Jun 2, 2011


The choice of the battle field is one of the most important decisions in any conflict; however, if war is asymmetrical, the selection is decisive.

We confront a bourgeois-electoral dispute, a traditional territory of struggle between equal sides that just differed in surface, color and the fictitious image. It was like a sport tournament: AD against COPEI, Magallanes against Caracas. It did not matter who was the winner, the game will always be the same, rules did not change, the dominant classes stay unharmed and misery was immovable.

After the game, the lights from the stadium went off to light up again the next elections, the new circus opens to another inconsequential trial for the system.

It is convenient to the “opposition” this kind of conflict -which hides how significant is the silliness of verbal scratches, the stupid jingles of advertising agencies, the shallow denunciation, the hunt of mistakes that media exaggerates, the artificial shortage of supplies, people’s attacks and the grotesque use of superstition and magic. Let’s remember the traditional bets when the elections where near, let’s not forget the little war of surveys.

This way, they avoid the long vision that confrontation of projects and social systems give. The struggle is confined to the trick and trip, to the mediocre maneuver and lie. The exceeded promise and the verbal fling substitute the rigor of background’s discussion. The System was protected like that. This is the kind of elections that pretend rehabilitate.

Revolution must choose another battle field, in this one the electoral cretinism blurs. Revolution’s proposal has a superior strength, the proposal of change of System is invincible, unbeatable. Capitalism cannot resolve the problems it created itself, it is exhausted.

Revolution proposes a drastic change on the way of living, of the vision of the world, changing selfishness to altruism and hate to love. Which problem can resist to an integrated, healthy society that acts as a whole? Which force is greater than the force of all fighting for the good of all? Which system can be a better Socialism, which involves man, tranquility and the peace of living between brothers? There will be problems, they are inevitable, just now those problems are everybody’s problems and the solution will be everybody’s solution.

The Socialist society that proposes us found and that we propose to establish, is the human elevation towards territories, to the "always dreamt relations" but never reached in the entire history of humanity. It is truly to take the sky by storm, to make true Christ’s mandate “To love one each other”. That can only be done with Socialism, and the courage that Commander Chavez had to propose, and the faith that people had to accept. That is our best weapon and it must be our battle field.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!

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