Sep 15, 2011


The philosopher George Santayana once wrote: "Whoever does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it". History has shown that the statement is true; who ignores history is doomed to repeat it with a great burden of sacrifice for the unwary companies.

For us in Venezuela, one of the historical experiences that we must study rigorously is Chile’s Revolution. Allende is for us a teacher, he must learn from him.

Allende's Revolution -of course keeping the cultural differences of the two peoples- is very similar to ours: both pretend to be peaceful, both have the same enemies and suffer the same attacks. Undoubtedly, we must learn from it, repeating its outcome would be catastrophic.

Revolutions are miracles made by humans. There are many factors involved in it, and there are a lot of mistakes that can lead to defeat the process, therefore it is very important to study past experiences, only that way humanity learns to build astonishment.

Let’s see some teachings of the Allende’s Revolution.

First lesson: the ruling classes are able to do anything to maintain their dominance; they are capable of creating the biggest illusion of "democracy," and also to appeal to the most brutal dictatorship. Consequently, the revolutionary forces should not hold their politics in the oligarch respect beliefs to laws; they have no law than defending the Capital.

In Chile, they violated the most basic codes, fundamental rights, without even blushing. Frei and Pinochet are the both faces of the same oligarch domination.

Second lesson: Partnerships with the oligarchy are the kiss of Judas: the betrayal. Oligarchies are not human, they are personifications of Capital, and are possessed by the god of money, and they obey their commands and have no will.

Holding to the oligarchy does not save Revolution. Instead, the people, the mass that supports Revolution gets confused, it is a prey of skepticism, it withdraws and in that moment the oligarchy takes his claws out and snatches it.

Third lesson: The offensive of oligarchies against revolutions is carried out from an external front, easily detected; and from an inner front, they are harder to see. This inner front is the most damaging in peaceful revolutions, it presents formulas that mislead and weaken.

This inner front -reformist- was largely the failure of the Chilean miracle, the reconciliation in Chile disconcerted its popular support base and enabled the onslaught of the military bourgeois.

Reformers are the most dangerous expression of oligarchy; they are an effective crafty force, disguised, an important part in the collapse of Revolutions. Then, they make history, and as the cat, they hide their blame attributed to true revolutionaries. Thus, the Chilean reformers went out to the world to distort that story and blame on the Chilean MIR for the oligarchy’s defeat and the castrating agreement.

Glory Salvador Allende and Miguel Enriquez!
With Chavez all!
Irreverence in discussion, Loyalty in action!

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