Jul 11, 2011


The Revolutionary road -as the paths to the tops- is zigzag, it is never a direct way. There are days when the road gets clear, then the progres is fast, everything looks beautiful, vigor increases and the sun shines brightly, but sometimes everything blurs, there is a feeling of loosing track, the road seems to be returned, it gets narrow and brings confusion.

The Revolutionary path is a zigzag because it is a confrontation, a fierce national and international struggle of classes. A Revolution is a vital center where the tensions of the world erupt creating great turbulence. The way is full of paradoxes and meanders.

Understanding the whirlwind -that is a Revolution- is complicated because history and books draw it with direct lines, there the crooked lines do not fit in real life and the daily struggle, there are no looks, voices, intrigues and love that looses in time. History -we might say- life has robbed of life. The story is only a partial guide

It is not easy to orientate in the Revolutionary storm, the errors are many, the seductions are abundant, confusions are everywhere. It should be an accurate compass.

First of all, it is to understand that Revolution carries within its bosom the counter Revolution, which is much more pronounced if the Revolution is peaceful. Hence, large spiritual and material areas are dominated by the old culture. Men, ideas, customs, and the actions of capitalism inhabiting the Revolutionary camp.

Thus, very doubt, every situation -at first inexplicable- must be analyzed from the perspective of struggle of class, the ideological confrontation that occurs within Revolution.

Sometimes the conflict between the interests of dominant classes and the classes formerly insurgents, takes place in national elections, then it is easier to perceive the fields. Sometimes occurs in an appointment, and is more difficult to catch sight of it.

When the confrontation happens in the elections of party's authoities, it passes confused with personal disputes. Sometimes, it takes the form of worker's dismissal, then it wears of reorganization. In opportunities, it hides behind the failure of a judge or a prosecutor.

Only by understanding the Revolution so we can maintain or correct the course, explain when the internal or external enemy, we are in breach of a defeat.Understanding such paradox occurs daily in the process, begin to understand the depths of the social movement.

The Revolutionary battle requires perseverance, it is not possible to be heartless by the misunderstanding products of inner struggles, on the contrary, we must understand it as a fundamental part of Revolution. To Bolivar was so important the Battle of Carabobo, as the confrontation against Santander Ocaña.

Let no one be discouraged. Everybody to study Revolution as an external and internal confrontation, to analyze its laws, to investigate the opposing forces, and how they express themselves. Only then we will find the location needed in the fight, we will accept the obstacles, discouragement will not take place in us, we will always recognize ourselves as part of a great army in battle.

With Chavez more than ever!

Freedom to Luis Pulido !!

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