Aug 31, 2011


Having a sense of the historical moment -as Fidel said in his concept of Revolution- requires intelligence to grasp it and a great courage to act likewise, changing it, driving it; that is the essence that the revolutionary leaders are made off, that differentiates them from faded politicians that move according to how the wind blows. These do not change anything, those found worlds.

Bolivar understood his historical moment, he fed from the French Revolution, and the Haitian black rebellion; and from that understanding, he had the courage to break with himself, with his “Mantuano” social class; as Fidel said, changing whatever it needs to be changed. Bolivar fought for independence and broke the stillness of three hundred years; he was the hurricane that founded a new time.

The Liberator was anti-imperialist, as corresponded in his time, he emancipated slaves, and that was the most radical economic transformation of his century, he also had a vision of the Great Motherland and we are still struggling to achieve it. Undoubtedly, Bolivar is a Revolutionary.

Fidel -that living monument of Revolution- is aware of his historical moment and the courage to plant Revolution ninety miles away from the empire, a country with minimal development of proletariat. He knew how to break dogmas and establish a Republic with economic and social awareness; today is a moral sanctuary for the revolutionaries of the planet.

With the Bolivarian Revolution and Commander Chavez, we have deeply moved forward within the transformation of Socialism. Every day, we understand that economy must be controlled by society through the revolutionary State, that control is a requisite so the human snatches to capital, the leadership of its life, so the gain stops being the centre of existence, and man and nature take their place of privilege.

We recover our self-esteem, the human condition that leaded us to be an example for the continent. Now with Commander Chavez, the people found a leader that resumes it. He has the intelligence to understand that the historical moment calls for the creation of a reference for humanity in the capitalism’s surmounting, a society that melts and expands Socialism with its example, that shows that is possible to rise from the capitalist miasma into forms of liberating organization.

He is a leader with the courage to act according to the historical moment, and able to face the empire, and capable to make the changes where something has to be changed.

There are several samples of Chavez’s revolutionary texture; right now, he faces the stature of a giant against the global capitalist empire. He is one of the few world political leaders that come out defending the hounded Kaddafi, while the world turns to other side face the genocide in that merciless bombed people, in view of that “criminal hunting!” of their legitimate ruler. Chavez fulfils us with internationalist proud when he takes position with dignity.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 26, 2011


Definitions are always imperfect but indispensable. We cannot talk seriously without defining the terms we use, these generally are set in advance, and they are customary.

So when we say "in the afternoon he/she visited us" most people understand what it is about. But, when communication is scientific, then the mass that uses it, defines the terms used with maximum precision. Such is the case of doctors, for them "syndrome" is a term with unambiguous meaning. The same for an engineer, the term “debutanization” does not confuse who understand this.

In politics complication is bigger: this is an activity where interests converge: culture, tradition, big and small struggles; we can say that it is the most human activity of all done by man. With it, it confuses reality with fiction, intentions with achievements; the truth is slippery, and lying is ethical, experimentation is impossible. It is the soul and territory of confrontation, material is subordinated to it, crime is an instrument, manipulation a virtue, and this often is a hindrance. Moral values ​​are changeable, history is written lecturing by the interested. Therefore, definitions are more blurring, but more necessary than any other area.

In politics, for example, calling "bastard" to a bad person can be manipulated to mean insult to an honourable lady, and thus attacking to an opponent's television show. Also "petit bourgeois" may signify an offence that annoys, when it is a technical term that indicates social relations. For that reason, it is useful to define what sense are we using the terms. Let's see.

In politics definition is clear, many times and for many people; it is not convenient, it does not allow comfortable movement, so it is branded of being dogmatic, rigid, and slightly wide.

For us, Revolutionary is defined primarily by its position face property of the means of production and consciousness. From this essence dislodges a set of characteristics, morals and ethics.

This definition is imperfect; it is a tool that let us move in the ambiguous sea of politics, it is a guide to action.

Being so, the thesis that postulate that Revolution is possible, in favour of Social Property of the means of production administered by the State, and the Consciousness of the Social Duty which intertwine within, and the integration of the fragmented society, would be revolutionary in the strict sense of the word, in the technical sense. This is the core that determines the search, the goal.

So, no one can feel offended if their theory does not fit into this definition, which is certainly not our invention, it is a decantation of the best universal revolutionary thought. Let no one be offended, you can be a good person, always on the side of the humble, but your thesis cannot be classified as Revolutionary.

Irreverence in the discussion, loyalty in action!

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 25, 2011


Extinction threats the species, and exclusion threads bigger majorities. This truth is borne out by scientists and the best minds on the planet. Extinction or survival is the dilemma that makes all human activity, and determinately the politics; it is where the contradiction explodes. Let's see.

Capitalism needs a rising and wasteful consumption, and that is the requirement for the accumulation of capital, to transform the stolen labor into money which condensed on goods. Hence, any activity within capitalism is subordinated to wasteful consumption. Politics is central to this culture of waste; it has as a main function to guarantee the material and spiritual conditions for the rising consumption.

However, this relationship between politics and the culture of consumption, created a devilish circle: to be elected it is necessary to promise waste, and this will lead us to extinction. The most important task of Revolution is to break this circle.

Here in Venezuela, a country that has inherited the capitalist logic, is present in this devilish circle, it has been installed for over a century of oil revenues, and it has misrepresented us the relationship between work and achievement. So, the government is measured by its ability to make the capitalist consumption possible.

Revolution expresses the quest for "the good living", a goal that deserves study. The perception of the good life depends on and determines the ideological position.

The vision of the good living that meshes with the capitalist mentality is that one that allows the highest possible consumption; satisfying the insatiable artificial needs imposed on us by capitalism. Living immersed in the world of things, and what can be bought and sold, so the wheel of capitalism keeps turning, accumulating.

This vision decrees a war of everyone against all, the individual pursuit of the good living, selfish; it necessarily produces misery and distress. For every one that can sustain the rate of consumption, there are thousands who are left out of any opportunity to satisfy even their basic needs.

The vision of the good living that corresponds to Revolution is that which, satisfying the material and spiritual needs of nature, creates the conditions for integral human development, everything in harmony with nature. It is a social search, not individual or selfish.

The devilish circle leads us to extinction in the medium term, and leads us to the exclusion in the immediate terms, so it must be broken.

Revolution -with the measures taken to regulate the consumption of electricity, to control the waste, and encourage the savings- has taken a major step towards the new culture, it is a serious and courageous attempt to break the devilish circle.

The counter-revolutionary leaders when opposing to these measures are mean. By stimulating the selfishness they walk through the path towards the extinction and exclusion, they try to get us drunk so we continue worshiping the golden calf and turning ourselves’ back to the future.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 24, 2011


For the battalion (negri hacnecker, dussel, dieterich, meszaros), Chavez is its biggest challenge, it already had obtained partial success: Porto Alegre got to distract during years the revolutionary forces, and Chiapas was a faded hope in these theories’ miasma.

Chavez’s arrival ramshackle all these theories, they had to restore the speech and suit it to the new situation, "philosophizing" to prevent that the Bolivarian Revolution follows its redemption’s path.

The battalion moved here, it quickly gains followers and positions to boost its distractions. While the battle was against the pro-coup extreme right they come into effect, but in April and December, when the crisis called forward, they showed his reformist character.

When Chavez announces anti-imperialism, anti-capitalism, and called this Revolution of Socialist, the battalion understood that the decisive moment of battle had come. The goal was and is: how to moderate the intentions of change, how to make them harmless.

