Jun 27, 2011


If we consolidate Socialism, if we achieve the historical challenge, we will be founding the world that is going to be an example for the rest of humanity; it will show the path for the salvation of species.

The change in human relations will be great, we will all be brothers and the best of us will return. The problems will disappear; if we faced them together they will take manageable sizes. The strength of society will multiply by millions; we will be able to work wonders.

If we consolidate Socialism, we will bring heaven to earth, and life will change. Today’s anguishes, unemployment, insecurity, the meaningless life and going after goals that only increase the existential void will disappear dissolved by the force of an integrated society. The cheerful nature will receive the species that returns to its harmony.

Thus, the main change of Socialism is in human relations. If we live as brothers, life insecurity is reduced to minimum levels, and then we will reclaim space and time.

The night will not be encouragement to fear, but suitable for a cool ride. The house will not be a small bunker to protect us from our peers, but a home of homey love. The chains of existence will be diluted in fraternity.

Work -being for the whole society- will lose its compulsion for survival and it will become exercise of human achievement. The exploitation of capitalism will break through the cooperation of Socialism. The work will be confused with entertainment, both artists and volunteers, both building the New Man.

The streets will be a space for encounter, and will stop being battlefields, a clash of egotism that violates the human condition. The parks will not be overwhelmed by the cement of miserable interests. The nature will sing its harmony, and men will found in her, not an enemy, but a part of its essence.

They will return to the cities, now rational, humane and not stuffed; the singing birds will announce new life. The goals will change, the concerns would be -not how to survive but how to grow. The development of men’s potential and society will be possible.

To stop using unnecessary goods, superfluous and by eliminating artificial needs created by consumerism, the material forces of society will be multiplied and nobody would be unprotected.

Children will walk on peaceful streets and they would be everyone's children, protected by all, women will give their mothering love, her mother's love, with no more restrictions than their willingness, the maternal instinct will not have a brake in society, on the contrary, it would be considered as a human right.

If we consolidate Socialism, we would be giving concreteness to Christ's realization "To love one another", decreeing the end of prehistory and opening widely the doors to history. We will save species and life, hope would be come true. In short, man can –finally- be happy.

By the consolidation of Socialism is worth the fight.

With Chavez more than ever!!
With Chavez all!!

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