Apr 27, 2011


When Commander Chavez says that Jesus Christ is the first Socialist of humanity, he is rescuing an historic truth, at the same time he is melting in just one spark, the Revolutionary’s humanism and Christian’s spirituality. He is unifying what disgrace had separated in order to stop humans find the path of redemption; so we can definitely expel merchants from the temple, or better said, we can expel Capitalist from economy.

The ideas of free human from the slavery of being sell or had to sell themselves, have accomplished humanity thought history. Always men had search the ways to get away from the situation where man is the man’s predator, or situations where life is a war of all against all. Primitive Christian communities, which were followers of raised Jesus, are a paradigm in that search. According to the Bible: “Among them there was not homeless because all those who own lands or houses sold them and took the money and put it next to the Apostle’s feet, and it was distributed to each according their needs.”

It is not hard to perceive the Socialist foundations in that way of living. It is only necessary little adjustments to do of these precepts, the bases of the society of XXI century Socialism.

The Bolivarian Revolution has laid theoretical basis for the union between Christians and Socialists. This union confers a new strength to the Revolutionary cause. Christ is a Socialist and we are Socialist and Christians. Now we recognize ourselves as brothers in the construction of the society that primitive Christians dreamt.

Today, there are conditions to give a material base to what two thousand years ago was a dream.

Let’s use this reflections as a tribute to the Holy Week, the week where is commemorated the fall of the first Socialist of history. Let’s make proper the occasion to remember the Socialist martyrs that following Christ steps, the search of the redemption of humans and the construction of a loving society, also fell crucified during the battle.

Let’s recall Bolívar, shirtless in San Pedro Alejandrino; Sucre in Berruecos; José Martí; Zamora; Che; Fabricio; Priest Camilo Torres; Bishop Romero and Rose Luxemburg.

Also, let’s remember above all, the unknown Revolutionary, the anonymous fighter that forged with his blood and effort this long story to the battle for love, live and Socialism.

With Chávez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!

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