So, it opens up inside the process an internal struggle between the distraction-reformism and the deepening of Revolution.

The battalion’s propositions come up as fungus: forums and books, they underpin it. In economics, they were proposed to avoid completely the social property, from cooperatives, endogenous centers, Social Production Companies. In the social field, they influenced on fragmentation. Politically, they hindered the party’s organization. In the cultural field, they sabotaged education, preventing the outbreak that a Revolution supposes.

However, reality is stubborn and showed that the counter-revolutionary battalion’s theories do not work. Their results were meager: there was the need to move forward, the wind of the confrontation forced to take revolutionary measures, it was deepened it, and the Permissive Revolution was abbreviated.

Now the battalion's theories are more explicit, its ideological bases appear more clearly, they are sharpened. Three final elements emerge strongly.

First, Revolution is "not possible", "it is recklessness", "it is not to be in tune with reality", "it is very good but is idealistic", "the real is to adapt to a kind of social democracy", a sort of "empowering the people" but not jeopardizing the system. So, people are just concerned to resolve their life, their environment, and do not look up to society, without focusing on the system.

Second, there is the rejection of the State, it is branded as Soviet, bourgeois, and it is intended to substitute it with forms that fragment society, making it incapable of political action.

The third element is to attack the leader; they know that there is no Revolution without a leader, so the story goes. How to do it? if his reputation is so great, the answer has several edges.

Some, including dussel, equal him to the social democratic leaders from the continent. Thus, Lula, Kirchner, Tavaré are the same as Chavez. To these social democratic leaders compare them with the socialist hope of this Bolivarian Revolution. Others dust off the hyper leadership theory.

One of the most important battles of Revolution is the confrontation with this battalion’s theories, and unmasks them as counter-revolutionaries.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 23, 2011


The discomfort that was brewing for previous years is bursting with the fall of the Soviet Union. Then, perplexity took account of revolutionaries and the empire, and with vengeance it kicked the dead dog. In the intellectual universe -quickly- were composed the capitalist forces and they began their offensive.

The intellectual attack has two phases:

One, that we might call direct confrontation: the counter-revolutionary intellectuals -led by the intoxication of victory- declared the "end of history", beyond capitalism there would not be nothing, the most that it could be done is to perfection it.

This first stage of frontal collision was contradicted by reality: poverty and the disenchantment of the masses produces riots, social explosions that need to be interpreted and, above all, charge them. The direct intellectual assault was not effective to keep peace of domination.

The empire knew that, if the social discomfort escalated into political goals, it would be an alternative to capitalism, it would endanger it. That could not be allowed, we have to attack it there, where it can be harm irreparable: within ideology, theory.

A number of "theoretical potions" emerge with revolutionary taste, destined to dilute the fuel of protests, to make them in safe manifestations for the system.

The intellectuals called to postulate these theories, they were pushed to stardom by the media, names began to ring: tony negri, martha hacnecker, dussel, dieterich, mészáros ... they won prizes, they were awarded and edited abundantly. They formed the counter-revolutionary intellectual battalion. With them, capitalism must take another face and preserve itself.

The thesis of this battalion have a common structure, they obey to a single intention. Let's see.

They ignore the class struggle; replacing it with names that sound good, they give an air of erudition, using: crowd, potentia, constituent power, community, the people, but never social class.

These terms, these categories are irrelevant, they are useless to explain the movements of reality, they are only used to distract and pretend that they are doing revolution, when only prevent the escalation of protest to a political level.

When the dispossessed social classes believe this thesis, they are deprived of the political strife, the clash of classes are thrown unarmed into the slugs jaws of capitalism. In contrast, the ruling classes continue to deepen their awareness of class: with their State, their ideology and organizations are in conditions to hegemony.

This battalion discredits the seizure of power; they invent thousands of things about it. According to them, every revolutionary power can become in Soviet totalitarianism. They propose a kind of ethereal power that only exists in their minds, unables to take the power that they despise. At the most, they form innocuous clusters, which are used for social tourism; they never threaten the capitalism hegemony.

With Chavez’s arrival to power, the counter-revolutionary intellectual battalion was activated. They had obligatory scenery to apply their theories; the challenge was to keep that beautiful popular alluvium to climb the political forms that would endanger the system. They flew over here.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!


Just months after the elections, the dominant theme is the coup. The dispute takes the scene. The fact does not need further explanation. Gringos asked for the search of way out without elections, rushing the onslaught against the people, Revolution and Commander Chávez. And the counter-revolution -submissive- fulfils received orders, plotting; the functions are already distributed. Let's see.

The one in charged of sowing disenchantment is the “squalid” teodoro; for that he talks of Generals that will perform a coup d’état if Chavez loses, the government does not believe in elections and prepares ignorance. In this way, he puts the political struggle in scenery; he justifies the counter-revolutionary conspiracy, preparing the international environment.

The retired militaries are responsible for the whispering of assets, causing trouble; they try to discredit some officers, arousing ambitions, increasing mistakes and oversights.

In other sectors, they try to do strikes as those carried out by the transport sector, prefabricated, forced; it is imperative to think that it was a trial balloon. We already know the connection between this sector and the gringo embassy. Doctors create discomfort, fascists threaten. In the counter-revolutionary board appears strongly the pro-coup component.

Oswaldo alvarez is the most conspicuous spokesman, they demand for resignation.

The pro-coup miserable is active; its hacks give credit to the pro-coup idea, who does not feel it is naive. The political scenery rapidly slides towards confrontation grounds. The election, if it does not disappear yet on the scenery, every day languishes. The counter-revolution knows defeated in the elections, tricked in an Assembly where they do not shine. They do not find a candidate to confront Chávez; they kill with a knife and look for crooked paths.

The revolutionary leaders already denounce the situation. Now, it is necessary to be prepared.

First of all, we have to ask ourselves: why suddenly accelerate the coup? The answer has an international component, we have already treated: the empire needs a success, and Chavez's head is an excellent trophy to climb the surveys, besides the extraordinary and strategic economic benefits.

Besides the international fact, the same Revolution has given clearance for pro-coup ambition. It is necessary to shield ideologically Revolution, let’s remember that every revolutionary defeat is always preceded by an ideological defeat. The counter-revolution is emboldened, its most pusillanimous hacks now sing as roosters because they perceive ideological weakness, ambiguity, desire of agreements, and the deployment of bridges.

It is indispensable to mobilize the Bolivarian mass, the statements are not enough, the electoral majority is not enough, it is necessary a performer majority, able to vote and to go out to defend Revolution and Commander Chavez.

It is necessary to end the little trips, pettiness and minor intrigue between the Bolivarian, it is necessary to raise the level of debate, of statements. Now, every taken step, every public intervention will influence the pro-coup scenery. The verbal pyrotechnics harms us.

It is imperative that the “squalid” feel that the order of the Commander will be fulfilled. The commander ordered: "The response will be devastating". Today more than ever takes effect the "Motherland, Socialism or Death".

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!


In crises, positions of dominant classes are shown without makeup: contradictions are evident, sides become clear, and everything is subject to the power struggle.

We live in deep crisis, let’s remember the words of Gramsci, “The old does not stop dying and the new does not stop to be born, in that twilight monsters emerge". Thus, we have the opportunity to go to the new or go back to old, while we face the danger of the fascist monster's rise. Under these conditions, the opposing sides take their positions.

Fedecamaras -representing capitalist interests, of all, both small and large- comes out to scene, asking its place in the coup, it arrived with its size of executioner, the same April’s outfit. Let's see.

