Apr 27, 2011


Hardly, the concept of Property had been the more battered and irresponsibly treated. Distorted, deformed, hidden, covered, stained, and tangled, with it everything has happened. It is understandable that the concept of Property is at the core of the operating system as well as on the liberation support. When we refer about Property, and this is very important, we talk about the property of Means of Production and not about the property of assets. It is a deception to talk about Property without specifying which one.

The property of a motorcycle is not the same as the property of a bicycle or a shirt, those are assets; but the property of “Polar” is a mean of production, and in Capitalism it is a mean of exploitation of workingman.

A social system would be as its relation of property, let’s repeat, of means of production. Every social building has its foundation in that relation. But, why is that relation of property essential? How does it work in the characterization of the social system?

Relation of property needs and determines a conscious, spirituality, a culture that justifies it, perpetuates it and reproduces it. Relation and culture influence mutually. Conscious and relation of property form a group that supports the social system. Each social system belongs to a specific group of relation of property and conscious.

For example, a slave system maintains the workers slavery, and it was justified with culture and spirituality.

In accordance with the above dislodges that for a Revolution, the issue of Property of means of production is not trivial, it is not a slightly choice, on the contrary, it is the main focus in order to Revolutionary process move forward.

We tangled this topic postulating that monopoly is bad, and the other forms of Capitalist property are not, if we say that, to Socialism, it is enough with the Social Property of basic companies and the rest can be Capitalists, and if we do not clarify the difference between Means of Production and assets, we are letting bourgeoisie people mix them up. Talk about Property and not precise which one is each one, is a trap.

If the common forms of economy are not integrated to make a social and national network, if they stay isolated, then, we are creating an economic base to confuse spirituality and weakening the Revolutionary cause.

So, we form an opposite group to Socialism, we strengthen the dominant group, the one of the selfish relation with economy and culture. Then, we would not hit hard the Capitalist system, it would be impossible to establish the Socialist group.

We conclude that Capitalist property of means of production is always counter-revolutionary. And the success of this Revolution is closely related to the vividness face its battle.

That is why is very important to build forms of Social Property of Means of Production, besides disseminate their needs during our leader’s statements and publicity.

With Chávez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!

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