May 19, 2011


Sometimes we loose the course, or sometimes we dazzle, we abandon the easy success, we loose sight of strategy; we are mistaken about the enemy, and so we are not different, we weaken.

Revolution is a change of vision and culture of the world. It is not a palliative to local problems; it is a radical jump of humanity, which is why it needs plenty of courage: breaking with the parsimony of centuries and the habit of millennia. The Revolutionary effort does not justify itself without that will of drastic changes on the way of living.

Everything starts by saying the truth to society, the only way to prepare it so it undertakes and builds the path towards its salvation. There is no place for the permissive behaviors of capitalism and the populist flirts of “the fourth”, time is running over, it is urgent to found another way of living, from that depends the survival of species. The signals are clear. Let’s see.

The electrical shuts off are daily, let’s say the subway is packed and not collapsed so we do not hurt fatuous sensibility; the rain does not stop, there is a global food crisis and water is limited, the global warming continues, consumerism grows, forests disappear, there is no way to safe fuel, everyday there are more vehicles on the streets, the roads and highways collapse, and more…

The above has a conductive thread: in one side is the colossal aggression of capitalism against nature, and in the other side is the system of spend drift life of capitalism.

If we do not change this equation that repeats all over the world, humanity dies.

What is our responsibility in this definitive challenge?

The world walks unconsciously towards its own destruction, it is more important the Greek debt than the high levels of ocean’s contamination, or the weather chaos. There are just little countries with the real intention of get this course corrected, we are one of them, Cuba, Bolivia is another one, let’s stop counting.

The way how we solve these problems would be an example to the world, it would mark a route and it will tell that the suicidal direction can be corrected. We are the hope, and that is our responsibility; only that justifies us. If we forget this compromise, Revolution would not be a reason of being.

Nobody, only the Bolivarian Revolution can change the course of this society and be an example to humanity; that is our strength.

If we want to fix the housing problem by stuffing a mega city down another, if we do not speak clearly and say that the problem of the electricity is not about generation but the decrease and rationalization of consumption, or we do it or nature –in its defense- will do it in a traumatic way, then, we will be failing our role in history.

If we show the increase of numbers of cars as a great achievement, if we keep wasting fuel, if we continue behaving as a spoiled society, showing respect for the capitalist “fourth”, then, we are not fulfilling our role. That way we do not teach, we do not alert, we are digging the grave and we are creating grave diggers of humanity.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!

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