Fedecamaras, capitalist, have their claims for transition, for the coup.

The first claim -and it could be otherwise- is against the workers. "They request to give them carte blanche, letter of marquee to fire employees without any impediment". The capital shows its true exploitative face, of appropriate the labor of others.

Then, they ask "to let them loot the currency reserves, and suspend the exchange control". And that means to give them the country's wealth. Thus, they demonstrate its parasitic nature of rent.

They request to stop expropriation. They know that the non-social property of the means of production is the way of stealing other people's work, this is capitalism’s pillar. What they want is to leave intact the economic structure that allows them to steal work, to enrich at other people’s expenses.

They also call for the suspension of price control.

The government proposal is made of "fraught with good intentions," they speak of dialogue, and being prepared to create jobs for millions, and so on. It is the same lecturing of always, in fact what they present are their requirements for the pro-coup government.

Capitalists already took their place in the coup, they came to light, but other factors are missing, there must come the conference of bishops. Let’s remember “la Quinta Esmeralda”, they relapse and the picture is formed again.

The illusions and plans -that the capitalists will stop acting as capitalists, and that they will lose their nature- will dissipate. The intentions of unnatural unions between capitalism and Socialism are belied by reality.

Revolution must define its profile and overcome the candid stage of the First Republic; it must understand and make understand the mass that we are in a final war against oligarchy. And the North’s masters launched the same order that they gave to Allende’s opposition: ending up with this government, assassinating the example.

In short, what FEDECAMARAS expresses is a disguised ultimatum, it asks the government to give up, to stop being Socialist and to deliver the country to gringos. The answer is one: They will not return! No matter what it costs us, we will defend motherland.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!


The crisis of civilization shows it tragic face when the revolutionary government tried to rationalize electricity consumption. Society’s behaviour is a sample of how hurt humanity is, and how difficult it will be to heal it and the great responsibility of politics in this endeavor. Let's see.

The revolutionary government -in an attempt to stop the waste of electricity- tested measures of punishment-reward: those who reduce consumption to reasonable limits will be rewarded with low collection, and the profligate will be fined. All this carried out in an environment of explanation of needs in order to save the source.

We do not have enough data to measure how it worked, but we know the reaction of politicians.

"Roberto León Parilli, president of the National Alliance of Users and Consumers Anauco, says: "For domestic users, they are being charged with fees of up to 200%, and have received several complaints about irregularities in the way they are doing the measurements”, he also says: "The measurement is totally illegal and violates the Constitution”.

A similar position has the president of the Legislative Council of State of Zulia, Marianela Fernandez: "she introduced a motion for the annulment against resolution 74, which imposes fines or contributions between 75% and 200% to families that do not reduce consumption or increase it in more than 10% and 20%.

The same attitude had authorities of Nueva Esparta.

A contradiction is showed between the vulgar and selfish politics and the necessary changes to correct the wasteful and suicidal course that leads humanity. The political and economical pettinesses prevent the necessary measures to preserve life.

The coward politicians prefer to continue the party of waste, the comfort of worshiping the "golden calf" to win unconscious votes. It does not matter if tomorrow the debacle comes. They avoid the responsibility to tell the truth to the society, on the contrary, they stimulate the intoxication of embezzlement, and they are criminal leaders leading us –irresponsibly-into an abyss.

The contradiction between the whore politics and energy savings is a manifestation -if small- of another major contradiction that includes it: the contradiction between capitalist interests faced against nature and humanity.

Capitalism is incapable of solving the problems it created itself. If we do not change the capitalist culture there will not be an output for humans, we will be a species that used the wonder of thought to create a monster that devoured it: capital.

In this situation, the courage of the revolutionary government's takes on historical significance, taking such measures of reasonable electricity consumption. It sets a precedent of society with a strategic vision, it dictates lecture of responsible leaders able to tell the truth even at the risk of misunderstanding.

The task of Revolution, of Socialism, is to educate society in the new culture. Every event, every moment should have that goal. The saving measures deserve its approval; they educate and break the paradigm of patronage that we have suffered for a hundred years.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 19, 2011


A good exercise is to imagine how what a counter-revolutionary government would be. The first thing is to search -in the reality, in history- sings to imagine that government with a certain base, each item must have a support. Let's see.

If they come to power through violent ways, with that violence that is on nowadays, then the measures taken will be accelerated: repression will reach unprecedented levels of cruelty, popular reaction: drowned, leaders: struck down, prisons: will not be enough and stadiums will be fit out. They already did this in April, and Pinochet's school is an excellent teacher. Lots of hands, today white, will stain with blood.

Quickly, the plan of government will be developed. OPEC's output will be immediate; it is one of the payments required by gringos and fascists europeans. And here, it is worth mentioning, that this counter-revolution is unpatriotic, and that is not just saying it, it works as subordinated to the imperial governments.

They receive money for their misdeeds; we know about the sale of entire parties to international financiers, they themselves reported it, like ismael’s case of prostituting the party “podemos”.

But, where the shame and stupidity reach levels of astonishment is with the letter -written in English- which aveledo on behalf of all the counter-revolution sent to the gringo Congress asking for help, asking for an intervention. It is a gem of submission, of lackey mind. They already licked boots in Europe, they asked for help to Aznar’s party.

The unpatriotic will develop their masters’ plans. Thus, besides getting out from OPEC, they will raise the oil production; they need to lower the oil prices. They will give the international reserves, “Faja Del Orinoco” and will privatize everything: wind, water, oil.

The humble will suffer poverty that with the arrival of Chavez walked away from. There will not exist the Missions, it is huge lie when they say that they will leave them. There will not be opportunities for study just for the wealthy, health will be an expensive commodity, crime will scale to levels like Mexico’s and Central America’s; the neighborhoods will become in ghettos, and the middle class will ruin.

The hope will be postpone again; Bolivar’s picture and its legacy will be go back to the dark basement of Miraflores, there along with the dream of redemption; they will hope that the humble wake up and return to rescue them.

Now, if they come through the elections, they will do the same but a little bit slower, with more modesty, without anybody noticing it.

Revolutionaries cannot allow for that to happen, that executioners come to power, it would be to allow the country’s murder, and allowing that has no justification or excuse. The existence of the nation is above all considerations.

Chávez's reelection is guaranteed, but we must be alert, the counter-revolution is clever, it has no scruples, they are capable of any cruelty. They hate the poor; they are fascists and consult the most rotten persons in the planet.

We must be alert, the empire is able of any dirty trick to flip the elections, and they have plenty of resources. If they win, we all lose, humanity will lose.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 18, 2011


If it snores like a pig, has ears like pig ears, has a pig nose, it is likely to be a pig; it is unlikely to be an avocado. If every day they declared as pro-coup, they say that Chavez should resign, and it is necessary a transitional is possible that they are preparing a coup, it is implausible that they plan a birthday party. Let’s see.

Franchesqui writes: "that is why it is possible to prepare for a January 23th, with “Junta Patriotica” included, and I –honestly- do not see the MUD playing that role. Transition is looming on the perspective of 2012. Those who are ready to help it in the birth can play a major role avoiding the misfortunes that have overshadowed other people”.

Sonia Camacho is the spokesperson of an NGO -Women in Black- copied exactly as the ladies in white from Cuba; it is not surprise that they are daughters of the same intelligence agency. This ngo, by direct indications of their gringo commanders, they go on a hunger strike that has visibly two goals, sonia says: "We have grown to the point that there are black women that no one knows they exist, for example, in the Armed Forces, there are some who can not talk now, but the time will come”.

