Sep 27, 2011


Ideologies increasingly determine the political grouping. In the right board the stateless capitalists gather, Punto Fijo’s pact’s excrescence. Its position is defined; they are stateless followers of gringo instructions. These are clear: to get rid of Chavez, breaking OPEC to pay the price of oil to vile prices, to attack Cuba, to break the ALBA, to sell PDVSA to reduce it to an office for relations with the north, to take ownership of oil, and oil reserves, to chase the workers, make illegal the work unions and popular leaders. In short, it is capitalism. That way go their plans; those are no inventions or assumptions, that’s was what they did in April in less than 40 hours.

Thus, the stateless capitalists have their coordinating organization; it works as a Major State of gringo advance in the fourth generation warfare. There were parties of Punto Fijo’s pact and the pragmatic opportunists.

The stateless governors form a group that pretends scent of power the dissidence. Their personal interests betray them and ask for money to become stronger and blackmail their own allies, they want to return to the situation of small fiefdoms.

It is not difficult to detect these capitalist-imperialists poles. We should remember that the national bourgeoisies -as he put a classic write said- are caricatures of bourgeoisie, not national; they are appendages of world’s capitalism. It has no place for alliances with "national bourgeoisies" to a supposed stage of National Liberation; this is to take the scaffold the revolutionary possibility. The National Liberation can only be possible merged with Socialism; it is not an isolated step.

That is why capitalism defends itself in combination with these countries and the empire; they are mere agents of global capitalism, never their opponents.

The ideology situation within government is harder to pin down, tactical requirements confuse with strategic requirements. But the ideological struggle is inside us, and that is decisive for Revolution. Let's see.

Revolution has reached a point that demands ideological definition; it is that progress that explains the recent opportunist detachments. The ideological definition is essential for Revolution; from it, it will depend its future, but this is not easy, several forces conspire against it: customs, the lack of theoretical rigor, rejection for study, and the prestige of improvisation. Definitions, explanations, are attacked by opportunistic sects.

In short, to the ideological precision is opposed every culture that values the lack of rigor and irresponsibility in arguments, which conspires against the ideological construction.

Revolution must internalize that the construction of a revolutionary theory is nothing more than the adaptation of the revolutionary universal thought to our circumstances. It is a vital task, without this clarification, we will bump a lot in our practices, and we will confuse the masses, so it will be easy prey for the capitalists and reformists maneuvers.

In this task we must dedicate great energy. The study, discussion, the theoretical construction, they deserve all the attention.

With Chavez forever!

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