Aug 23, 2011


The discomfort that was brewing for previous years is bursting with the fall of the Soviet Union. Then, perplexity took account of revolutionaries and the empire, and with vengeance it kicked the dead dog. In the intellectual universe -quickly- were composed the capitalist forces and they began their offensive.

The intellectual attack has two phases:

One, that we might call direct confrontation: the counter-revolutionary intellectuals -led by the intoxication of victory- declared the "end of history", beyond capitalism there would not be nothing, the most that it could be done is to perfection it.

This first stage of frontal collision was contradicted by reality: poverty and the disenchantment of the masses produces riots, social explosions that need to be interpreted and, above all, charge them. The direct intellectual assault was not effective to keep peace of domination.

The empire knew that, if the social discomfort escalated into political goals, it would be an alternative to capitalism, it would endanger it. That could not be allowed, we have to attack it there, where it can be harm irreparable: within ideology, theory.

A number of "theoretical potions" emerge with revolutionary taste, destined to dilute the fuel of protests, to make them in safe manifestations for the system.

The intellectuals called to postulate these theories, they were pushed to stardom by the media, names began to ring: tony negri, martha hacnecker, dussel, dieterich, mészáros ... they won prizes, they were awarded and edited abundantly. They formed the counter-revolutionary intellectual battalion. With them, capitalism must take another face and preserve itself.

The thesis of this battalion have a common structure, they obey to a single intention. Let's see.

They ignore the class struggle; replacing it with names that sound good, they give an air of erudition, using: crowd, potentia, constituent power, community, the people, but never social class.

These terms, these categories are irrelevant, they are useless to explain the movements of reality, they are only used to distract and pretend that they are doing revolution, when only prevent the escalation of protest to a political level.

When the dispossessed social classes believe this thesis, they are deprived of the political strife, the clash of classes are thrown unarmed into the slugs jaws of capitalism. In contrast, the ruling classes continue to deepen their awareness of class: with their State, their ideology and organizations are in conditions to hegemony.

This battalion discredits the seizure of power; they invent thousands of things about it. According to them, every revolutionary power can become in Soviet totalitarianism. They propose a kind of ethereal power that only exists in their minds, unables to take the power that they despise. At the most, they form innocuous clusters, which are used for social tourism; they never threaten the capitalism hegemony.

With Chavez’s arrival to power, the counter-revolutionary intellectual battalion was activated. They had obligatory scenery to apply their theories; the challenge was to keep that beautiful popular alluvium to climb the political forms that would endanger the system. They flew over here.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

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