Here is a clear message to the Armed Forces; it is an open declaration of conspiracy.

Another and main motive exposed –shamelessly- by sonia is: "Why a hunger strike and not another mechanism of protest? This will be the first women's strike in Venezuela and it will have its meaning. I can answer for Fernandez and I, who started the strike, we are ready to leave our lives here, as Franklin Brito did to defend his rights, we are fully prepared for that, and it is good for the President to know this. He never paid attention to Franklin, but when two women die- if we have to die-he would be internationally in a very bad position. I know that he does not care if we die or not, but the political implications of that are of his interest”.

This is clear that the strike in the best gringo style, it is a true copy of the steps given in Cuba, it is addressed to the international opinion, thereby they delegitimize the government and justify the coup, and the coming intervention.

The above is just a demonstration of statements and writings from the counter-revolutionaries; let’s remember oswaldo alvares, avila vivas, ochoa antich, carlos blanco, ramos allup and a macabre, etc.

There is no need for an investigation to prove the coup; the signals are in the press, there is no doubt, they prepare actions out of the electoral process. It is Revolution’s duty to be prepared and resist the gringo onslaught, and to deepen Revolution. The people must be alert, as well as institutions, the party must be ready, the mass organizations must be prevented. The ideas: clear, the spirits: High and the memories of our heroes will lead us towards the victory in this new battle.

There is not Chavez without Socialism; there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 17, 2011


It is unanimous the perception of the crisis, the statements of the sides show that the struggle for power gets sharp, all sectors of the country participate in the discussion, from the military to drivers, this is a clear sign of crisis.

Despite what carlos blanco says, the crisis is a great opportunity to advance. We can say that crises are necessary stations for the advance of Revolution and –simultaneously- are of high risk of restoration. The triumph is not mechanical; it will depend on the intelligence, organization and consciousness that reach the revolutionary forces. Success smiles to preparation.

It is necessary to prepare Revolution for the coming stage, where the rules of the game, necessarily, will change: before, preparation, the electoral machinery, propaganda, the "jingles", the stands from the red party, banners were first. Now the conscious mobilization of the acting majority become priority, the clarity of the lines of command is vital, discipline and, above all, the clarity of ideas, definition of goals.

The party must be electoral machinery, but also an organization capable of acting strongly in situations of social turmoil. The structure must be lubricated in such way that it can operate even in extreme conditions, so the indications given by the direction reach expedite the last corner of the nation.

Simultaneously, every structure, every activist must be ready to act in isolation, knowing the spirit of the party so much that they can reproduce it without indications. Recalling that guideline of the classic writers: "a revolutionary, even under conditions of total isolation, is capable of acting as a revolutionary, to become in his own commander, in his own army".

It would be desirable to alert the people and the party’s members, explaining the intentions from the empire and the national lackeys –which are out from the rules of the electoral game, everyone have to be clear of what is now decided, we have to shield from deception.

It would be convenient and it is time to train emergency agencies that are able to analyze the new situation and its quick changes, to know the enemy and us. The positive surveys are not enough, the expressions of affection for the Commander; it is necessary to "organize love."

The merger with the people should be deepened, that is the guarantee of preserving the operational ability of Revolution.

Revolutionary ideology is the main pillar of preparation face the crisis. It is urgent, indispensable, a great excitement around study, and the ideological discussion. The study should be essential in the life of the people, knowing what the goal, what the intentions are; the motives of Revolution will make us invincible.

The Revolution must defend and prepare to move forward, leading the people in resistance to the oligarch offensive that shows on the horizon.

The cards are released, success will favour the cautious. The warned war only defeats the careless.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, without Socialism there is no Chavez!


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Today`s Fidel, the one that now we talk about, has the age of youth, he lives in the memory of those who -guided by their courage- imitate him, break dogmatism and go along with their blood and sweat to found the world dreamed by the fools, the Christs, the Liberators, the Quixotes, the Ches.

We knew him through his voice that came from Sierra Maestra -and metal as a bell- called to understand, to give us for others. It was the Sermon on the Mountain that returned, the wonderful days when the spirit was over the matter, they were back.

A bunch of young men insisted on knocking on the doors of audacity, that is the only way to do history, the human is found. We were moved and became pro-Fidel (Fidelistas), we joined him in Sierra, and we vowed to have the same fate.

Fidel! How we appreciate that you returned to us the way of being human, pursuers of an ideal, with the inner fire of seeking treasures in the wind and not the sweat of others.

You taught us that to be human is to fly building utopias and not slide after a material, which loves protects and feeds more than any alms obtained in the mediocrity of a planned life by outsiders.

How you rise on “Moncada”! In “Granma”! The history will absolve me!

Oh! Thanks Fidel for dragging us into the hurricane of real human existence.

We saw you with your backpack and your rifle in you shoulder, we left after your eyes to seek dignity, in the mountains, where human beings worth for fraternity.

We founded a new world as you taught us, it was small, it became extinct but knew that it was possible, and we live wanting to give good news to the rest of mankind: there is another way of living, it is not necessary to be wolves, we can be brothers.

Christ was right. At that very little universe, where the fate of one and the fate of all melted; we met, we feel Guevara’s Socialism, your partner of dreams, of Lenin, the leader of all of us.

They say you have more than eighty years; for us you will always be thirty-three, the age of Christ when he came down from “Sierra Maestra”, where the white dove of the Holy Spirit rested on his shoulder in Havana, capital of free humanity.

Fidel, you will always walk with us, look that guides and teaches, example, a spur to the major tasks and major risks.

What gift can we give you today and forever? Only one fits in your giant life, the one you asked for your friends at Moncada: "to fight so his sacrifice was not in vain, to build a new world for which they gave their lives". We will give you that.

Here we are Fidel, we salute you in your new thirty-three years, we will light candles for you, and for you we will shout: Motherland, Socialism or Death!

To defeat we will give it all.


Chavez's disease showed a problem of power, it appears the main mobile of politics without makeup. A dynamic that persists, despite of the healing of the Commander, unleashes. Thus, the struggle for power escalated high levels of antagonism and they cannot be stopped.

In Venezuela, we experience the heightening of a battle that no longer contains –only- in the elections, it exceeds the established limits. Who better understands this new situation, will lead in the moment of the inevitable confrontation.

The problem of power is seen by the counter-revolution beyond the election, they build a national project that involves the rising to power at any cost. Gradually, they outline the ways, all of them are tributaries of the central attempt: to take power.

Thus, today their aim is to blur Chavez’s leadership: they try to confuse leader with administrator. When Commander delegates administrative functions, the summer widows of hyper-leadership and the “squalid”, celebrate because they think that it would mean the loss of the leadership that withstands Revolution.

With the same intention of damaging his image, they demand to the leader physical conditions, as if it was the Olympics, as if the dispute was a marathon. If so, the best leader would be Messi or Arango.

As this happens, as they put in the centre of the dispute the image of Chavez, they prepare what they call transition, which is actually a coup. The dispute for power does not despise any path, oligarchs do not respect laws or traditions, and their vocation of domination is above all things.

Revolutionaries must prepare to defend the conquest of Revolution against any eventuality. We cannot be naive to think that social antagonisms, sharpened every day, will be resolved with the elections; those are just a station on the road.

It is proven by history, that the revolutionary processes -that gets excited about the bourgeois laws, their methods, and think that with them begins and ends all politics- one day, always late, will discover that oligarchy, with a vision of wanting more power, defeats them through ways not considered by law.

