Jul 11, 2011


Ali Rodriguez Araque has always faced -courageously- theoretical and practical challenges of the Revolutionary struggle. He has never rested; he has never spared his will to the cause of the poor.

Winds from the Bolivarian Revolution found him in the front trenches of the battle against the empire and its local lackeys. When his effort was asked, he did not ask for comfort or ease. Face April’s coup, he quickly prepared the necessary secrecy to challenge that fascism which did not last three days. He defied December’s oil sabotage from the heart of the enemy ranks, then he showed the courage and intelligence that comes with the Revolutionaries.

The electricity crisis required his participation, he did not hesitate a minute, he stepped forward and was the center of the battle. There, he works to solve the practical problems and simultaneously he faces the enemies’ attacks, always irresponsible, facile, and immediate.

On Monday 13th, June, Ali addressed to the nation under the guidance of Commander Chavez, and gave us a class of high politics, strategic responsibility, and global vision of problems.

This day will go down in history as the emblem of the maturity of the Bolivarian Revolution, of its conceptual evolution, of the consciousness of itself, of its elevation above the logic of bourgeois democracy and demagoguery, which is patronage and liar. On that day the Socialist Revolution shined.

Ali placed the electricity crisis in its exact place: it is not just a technical matter, the generation, transmission, over consumption of megawatts, it is a deep cultural crisis of the capitalist civilization, wasteful and aggressive with nature.

Ali staged a discussion -already postponed- and that we must face: the world cannot continue the way that proposes us capitalism, it is suicidal because it is not feasible, the nature does not support a capitalist and irresponsible human species, which is spendthrift and wasteful. Revolution and Commander Chavez have spoken about the global crisis on international sceneries; Chavez and Evo had alerted in Copenhagen and it still resounds in the hearts of the honest.

Ali, Revolution, with faith that the people understand the greatness of the approach, he took the risk of getting rid of the patronage practice and he acts like a father that explains to his children the limitations of life, he puts a stop to consumerism and faces the capitalist logic.

The opponents, the enemies of life, again brandishing their irresponsibility, and with their meanness try to capitalize on the crisis. They do not care to correct the suicidal direction, they are only interested in daily profits, they act as the worshipers of the Golden Calf, or the fools of Sodom and Gomorrah, they promote debauchery that ends in extinction.

They harass Ali and attack Commander Chavez; they do not have the human quality to understand the rescue of humanism and naturalism.

We should be happy with Chavez and Ali, Revolution is in good hands, it is on track.

With Chavez more than ever!

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