Feb 14, 2012


One of the most important lessons of the Cuban Revolution is the behavior of that society and its leaders against the collapse of Soviet Socialism. Let's see.

The Cuban economy fell 85% overnight, a blow from which nobody expected recovery, everybody sensed the fall of Fidel's work, some with joy, others with sadness.

But the miracle happened, the Cuban Revolution resisted and preserved the Socialist ideal, thus preserving the possibility of the world’s salvation from capitalist greed, which undoubtedly leads us to hell.

Cuba decree a Special Period that is important to study, in view to the economic difficulties.

That Special Period was caused by scarcity, then it was needed to toughen the moral forces of People, information, social organizations, and the political vanguard, so the People will not give their dignity and Revolution for a "bowl of lentils" .

Economic emergency plans were done, the central planning worked, which is how society takes account of their destiny, their resources, and put them where they need them the most. This way were preserved the main social programs, economy was rationalized, children and the elderly were protected, no one was left behind.

One of the main lessons of that experience is that the socialist society through central planning and the popular initiative overcmes any adversity. Society, the individual and the State intertwined in a common effort overcome the major difficulty that a people has ever suffer in times of peace.The other main experience was the effort that was hold on the Social Duty Awareness. Leaders and the people appealed to the best fiber inherited from the liberators of Cuba, relied on the examples of Martí and the epic of the Sierra Maestra.

The people was called for the sacrifice that founds and preserves, and responded guided by the example of their liberators.

We believe that that Special Period, arising from the dramatic shortcomings, were characterized by the danger of individual outputs, as a ground opportune for selfish temptation.

But there is and there never will be a "market" to pay the sacrifice and the delivery of millions of men for an ideal. That is why the importance of the Battle of Ideas, the battle for the reaffirmation of the of the Social Duty Awareness.

Here in Venezuela, and paradoxically, we are also in a Special Period of oil prosperity, which makes us suitable land for selfish temptation.

The danger is the same, Revolution is lost by selfishness, that is the base of capitalist ideology, but there the shortage arose, and here arises abundance.

So, the way to attack the situation is the same: to call the People to sacrifice what founds and preserves, and with the example of Liberators, to toughrn their moral forces, deepen the Social Duty Awareness, efficiency and information, Faith within Socialism, horror to the oligarchic capitalism.

With Chavez!

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