Allende's Chile warns us, there the so-trumpeted “transition” showed in all its details. It is a lie that oligarchy prepares a peaceful transition in accordance with the laws; on the contrary, they prepare -with a mute- a "transition" like Pinochet’s. Let’s remember that they still do not recognize the CNE, or condemn assassination; every day they whisper to the military. That is their true spirit.

Revolution must prepare for its defence in any field. In 2012, it is needed to make the changes that definitely release us from the bourgeois logic, its values and legitimating forms. Revolution must build other legitimating forms, of certification, beyond the bourgeois elections

Without Chavez there is not Socialism, There is no Socialism without Chavez!


Just months after the elections, the dominant theme is the coup. The dispute takes the scene. The fact does not need further explanation. Gringos asked for the search of way out without elections, rushing the onslaught against the people, Revolution and Commander Chávez. And the counter-revolution -submissive- fulfils received orders, plotting; the functions are already distributed. Let's see.

The one in charged of sowing disenchantment is the “squalid” teodoro; for that he talks of Generals that will perform a coup d’état if Chavez loses, the government does not believe in elections and prepares ignorance. In this way, he puts the political struggle in scenery; he justifies the counter-revolutionary conspiracy, preparing the international environment.

The retired militaries are responsible for the whispering of assets, causing trouble; they try to discredit some officers, arousing ambitions, increasing mistakes and oversights.

In other sectors, they try to do strikes as those carried out by the transport sector, prefabricated, forced; it is imperative to think that it was a trial balloon. We already know the connection between this sector and the gringo embassy. Doctors create discomfort, fascists threaten. In the counter-revolutionary board appears strongly the pro-coup component. Oswaldo alvarez is the most conspicuous spokesman, they demand for resignation.

The pro-coup miserable is active; its hacks give credit to the pro-coup idea, who does not feel it is naive. The political scenery rapidly slides towards confrontation grounds. The election, if it does not disappear yet on the scenery, every day languishes. The counter-revolution knows defeated in the elections, tricked in an Assembly where they do not shine. They do not find a candidate to confront Chávez; they kill with a knife and look for crooked paths.
The revolutionary leaders already denounce the situation. Now, it is necessary to be prepared.
First of all, we have to ask ourselves: why suddenly accelerate the coup? The answer has an international component, we have already treated: the empire needs a success, and Chavez's head is an excellent trophy to climb the surveys, besides the extraordinary and strategic economic benefits.
Besides the international fact, the same Revolution has given clearance for pro-coup ambition. It is necessary to shield ideologically Revolution, let’s remember that every revolutionary defeat is always preceded by an ideological defeat. The counter-revolution is emboldened, its most pusillanimous hacks now sing as roosters because they perceive ideological weakness, ambiguity, desire of agreements, and the deployment of bridges.

It is indispensable to mobilize the Bolivarian mass, the statements are not enough, the electoral majority is not enough, it is necessary a performer majority, able to vote and to go out to defend Revolution and Commander Chavez.

It is necessary to end the little trips, pettiness and minor intrigue between the Bolivarian, it is necessary to raise the level of debate, of statements. Now, every taken step, every public intervention will influence the pro-coup scenery. The verbal pyrotechnics harms us.

It is imperative that the “squalid” feel that the order of the Commander will be fulfilled. The commander ordered: "The response will be devastating". Today more than ever takes effect the "Motherland, Socialism or Death".

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 16, 2011


There are some concepts that due to misuse become a kind of wildcard, useful to get out of any theoretical or practical difficulty. One of these concepts is "to invent or to err", another is "under construction". With these "wild cards", we have slipped many fables and avoided the rigor of study and thought.

However, there is a wild card that beats them all: "transition". This wild card has the scent of theoretical depth, it is released and Gramsci's quote comes back, so this way the stage is decorated to support any atrocity.

Thus, the alliance with capitalism is justified by the "transition”. Encouraging capitalist enterprises is the "transition." No changes are made, "transition". The best possible wildcard is used, and as a magic wand, it explains everything. In the "transition" fits all. The perverse use of the concept brings a problem and a demand.

Transition exists, it is necessary, the reality imposes it. The difficulty is to distinguish the real transition from the evading transition, and how we identify it? How we move within it? Let's see.

Transition is the area where, as Gramsci said: "The old does not stop dying and the new does not stop to be born", and he adds that there are moments of light and shade where monsters can be reborn. We infer that transition is not a comfort zone, where whatever we do, fits well. No! On the contrary, it is a territory of fierce class struggle, of deep ideological struggle.

Thus, theoretical preparation and the study of reality are indispensable to the revolutionary success within transition. In other words, the Revolutionary transition can be defeated.

From all this arises few questions that guide us: how do we know whether the transition is good? What is the goal? Where do we go?

First of all, is to understand that transition is a violent clash of tendencies.

The counterrevolution, in all its versions, fights to impose its logic, its values, and its political and economic principles; Revolution battles to overcome the culture of capitalism, of the counterrevolution.

There is the measure of how right the path towards Revolution is. If the measures that we take benefit us, encourage the values ​​of the old, we are going in a wrong way, and however, if those benefit the ethics and the culture of Socialism, we are good.

Hence, to successfully navigate through the transition, it is essential to know where we are going, what is the purpose of Revolution. The task is not easy, several responses showed the fierce inner struggle.

Reformers do not have clear answers to these questions; they prefer to take refuge in the wild cards, to impute the imprecision of "transition", biting their tail, and diluting themselves in generalities.

The confusion of goals helps oligarchy; the spontaneity always ends up playing the old. We, Revolutionaries must establish clearly the objective, and only that way the path will acquire meaning, it may be evaluated and corrected, and only then we can we think of the triumph over the counterrevolutionary tendency.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 13, 2011


It is often to confuse Revolution with mercy and pity with folkloric sentimentality. During the “fourth republic”, it was often to rise to fame the gifted humble in science or art, but the opportunity to educate them was denied, as well as to know the boundaries that, in their field, humanity had reached.

They were kept like zoo animals; there were attempts to keep them as wild animals, naive. Thus, intelligence without cultivation -which struggled to make a leap releasing itself from the prison of ignorance-, was the astonishment of the petit bourgeois. That was the attraction, that way they calmed their desire for Revolution; they bathed of poor people and folklore.

That attitude was the continuity of the attitude sown by the social democracy, which made of ignorance a virtue; of illiteracy, a quality; of study, a waste; of books, a defect. They kept the pride population in their ignorance. It was a perfect mechanism of domination.

Bolivar caught earlier that ignorance was an effective instrument of domination, and understood that "Moral y Enlightenment were our primary needs". Other great men realized that the only way to be free was to be educated. Simon Rodriguez gave his life to the task of educating.

Ignorance has several ways to present itself: it may be lack of knowledge, that is the most common; but it can also be the poisoning with fake knowledge, and that is the most modern. This fake knowledge, fake values, are implanted in the collective mind of the powerful “media” of deformation. Movies and soap operas create a fiction that replaces reality, even the press has become a "reality show", this genre where reality and fiction are mixed and simulate each other. So we live in a world where owners manipulated at will.

The other ignorance is the smug ignorance, perhaps the most powerful because it can defeat projects that promise Revolution, it is to believe that one already knows, and think that, spontaneously, one has sufficient knowledge, thus it is necessary to study. That kind of pride feeds ignorance and perpetuates it.

Socialism, which is the most important cultural leap that humanity can perform -must- and have to mean a huge leap in knowledge, study, thought, rigor. Socialism is impossible in ignorance; our main task is to defeat it.

