May 17, 2011


“At the risk of sounding ridiculous, let me say, that the true Revolutionary is guided by feelings of love.”

Che summaries in this thought the essence of Revolution: the rescue of love. Revolution supposes exceeded and surprising love. What is amazing, what marks a Revolution is its love.

The ones that had never been loved, the ones never neglected, come out from the penumbra and feel over their lives the wonderful veil of mutual affection. The miserable joined together in the redemption that they all constructed, their eyes acquire an unknown brightness, and the streets fill with brothers, the shipwrecked go back to solid ground, loneliness blurs in the restituted fraternity. Along with Revolution nobody is defenseless; they will always find the loving hand of the new society.

It was always like that, a fierce fight between the exploiter’s anger -which is racist, elitist and selfish- and the love that frees it from oppression. Marti said: “For God’s sake this war is authentic, the last one -perhaps essential and definitive- that man have to fight: the war against anger.” And Christ understood that the way to heaven was in “love ones each other”. Every authentic Revolution had been signed by love, the one that sums up between the leader and the mass.

When revolution moves over love, it blurs. So, the strength of the Bolivarian Revolution resides in its loving ability. Let’s see.

It is born from the unique detachment action and devotion for the humble, of risking themselves to other’s benefits; as it was February, 4th.

Revolutionary love is affirmed with the “Missions”; with them -the loving commitment- was sealed. The “Educational Missions” returned to people their faded respect that was oppressed for centuries; learning how to read and study was to rescue them from prehistory.

The “Health Mission” was a loving exploit as any other in the world: national heroes, the Cuban doctors go deep to the jungle of the “barrios” and broke paradigms, they were adopted by the dispossessed, and there the Revolutionary miracle happened: love blossoms and the encounter of all to find the good of all. The true healing of society began.

The redeemed humble admitted to be powerful and loved, the government returned to belong to them, it was time to undertake the march, and a new worlds was waiting for them.

Then, the battle between hate and love intensified, the deception mechanisms from haters started to go around, the paralyzing fears were triggered and the optimists were next to their executioners.

It is time to get them back, and that can only be done with love and feelings. All the attempts of love are deceived with materialistic rewards, love belongs to the spirit, and there is where we have to find it.

Capitalists just understand of having and amassing; they are unable to get to the noblest fiber of people, getting to love -which is their main weakness and the principal strength of Revolution- it is there where we have to plant the definitive battle. Only that way we will defeat.

With Chavez, all!
Without him, nothing!!

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