Jul 11, 2011


Marcian in his "Piedra de Tranca" brings to stage a major issue for Revolution. He opens a discussion that is needed, always arguments and the high issues, benefit the processes. Marciano wrote:

"Every respected political and social process, must be aware not only of what happens out in the outside, in the country, but also -and this is extremely important- what happens within. Those leaders have to be aware of what is happening within the guts, stomach, kidney, liver, etc. It is not the first time that a popular and Revolutionary movement fails while being in power, it collapses because of the lack of inner control. By ignoring what happens in its bosom and being obsessed with what happens outside”.

"Revolutions can fail," we agree; however, the discrepancy comes when we study the causes of failure.

Marciano attributes this failure to lack of inner control and the obsession with what happens outside, and loads to this cause the defeat of Nicaraguans, the Soviet Union, justifying Cuba's continuance because of its attention to domestic issues. We think that this argument is incomplete, only "geographical", it privates from the ideological component and therefore it confines the discussion to the boundaries of the problems. The ideological mislay is always -inevitably- in the bottom of every Revolutionary failure. We can say that every defeated Revolution was previously defeated whithin ideology. Let's see.

The Soviet Union fell by a huge ideological deviation that led to all sorts of perversions ethically and morally. The background of this diversion, said by Che, it was to used the jagged tools of capitalism to try to build Socialism. They forgot that the economic education has an immediate reflection in consciousness, spirituality, they encouraged selfishness.

The Soviet Union falls because of capitalism's excesses, not Socialism. And the reason targeted by Marciano can be consider as superficial.

Marciano refers finally to Venezuela, he warns of the danger of failure, and he notes symptoms he attributed to the obsession for what happens aoutside and neglecting what is inside. Marciano wrotes:

IT IS NOT A STORY this scribbler wants to show. It is reality. Everyday reality. That is hurting. I quote two cases: 1) What happens in State police agencies, in which unacceptable situations are occurring ...
2) ANOTHER CASE: A restaurant in Sabana Grande, which takes away the parking lot, which is essential for it to work (...). What bureaucrat ordered this measure? (...) The process has to look inward, where the enemy is also present, in the form of a inept worker, corrupt or simply a groveler.

The alert is good, but the source pointed is inadequate. The root of these problems we must find them primarily by a reformist deviation supported by the petit bourgeois ideology. Let's remember that Miguel Enriquez, the Chilean MIR, ruled that Allende's failure was not the failure of Socialism but of reformism.

With Chavez more than ever!

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