We have neglected the revolutionary education; we have shelved motors and brochures. In culture, we deprive ourselves of acting actively, we only repeat; we do not anything that differentiates us from the oligarchy.

The pursuit of material achievements -that are justified- must be accompanied by large spiritual achievements, and those will give be the ones that justify Socialism. Socialism is justified if the soul of men changes, if a new man is built, and that is achieved with culture, true knowledge, and new values.

It is necessary that Revolution gives prestige to study, knowledge, and the intellectual activity, defeating the cult of ignorance that we dragged from oligarchy.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!

Aug 11, 2011


The world creaks under our feet: the anxieties of the United States, the panic of the stock exchanges point with accuracy the great crisis of capitalism. The rich can no longer hide the dismal failure of the fiction they have built. Reality hangs them.

Economy threatens with an overwhelming recession, the stock markets fear dark days. The crisis was already announced in Greece, and now it extends to Spain, Italy ... all Europe is threatened. Oil zigzags, prices swing in the fear of trembling markets.

The past problems were manageable, now with the pressure of the bad economic situation they overflow. London suffers the "jacquerie’s" onslaught, and riots recently were known only by hearsay.

The crisis came into their lives without knocking at the door, the mass looting in the absence of better targets to charge their frustration. They speculate conflicts around the world hit by the collapse of a "happy world" which was the result of a gruesome fiction, technological glitz.

In Spain, the indignant protest as they can. In Chile, the students claim their rights in the wide avenues. Allende waits for them to retake “La Moneda”. The crisis has many manifestations, from Central American mafias to famine in Africa, everything obeys the same: capitalism failed, and it has no answers to the world.

We can conclude that the global crisis will produce reactions of universal protests. The world -as we know it- gets to its end.

What to do? Hard days for humanity are coming; the imperial capitalists will overcome the crisis endorsing it to its most humble inhabitants and the periphery countries. Great repressions are waiting. Fascism –a mechanism of emergency of capitalism- will be activated. There is no room for the social-democratic ambiguity, the bourgeoisie’s illusion of democracy blurs increasingly.

Capitalist societies will suffer tremendously the blows of the crisis, they will not be prepared to face the difficulties, and meanness will make them weak, the lack of spiritual strength prevents them to endure the material lacks, they collapse facing the slightest difficulty.

Only societies able to act together with a leader that leads them through the way of resistance, capable of establishing loving relationships, of building a vision where spiritual is more valuable than material, that they know distinguish between basic needs and artificial needs, only those societies may overcome the crisis.

It is necessary to warn the people, telling them starkly, how difficult the situation is, and how to deal with it. It is essential to show the urgency, the importance of life or death of the socialist construction. We have to discard the capitalist fickleness. To consider capitalism nowadays is a crime against humanity.

To discard the dogmatic errors is to consider alliances with the bourgeoisie. And this has no answers to the crisis; rather, it deepens it, preventing the formation of the awareness needed to face it up.

Today -more than ever- the shout: “Mother, Socialism or death!” comes into effect.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, without Socialism there is no Chavez!

Aug 10, 2011


We said that the peaceful Revolution wins elections to live, and exists to change. But there is a limited time to make changes, this time is determined by the creation of the awareness of Social Duty that those changes entail. The high levels of awareness that ensure Revolution must be achieved before the weakening -of the oligarch elections- take Revolution to unviable levels.

We are at a crossroads: the accumulation of conscience and the weakening are at critical levels. There is no more space for electoral erosion, and parallel, the levels of consciousness demand and make possible the changes. In other words, we are in a defining and revolutionary situation: "to move or die". We should be glad; to get here took us years of fighting and accumulation of experiences, defeats and mistakes. Now, we have to make the changes or the bourgeois logic will devour us.

The question returns: How to do it?

The first thing to do is to detect the column that holds the spirituality of the bourgeois view about life, and its expression in the State’s apparatus. That is to say, what we change will drag and drive substitutions in the rest of the State and, more importantly, in the political behaviour of society.

That column is, without doubt, the bourgeois elections. While we choose with that method, the bourgeois system and its State will be strong, it will be strengthened with each election, and we run the risk that hope and the possibility of Revolution succumb in that swamp.

It is necessary to choose another way and choose other institutions that work differently.

Elections should stop being a spastic episode, individualistic, selfish, and become an expression of social organization. So, we are breaking down the main column that holds the old State. That way we start, that is the first task of the revolutionary changes, so it is necessary to win. Again, winning to exist, existing for change.

The first step toward the revolutionary elections are already there, it is the creation of Community Councils, we have to grouped them into local and regional authorities, until we get to the national authority. The network formed -that way- must replace the bourgeois electoral system.

The national authority should have a different function: the delegates that conform this authority will not lose the bond with the base, and they will be the harness between all instances.
That social network that chooses will not to be an ephemeral electoral structure; in contrast, it will be a permanent organization.

With this step, we will give to Community Councils a high vision, essential to understand that their local problems are connected with the national and international matters. This step would prevent the formation of the mentality of "local little republics", which ignores the problems of the country, believing in the words of Marti, "his village is the world”. Thus, it will begin the substitution of the old State by the new State; it will be the beginning of great changes.

Without Chavez there is no Socialism, without Socialism there is no Chavez!

Aug 9, 2011


The whispering of the military are continuous, the hacks oligarchy’s hacks do not stop to their calls. The empire already prevails other ways; the board was as second plate.

The signs are clear, the conclusion is definitive, now the consensus of the different contending forces does not support the electoral outcome, and the crisis is looking for new ways. Not understanding this and getting blind face reality, will lead us to failure. New actions are required. New tasks arise for the Revolutionaries. Let's see.

The petit bourgeois stage of Revolution is coming to an end, it is exhausted, now it is necessary to prepare the stage of Revolutionary consolidation, the dilemma is clear: Revolution moves forward or perishes.

How to do it?

It is a commonplace, a cliché, to say that the bourgeois State must be overcome, it is necessary to replace it by the Revolutionary State. That seems to be the cause of all evils, and the reason for the disappointment. The responses to how to do it, divide the waters within Revolution.

Some try to put reality into the tomes, they propose outdated stageism and they dilute in their own dogmatism. Others ignore and hide the situation; they recycle the actions and move forward with their fictions, which only exist in their papers full of empty numbers.

The bourgeois State must be replaced from the evolution of Revolution, and that is, from our reality. And it should be replaced to support a new social relationship. Let's see.

The government is in hands of Revolutionaries, the President is Chavez, we administrate the budget, announce laws, we have a majority in the Assembly, Chavez moves and excites the crowd, the ministries work, give credit, provide health, education, sport, transport, we have sovereignty.

This reality cannot be ignored; the old State has a very important role in its own replacement. Here there is no proprietary model mimicking of other situations, there is no demolition as it happens when in Revolution came to power violently, as happened in Cuba, in Russia. The conditions of Peaceful Revolution impose other physiology.

In our Revolution, the battles and the advances pass through triumphs in the territory of institutions of the old State. In these battles, we won the first condition of a Revolution: exist and advance simultaneously towards the understanding of the revolutionary needs.

The originality of the peaceful Revolution carries a great danger: to forget the need to chance that institutionalism, to be satisfied with winning these subordinated battles and forgetting that in each bourgeois election, Revolution wears out.

The Peaceful Revolution is a race between the changes in consciousness, culture, and the erosion of bourgeois elections. If we do not change fast enough, debilitation will annihilates us.

