Oct 5, 2011


Those, from the fascist board, have dressed up as scammers do. Now, they wander around with their mask of tamed lambs promising to solve the problems that they created in the past, and calling for peace and love ... Liars! They are wolves wearing Grandma's clothes, but they show the ears and tail.

They try to turn the elections into the same deception that allowed them to prey on the country for half a century. Now, they promise and lie, they hide what really is at stake in the upcoming elections; they try to trivialize the significance of this electoral event, and make them into a mere tournament of buying and sale. Let's see.

Revolution is the operation of redemption of humble most important that have taken place in Venezuela since Independence. It is a continuation of the best of the liberation struggles that held high the emancipation flag of the poor, the healing of society, the realization of those dreams usually neglected and so many times betrayed. Chavez is its leader, and the conscious people are its base, its flesh.

That is Revolution. There is nothing better for the people that the possibility of having their own destiny and that opportunity can only be offered in Revolution. That is the message that we have nested in the collective soul, above that there is nothing more important, everything else comes in addition.

It is truth that we have made mistakes, but in which company of this magnitude is not made one? It is true that there is –still- a lot to do, nobody denies it, it is unanswerable that there are people damaging Revolution, all that exists, but what is evident is the will of Revolution to favor the people, seeking the best ways to dignify them, that is what matters, what is definitive, and what must guide the actions.

If Chavez goes out from the government, if these people do not understand the magnitude of the commitment, if they choose once again their executers, in that case, the enemies of the humble, the same ones who killed Bolivar, Neruda, Santucho, Fabricio, Che ... Christ!, and thousands of fighters for the redemption of human; those fascists will take account of the direction of our nation. They will destroy hope. The humble will return to the time already forgotten when they were excluded from everything, they will go back to be despised.

These are the considerations that we must discuss and bring to the table; let them know the seriousness of October’s decision, that it should not be guided by the superficialities that the oligarchy is trying to install. In such way, we will strengthen the humble, we will give them sacred reasons to fight, and we will make them share in the construction of their future.

But if the counter-revolutionaries choose the path of violence, as it is showed in the writings of their spokesmen, if they put into practice the pro-coup plans openly elaborated, then we will have a people capable of confronting them, because they will know that they are fighting for something that worth any sacrifice.

There is future with Chavez!

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