May 12, 2011


Along with the Perez Bacerra’s episode, the “chavizmo” ranks shudder, reaction excedeed its origin and condemns go beyond the fact. Now the Revolutionary government and Commander Chavez are being cuestioned, a colletive autoflagelation has been unleashed and it grows with the enemy’s sponsorship.

The change to the Right, of movements and parties –that had been kept sensefully towards the government- is shocking, Internet portals consolidate their position of an open call against the government instead of criticize it.

Foreing intelligence agents hurry to stimulate discord, Dieterich appears with his sly analyses, presenting a geopolitics that only works to disillusion the unwaries. Malaver, that hack who is to the service of Obama’s causes, lectures about what must be the government’s international geopolitics. Teodoro, a proud drop out, participates in the fest of confusion.

The matter can not be get throught like an ostrich, it can not be ignore that something will be happening so maneuver can find its solid ground. We have to go courageously to the botton of this issue, and correct the flaws that let us grow.

We believe that in the proximity of 2012, when we are trying to do the Patriotic Pole is and the international siege against the government get narrower everyday, it is justifiable to think that Perez Becerra’s episode was a trap finely wrought, of those where infiltrators originate –in such way- left parties and groups, that make them work for the enemy.

History is full of those episodes. Maybe, it is enough to recall the murder of Irribaren -back in the sixties- that was leaded by an infiltrator, doing a huge harm to the Revolutionary cause. And if they force us, let us remember the dark issue of the child Enmanuel, who cost such a prestige to his authors.

Anybody can be shocked, the enemy intelligence has used before this kind of tricks to attack Revolutionaries. In this case, they have had an extraordinary success: they take combative groups -consistent revolutionaries- and put them against the Socialist hope that Chavez is, which has brought us closer to the concretion of dreams than any other attempt.

A Revolutionary Unity meeting is imposed, maybe it has to be leaded by Soto Rojas, who is the responsible for the Pole, another unitary effort. In that meeting the wounds have to be healed, pick up offenses, cancel the silence, and above all, give to the enemy a prove that we have a lot of heart and Revolutionary restraint in here, so we do not leave anything, whatever it is, breaks the Revolutionary course.

Hence, a proposal to correct the errors, to create what is necessary and do not repeat the dissagreement must emerge, we have to diagnose the flaws, the fraternal discussion have to substitute the imposition of ideas, recognizing in diversity.

That meeting have to reaffirm our faith in Commander Chavez, and the clear intention to go toward Socialism, to the same rhythm of our peculiarites.

With Chávez, all!

Revolutionaries Unity!

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