The next elections must be won paving the ways for changes, just so by existing and changing we will succeed. That is now the double battle that faces Revolution: to win the next election and in parallel to create conditions for change. Existing to change.

Without Chavez there is not Socialism, there is no Socialism without Chavez!!

Aug 8, 2011


In every step of Revolution the need for study makes presence. The great Revolutionary leaders motivate education as the column of Revolution, starting with Bolivar who early understood that “an ignorant people are the blind instrument of its own destruction”, and only education could prevent people from being abused in its own credulity.

It is time and the recent events show it precisely to make study more serious and socialize the Revolutionary ideology, making people to take possession and empower in the new culture. To spread a new way of thinking, of reflection, a new method of analyses different from the trivialities that the capitalist means of cultural diffusion had installed in our psyque, different from the morale values, from the ethics that audiovisual media, cinema, soap operas, the pulpit, museums and school have imposed to us.

Why Revolution has failed in the intention of study until now?

It is important analyze the causes, only that way we could retake the path to the education of masses, the birth of a new culture.

The origin of flaws in the Revolutionary education can be found in the petit bourgeois ideology and its anarchic version, incapable of stepping up towards the construction of Socialism.

We already know that the petit bourgeoisie can not construct Socialism, the nearest it had came is to criticize capitalism. It can not overcome the means of production of private property; those are the foundations of its selfishness, and its individual get away. If it has any power it uses it, in short to create more capitalism.

Its anarchic version -with its pusillanimous rejection towards the State, every State- drives it to a wrong vision of domination and, therefore, liberation. They ignore the hegemony of the capitalist ideology, its values and culture, that way they reduce Revolution to a distorted vision of the “colonized people” by the capitalist culture. There is no a vanguard need, or an education need, “people will know what to do”… Then, why study? Who will teach who? Why direction?

Along with this absurd and pedantic opinion, they sabotage any attempt of education, of study.
But without study the Revolutionary march problems can not be solve; the mass and the leaders would not understand the tactic and strategy; they will not know how to handle irreverence and discipline, they will confuse causes with consequences. So, they are able of establish bureaucracy as objective, but they accept –without blinking- the hybrid capital-Socialism and the non-social property of means of production that origins them.

Che, in a letter to Hart in 1965, from the battle field said to him: “That is why I made a study plan for me that, I believe, can be studied and greatly improved to construct the base of a real school of thinking, we have already done a lot, but some day we will also have to think”.

With Chavez all!
Now it is time to think!

Aug 7, 2011


There is no doubt that we are in the middle of a crisis. The traditional gates do not support the political tension, the urgencies of power go beyond the established times. Or, to quote a classic writer, the consensus that had normality was cracking.

The signs are clear: the protests, with or without sense, are daily. Down, despair, misunderstanding, and confusion boil. In the direction, disturbance is noticed. Let's see.

The grouped counterrevolution in the board shows its breakdown, they are being charged by their wickedness and stupidity. They reported as if it was a funny movie, every time they speak, Emilio Lovera rejoices, they filled with material his show. Everything would be very nice, unless they leave a large part of society without leadership and made it mindless, and we know that under these conditions of brutalization, they are capable of accepting any nonsense. This lack of reasoning is a prelude to high cruelty actions and through that way in April would be a baby.

A dangerous strategy of the counterrevolution -exposed by the renegade teodoro- is to discredit the government’s democratic will. Teo speaks of the alleged intention of the government of ignoring the election results if the oligarchy wins. Thus, he baffles the counterrevolutionary social base, and takes away the hope of getting rid of Chavez by democratic ways; he shelves them for the approval of coup outputs.

If to this manipulation we add the daily military statements whispering to the FAN, sowing doubts, calling for the insubordination (let’s remember interviewing guaicaipuro, ochoa antich and rivero), the scene becomes clear: solutions outside the Constitution every day get stronger in the oligarch-bourgeois field. "The sow wind and reap whirlwind”.

Revolutionaries must be prepared for an attack like April’s:

Strengthening Chavez’s leadership, making clear that he is full and there is no obstacle that stops him to be the leader. Fighting the counterrevolution manipulations, and also the internal doubts -that are camouflaged with doctoral poses, forums and written- revive the hyper-leadership issue, which is a sly way to question Chavez.

It is essential to show the intention of the Bolivarian to defend Revolution and our Commander. We will go with the “Motherland, Socialism or Death!” inside our heart, with the chest painted red, committing to our accomplishments, our dreams and life.

We will face the intentions of sinking into the murky breakup of our country; we will never go back again to be a vile support of the imperial wasteful economies.

Finally, strengthening the organization, increasing its sense of social duty, enhancing its national vision, getting it out of the concern of the local, in that mean environment they will not understand the tasks of defending Revolution, they will be easily deceived.

If they dare, every issue would be postponed, any rift between us would be overcome, and the only important thing is to defend Revolution and Commander Chavez, which will unite us in one fury.

Without Chavez there is not Socialism, without Socialism there is no Chavez!

If you dare, you won’t be sorry!


If we analyze Revolutions we will find an epic core that starts them. Legend follows the exploits of this core; from here raises the strong image of the leader.

The core of the Cuban Revolution was the fighters of Moncada, the Granma and Sierra. All these events have as its main feature, being actions that generate a great fraternity, of "bonds that cannot be dissolved as any appointments".

In the Sierra, the starter nucleus lived according to the central law of Socialism: "The luck of all depends on the luck of each one, and the luck of each one depends on all". This fellowship made easy and possible to understand the path to socialist construction, it was its natural development. This explains the extraordinary strength of Cuban Socialism, which is able to exist even after the collapse of the socialist field.

The legend was the basis for creating a new culture. From there, the Cuban changed: the values were not the same, society is structured differently and the tasks and ways to face them were others. Society undertook the total change that is a Revolution.

Everything was reflected in the language, new words appeared, and the already known acquired new meaning: Guerrilla was synonymous of total commitment and action; Partner, of treatment of siblings; Command, of management; Command Post, of organization, CDR, of social network; Party, of Revolution; Fidel, of leadership; Volunteer Work, of accomplishment; Empire, of enemy; Internationalism, of building duty; Plaza of Revolution, the voice of society; Worm, a traitor.

The spirit of the starter core was socialized, it impregnated with its example to all that society.

That built its spiritual basis, a loving social integration that explains the heroic deeds of the people.

The story of the Russian Revolution is other; there the starter core did not have the fraternal coexistence: the clandestine struggle in the cities forced to live a solitary life, the vital importance of all was not direct, everyday life, the luck of one depended on the individual ability, the documents’ relations exceeded the relationships between people.

The Bolivarian Revolution is direct daughter of a great epic, the civil-military armed struggle against the pact of punto fijo. The military, like Manuel Rodriguez Ponte, Captain Manuit, Lieutenant Tulio Martinez, and Lieutenant Fleming Mendoza, and civilians as Fabrizio, Americo Silva, Argimiro, Douglas, merged their efforts for the revolutionary cause.

Unfortunately, at this stage Revolution was defeated, and it defeated itself and the behavior, the example of that core did not socialized.

On 4th February was the revival of the epic that -from Bolivar- accompanies this people. That core, that example, you socialize, the epic of 4 must permeate the entire society.

We should be proud of; it is an honor to participate in the new historical battles. The great tasks of today, the Housing Mission, the upcoming elections, should be an opportunity to merge with the epic of our history.

Without Chavez there is not Socialism, without Socialism there is no Chavez!

