May 16, 2011


Always when is read about voluntary work is common to find pictures and opinions of Che Guevara, pictures where he is sticking bricks, carrying cement bags, working enthusiastically. This fact is not accidental, this not Che’s whim, it is about the deeply-rooted practice in the Revolutionary theory. Let’s see.

A social class requires to take power so it can prop up its hegemony, that is to say, replacing the dominant culture to the new Revolutionary culture, that substitution occurs mainly in the soul of society, it is a process, first and foremost, spiritual.

Revolution, from its power, must socialize its ideas, values, convictions, a new vision of the world, in short, it as to establish its hegemony. An efficient example that manages to make this change of culture is the example of high-ranking leaders; their behavior is a powerful educative element, that is reflected –directly- the society proposed, the world of the future.

The Bolivarian Revolution –that is developed in a country that lives off its incomes-in peaceful conditions and with a short development of the working-class -within the voluntary work- has a powerful route to show the essence of the society of the future, the new world and the new man.

Voluntary work -as an educative instrument- is an important discovery of the Revolutionary theory and practice. It is indispensable in countries with little industrial development, to the point where it is impossible a Revolution without Voluntary Work, and without the participation of its high-ranking leaders in the educative task.

Che -the heir of the best universal Revolutionary traditions- knew the significance of Voluntary Work and knew the extraordinary pedagogical value from the example of leaders. That is the reason why Che is always dearly connected to Voluntary Work.
For Cubans, Voluntary Work is the continuity of the attack on Mocada’s Barracks, from Sierra, Granma. For us, it has to be the continuity of February the 4Th, April, December, Paso de Los Andes. All are registered in the Revolutionary passion, the same love towards society; we all are formative influence of the Social Duty Awareness.

In the Great Housing Mission, the Bolivarian Revolution has a great opportunity to make headway culturally. It would be vital to the Socialist construction, which this Mission walks beyond houses, and it becomes a territory to the elevation of new man, of the Social Duty awareness. This is the battle of Voluntary Work. From this Mission must emerge a Revolutionary epic, society must feel commotional, society can not sit and wait.

Participation of leaders is fundamental, this is one of the most important tasks of Revolution during its twelve years, it is the most transcendental in the vital replacement of culture that involve Revolution.

With Chavez all!!

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