Feb 24, 2012


The Bolivarian Revolution -since its beginnings- has looked for an answer, implementing every type of incentives to captivate the petty bourgeoisie, the middle class... the result is modest, the middle class is still working irrationally against us and it erodes our natural social base. Let’s review

The intention of winning the love of this social stratum with material praising has failed. The polls affirm it. If it is a class that is not hit in its economy, in its daily live: Why it is working against us? If it is still consuming, it is still vacationing: why does it prefer to wash cars in Miami?

The answer lies in the psyche, in the spiritual; there is where the combat takes place. Oligarch’s leaders have the intelligence to create fictitious tyrants, false loss of liberties, false shortages, fragmenting society, proposing individual selfish solutions, terrorizing and then presenting absurd to relieve the panic.

That is how a candidate for municipality mayor proposes to make his municipality a "safety island", isolating it from the rest of humanity, and so the neighbors can breathe peacefully. It is likely that this absurd egoism raised the most, wins elections.

This candidate has what the instruments of deformation sow in the soul of society: egoism. That is the center of the battle: selfishness against the sense of society, against love.

Within Revolution, we have made the mistake of avoiding this battle field, we merely flatter the middle class, fighting only in the material, and we ignore the battle for the spirit of the middle class.

We must demonstrate two important points:

First, we must show the impossibility of continue living how capitalism imposes us. We cannot live a wasting while others live in misery, and everyone damaging nature. It is clear that if the capitalist aggression against nature continues, the minimum conditions for life will disappear and its extinction will come, but before that the war of “all against all” will reach the unheard.

Second, we have to show the benefits of Socialism as the only way to get a peaceful and happy atmosphere for this generation and future generations. Only the integrated societies that function as one self will be able to deal successfully the potential difficulties ahead.

The dilemma is clear: if we continue flattering the middle class with material privileges, the results will be minimal, and during the attempt we will lose “chavista” social base. Now, if we take the path of conviction, a call of conscience, then we will have the opportunity to break the though shell of rejection in the middle class.

The revolutionary system of the media of ideas must be understood as the instruments of a war that has been staged in the soul of society. We cannot keep battling with the same methods, the same spots that were used at the beginning of last century, it is necessary to understand advertising as a matter for specialists and not as a whim. Let’s spread Socialism with the passion of the cast away.

Chavez is Peace!

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