Aug 5, 2011


Once, a classical writer said that few things harm a Revolution as much as playing leftism.

Here, there are of variety of types, it is easy to identify them, they do not know where to place in the vanguard of humanity, they are happy with stridency. Some are colourful, safe; they belong to the Revolutionary folklore. Others, however -acting as leaders- are extremely harmful, they show erratic directions. Some spew absurd measurements. Let's see.

Our responsible for the scientific direction pose a wrong thesis that leads us towards the scientific illiteracy, they expose a senseless antagonism between science and "neighbourhood knowledge", thus depriving society from the scientific knowledge.

They move the path directly to failure; it is the same ideological argumentation that has drilled the political education efforts of the people. There will not be more achievement than ignorance.

The Minister in charged declares:

"The scientific development in our country has taken a quantitative and qualitative jump, even more during times of Independence."

Simultaneously, he affirms that: "... now the popular science it fostered, which is able to put smiles on the people and remove the cap and gown, and feel humble, getting out of that sphere to exchange with ancient cultures."

But he assimilates all this only to financing, he does not show any new findings, and he does not report new discoveries, or journal creations or formation of new top scientists, everything is rhetoric.

This issue is vital for Revolution; we can say that without the scientific progress, without frontier science, Socialism will not be possible, neither independence. The empire knows that, and it steals the brains, so it murders the Iranian nuclear scientists. And we –gullible- do the work for free, we divest of everything in this vital field.

Countries that have tried Revolution have prestige science, that one that we now call disdainfully the science of "white coat" of "cap and gown”. In the Soviet Union and Cuba, they raised science to levels of frontier, there are hundreds of high research centres; the Scientific Pole of Havana is an example. Revolution has a gap in this field.

Only from these centres we can socialize the scientific knowledge, enhance the capacity of understanding of the people and get rid of the scientific illiteracy.

Antagonism between popular and science is wrong, the poor, the excluded were also stripped from science. What we have to do is give to them the opportunity for a better education, to those talents from the dispossessed people.

Revolution must face science differently. It is necessary respect the acquisition of knowledge, as an extraordinary effort - never spontaneous- that takes years of dedication. We must give prestige to our scientists, as well as “La Vinotinto”. The heroes are a reflection of their country’s soul.

The attitude of demonizing science is childish; it hurts us all, we should be proud of the achievements of science, and form scientific centres and enhancing the few existing.

Without Chavez there is not Socialism, without Socialism there is no Chavez!

Aug 4, 2011


Revolutionary politics should be around reality, nourishing from it, while it catalyzes the bigger changes.

To go only to the rhythm of reality is opportunism, and that does not change anything; it is to act as a weathervane carried by the breath of surveys.

Creating fictional worlds -pregnant of wishes and away from the signs of life- is at best, naive, and as respectable as useless.

Revolutions are a bold fight against the past of millennia, they need an accurate reading of reality, their signs, to know the enemy and know themselves. Only then, they can feed from times and "change everything that must be changed”. Let us proceed.

Here is an obvious turbulence in the political field: the counterrevolutionary forces show their conspiracy fangs. Everyday the whispers of military take up a privileged position in the press, the construction of a "transition" which is the new name of the coup; it is a task that they accomplish anxiously. As an example, three buttons.

First, guaicaipuro lameda’s statements:

... "General lameda does not lose sight of the country's situation and life inside the barracks. Through this analysis, he states that "the anxiety that exists in the country because of the President's health is also felt in the Armed Forces, which is a replica of the country. The anxiety in the Armed Forces and the military commands because of the political situation, the country's future and health of Chavez, whether he is going to govern or not, can generate conspiracies."

This would not be possible if it was not that clear. With the assurances of the case, it slides the call to for the strike.

Let us remember that this general -with the ineffable pablo medina- actively participated in April’s coup.

Second, the statements of general rivero that appeared in news paper “El Nacional” last 31. Rivero and his interviewer–subtly- spread the pro-coup thinking. They talk about a "invading force" and the need to get rid of Chavez, his trial and conviction.

Third, the Association of Rectors publishes -the same Sunday in the same newspaper- a call on behalf of the "democratic universities" which is a provocative and explicit call to build a project that sustains the coup. That would be the contribution of the oligarch intellectuals.

The endogenous take advantage and pull to the weak centre: they slip through any crack in order to blur Revolution and make it a hybrid social-capitalist that -necessarily- ends up in unbridled capitalism, the only that exists: greedy, inhuman and predator life.

In the way that the use of red moderates, they see weakness. They take the most to put the National Liberation thesis, which opens the door to the lackey bourgeoisie. And they renovate the questioning about hyper- leadership.

To “La Vinotinto” -a sport’s issue- try to endorse it with a political and economical coexistence that only occurs in their fictions.

The signs of reality are clear: Socialism and Revolution are besieged to weaken it and give it a snatch. It is the duty of Revolutionaries to defend them, first of all by winning the ideological battle.

Without Chavez there is not Socialism, without Socialism there is no Chavez!


Political analysis differs from sports commentary, it does no have major consequences, and lightweight predictions can be disclosed. In contrast, political analysis deserves great responsibility; there guessing is difficult and useless.

Then, the political analysis does not predict, it gives the elements, the possibilities, the trends. From this point of view, we will study the possible position of gringos in this situation that we face.

It is known that gringos have the need to control the Venezuelan oil and, to a greater extent, they have the urgency of the failure of the Bolivarian Revolution; and the example does not spread. We infer that they do everything possible to oust Chavez, and cut Revolution. That is their strategic objective.

The gringo plan that appears on the scene is the defeat of Chavez in the 2012 elections; so, they get their lackey candidates prepared: their primary elections are a tournament to see who folds over the cervix, and who delivers more and drags with better expertise.

But we know that in politics, what it seems rarely is. We can say that the Yankees -always astute- have a violent underhanded plan, waiting for the moment; the threats from their Congress betray them.

Now with Chavez's disease, his stay in Cuba and his remarkable recovery, the scenery change for them. Presumably, that within the uncertainty, they are preparing a response, possibly an ultimatum: armistice, or a bloody aggression, they have tried it before. Any agreement or armistice means to undermine Revolution and clear the way to the cruelest fascism.

Monteverde and Miranda are around the Venezuelan politics, but we can say hopefully, that the indomitable spirit of Bolívar –that grows during difficulties- also joins us.

Whatever the orders of the gringos are, the combat readiness of the Bolivarian is one: to unite around Chavez, and disregard completely towards the possibilities of a pact, progressing on the construction tasks, the organization and the socialist ideas.

To recognize that we are in a situation of political emergency, of war, is to face fourth generation warfare. All State institutions -from mayors to Miraflores, passing by the party, the Assembly- should declare this emergency. Nobody sleeps believing in good oligarchs intentions.

The humble people, “chavista” should be alerted, and mobilized; these are times to sleep with one eye opened. The Bolivarian propaganda apparatus should whet the ad campaign, preparing for an attack that is the best way to avoid it. When the imperial enemy feels resistance it moves forward relentlessly. Now, when it knows a valiant people, willing to do anything to defend its dreams and the Commander that embodies it, the enemy stops his intentions.

A new phase of the Revolution has begun; in this we will live and win too. We will build the Socialist Homeland, and that will be our life. Chavez leads us, and the people respond to his call. It is up to us to give a favourable direction to circumstances.

The worst thing we can do – and it would be a naïveté- to think that the game’s rules still apply, that the footmen will wait until 2012 and let the situation go.

With Chavez more than ever!