Sep 9, 2011


The rotten part of the Venezuelan politics is run by the gringo embassy. The Yankee diplomatic cables confirm this. It is not just maria corina machado zuloaga -an evident agent- others came along and we must think that the board is riddle with this kind of unpatriotic persons. The putrefaction reaches our borders: only yesterday, today’s accused take positions within the revolutionary camp.

The fact warns in two directions. One, we must be aware of the work of foreign intelligence services, not just gringos, but also from other countries, especially Spain, because of its cultural bonds, it has more opportunities to camouflage. Presumably, they have a recruitment policy that gives those results; let us remember the fine intelligence work to assassinate Che.

The other warning is that we cannot fall into witch hunting; we cannot start a sort of mistrust of everyone and everything. That attitude would work for the enemy, and it would be exalted by the intelligence services.

The question that arises is: how to fight the enemy infiltration?

The answer has two edges:
one, the work of the intelligence corps, we have to be confidents that they are doing their work and have the ability to improve.

The other edge, more importantly, is the ideological definition, indispensable, although some people describe it as sectarianism.

Ideology is an extraordinary barrier against infiltrators, because it is self-control against opportunism, it becomes evident in front of it. It is not infallible, but it is an indication, it turns on the alarms. Let us think that before crossing the gates of the embassy, the lacey crossed the thresholds of pragmatic capitalist ideology, which allows him to assassinate the Motherland.

A moment's reflection, we will realize that furtive visitors to the embassy have a common ideology: they are opportunists, always show signs of that, and let’s remember ismael’s shouts for carlos andres in a pro-Chavez event.

Other visitors that go to the embassy are the defenders of capitalist property, or renegades to the availability of the foreign intelligence; as teodoro, who now poses as the leftist of “mud”, they use him the pink touch to the candidates; we already know why he called "dreadful gorilla" to the gringo Senator, but he does not dare with the system that hatched her.

The ideological definition is the most important defense against infiltrators: it gives it deepness to the work of the intelligence corps. The ideological definition has the virtue of being a barrier to these infiltrators; they act in territories of ambiguity, and crash against definitions. A clear revolution in its principles diminishes its maneuver ability, it ties them up.

This appearance of traitors in the gringo embassy should be to raise awareness that we are in a war against the empire, which is not story or electoral maneuver, this is the defense of Motherland: we defend it or we leave it to these confirmed unpatriotic persons.

Only along with Chavez and Socialism there is Motherland!

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