Jul 27, 2011


The confrontation of a Revolution is together with capitalism. If capitalism is not replaced, there will not be Revolution, just the make up from the old system or -to put it bluntly- failure. The advances, the continuance of capitalist forms are defeats of Socialism.

We can coexist with capitalism for tactical reasons, this depends on the conditions under which Revolution is developed, but a serious mistake to present this coexistence as Socialism. Now, if -in addition- to live together we encourage the nosociales forms, the capitalist forms, the error is life or death.

The system of capitalist domination is maintained despite all its difficulties and its crisis, because, it understood very well that the main battle, or rather, it realized that the only battle that matters is the cultural one, ideological one, and everything that conditions the battle. Its military actions, civil, cultural, theater, soap operas, literature, music, and all its propaganda, from a Mc Donald's ice cream, to a remedy for flu propaganda, everything is directed to the cultural battle, to be implemented in the people's moral and ethical values that sustain the system. It does not gives a moment's place.

Its institutions are at the service of that culture, of those values, of implementing this behavior: movies, religion, education means, radio, press, television, every education existing.

Capitalism promotes the artistic forms that encourages selfishness, and crushes the spreading forms of Socialist value that reivindicate the struggle for emancipation, the Consciousness of Social Responsibility.

The State has among its functions -in addition to the repressive and the administration- to be a media landscape, a show where the President is an actor: good smile, good demeanor, ease of speech, individual achievement. The Assembly is a show with supporting actors and principal, a daily and intriguing show. Television plays the drama of repressive and judicial bodies, "Law & Order" is a series that advertises the capitalist State.

Capitalism in the cultural war is entrenched in the "freedom of speech", as we know, it is actually freedom of capitalist enterprise, freedom of dominant classes to install in people's acceptance of domination. Any discussion of complaint of Revolution, any action to defend the ideological aggression, is denounced as totalitarianism, Stalinism, ideology.

The war between capitalism and Socialism is a cultural and ideological clash, and we have nderstand it, every action o us, must express firstly in the theater of operations of the war of ideologies, the cultural war, there should begin planning, and this will be the measure of success.

There is no material gain that supplants, that dispenses ideology, spiritual and consciousness. There is no material force that overcomes power of an idea. In every action of the Revolution should emerge stronger the social spirituality, union, fraternity, a new way of relating to men. Every action, as common as it seems, should become in astonishment, a guide towards the new society, the New Man.

With Chavez more than ever!

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