and towards Socialism.

The relations with work establish like that and they are to be of future. The contingents of volunteer workers prefigure with its perspiration and effort the society of the future, the work without the compulsion of survival, they work and while doing it they fulfill themselves, they become New Men.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, Nothing!!
Without Voluntary work, Socialism is impossible!!


Gramsci tells that “immediately after the outbreak of Revolution and before leaving Russia, Lenin sent this notice: “Do not trust Kerensky”.

Few times in the whole Revolutionary history a strategy, a thought, a political teaching had been condensed in such a few words, in such a succinct message.

Lenin knew that after the defeated Tsar’s monarchy a revolutionary period would be opened, where the advance’s principal enemy would be reformism. In that extreme risk situation, when it was disposed to go in the “armored train”-that was going though the hostile Germany and the war front- would take it to the core of the Revolutionary battle, he sent as a testament and last instruction, a kind of epitaph that means: do not trust kerensky, reformists, they are the principal enemy of every Revolution…

History admits it -not only in Russia where Revolution concreted fighting against the international reformist’s and capitalist’s alliances- but in every Revolution that since that day have ever tried in the planet.

Every time that a Revolutionary possibility emerges, the restorer reformism appears moderating the waters, calling for calm, slowing down, distracting the impetus; they say “there are no possibilities”. “Capitalism does not work but it has to be beaten little by little”-they proclaim. The bolder ones scare and alert, “Without capitalism there is no production”.

The phenomenon is understandable. Let’s see.

A Revolution is a step, a change of such magnitude, which terrifies. Costumes, values and a deep psyche conspire against him; there, where the old vision of the world is anchored. In the definitive hour –when change knocks the door and when society finds itself in the possibility of flying higher- then appears the voices coming from the cavern of centuries, opprobrium millennium; whispering to us to go back, to what is known, to the tranquility of what is conquered, to the chains that shinning now just a bit.

But man is an animal, he is more curious than sensible, bolder than measured, more altruistic than selfish, more human than animal. Those are the conditions that let him conquer the seas under nut shells or let him climb mountains with the only incentive of watching the far horizon. Those are the characteristics that let Bolivar cross The Andes, let Fidel attack the Moncada’s barracks, and let Chavez try to take the sky by storm, let Fabricio leave the seat, let Americo Silva leave his family to go and favor the humanity, let Marti battle in Dos Rios, let Che died in La Higuera with the same dignity that he lived, and let the five kidnapped Cubans resisted all to show us that the new men exists… Man is capable of conquering himself.

That quality of human would be the one that let us go under the fables that come up from the mental chains and rehearse the bold step that found the worlds and justifies the struggles… Lenin was right.

With Chávez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!

May 3, 2011


The changes approved by the Congress of the Communist Party in Cuba, made a shower of opinions: the Right celebrates and once again decrees the end of Socialism, the social dropouts feel relieved, the internal reformism disfigure them to support their restorer positions. We Revolutionary must keep track of them carefully, from them dislodges a valuable learning. Let’s see.

Maybe the most important teaching is that each Revolution is its own model, it can be copied. But there are characteristic which are universal, that become into laws, and those must be taken into account, always be right in time and location.

We have to study each Revolution with a historical perspective, that way we can extract from them the indispensable universal teachings to the advance of our process. Let’s study!!

Cuban Revolution represented, as Che said, a break up with the revolutionary dogmas that the Socialist International imposed, and that prescribe alliances with the national bourgeoisie. Theses dogmas linked the liberating possibilities of the continent.

Cuban Revolution is a bold insurgency against oligarchies. Besides, it broke the excuses that reformists always point to reject the Revolutionary possibility. In the case of Cuba, they argued the geographical pessimism and said: “ninety miles from the empire there is no chance for a revolution.”

It was an event guided by the theoretical and practical boldness. From here arises an interesting fact: if many of the ideas, that today’s “revolutionaries” use to judge the Cuban Revolution, were imposed during Moncada’s days, batista would still lead Cuba.

The Cuban Revolution has got to defeat great obstacles going through adverse situations of such magnitude, that they authorize to describe it as a miracle. Today the ominous predictions abound, and surely they will crash, one again, against the formidable morale strength that has been built there.
Revolutionaries and reactionaries, they all ask: Where is the strength of the Cuban Revolution? What has let it overcome the blocking, and the fall of the Socialist field? What has let it overcome the proximity to the empire and the continental isolation? …

The Cuban Revolution is supported by the extraordinary advance of the Revolutionary theory, it rediscovered and took into practice the concept about that Revolution must hold on a harmonic pairing formed by materiality and spirituality, the spiritual is decisive and predominates over the material.

So every story of that process is the history of elevating the Conscious of Social Duty, and the sense of belonging to humanity. That sense is the key to explain the continuance of Revolution.

We can call the changes that occurred there in many ways, but the most appropriate is to call them ´Resistance Forms` face the global crisis, blocking and the isolation of that people. Those are tactical compliments that preserve strategy, the Socialist essence.

The high conscious levels necessaries to make a Revolution are the Cuba’s main universal teaching. It would be a great mistake to sacrifice the formation of awareness and give in the restoration seduction.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!