Apr 27, 2011


Oligarchy faces elections like a marketing tournament. There are specialists on “positioning products”, and that is how candidates are considered. Shortly, they change their packages, clothing, and create a proper image that must contemplate family, and a sportive sensation, etc.

The primary elections’ auction of the “squalids” is a good opportunity to observe how this specialists act. We already see the pre-candidates wearing suits and colors for the occasion, their statements are studied. Some others wait that laboratories recommend them to run as candidates for the elections. More than a tournament between candidates, it is a competition between publicity agencies and specialists.

So, the oligarchs designed elections to hold people spellbound, to distract and dominate them. From those elections results a legitimate president and a country incapable to be dangerous to the system that oppresses it.

To our peaceful Revolution, the situation is different. According to historic reasons, there is a period of bourgeois elections, and that circumstance confers especial characteristics to the fight. Revolution must win oligarchy in its own field, and simultaneously must break its logic. That implies a mortal danger. Let’s see.

Revolution has to participate in the oligarchic elections, without being trapped, without taking people to a dissarment situation that they suppose, and to what they were designed. In other words, Revolution must cross the swamp without a stain, without drowning into that mecantilistic logic, without succumbing to the temptation of using jagged tools.

That is why it is important for Revolution to know the mechanisms and the laws of the bourgeois-oligarchic elections, its impact to society; only that way Revolution will detect the decoys that must be avoid.

First of all, it is not to succumb to the temptation of thinking that politics and the power dispute reduce the electoral contest, or that this battle is more important. That is a mistake. Oligarch elections work for bourgeoisie, with them it just makes a change of face, of names, it changes so everything keeps the same, to give continuity to Capitalism.

For a Revolution that expresses a change of system, elections are a little component for the big battle. The principal goal of Revolution is to win the mass’ heart, raise the Revolutionary awareness, organize it, and provide it with sacred reasons which to fight. In other words, the goal is to prepare it to the fight to the construction of Socialism in any field.

Being so, we have to win the elections, but with different methods that oligarchy traditionally uses. Elections must be won in such way, that while trying it, a new mass mentality forms, and a new consciousness builds. We have to conquer votes and form a Revolutionary conscious. That is the challenge.

To motive the social objectives, and to give solutions to the great problems of society, that is how we will understand the needs and the strength of working together, of Socialism. The construction of houses is the opportunity of consciousness and votes.

With Chávez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!

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