May 23, 2011


Revolution needs to conquer the government, the State, so it can create a new social consensus, a success of its society project, its ethics and moral, and the values that this project supports and brings about.

The government’s arrival creates the conditions to build the hegemony of the Revolutionary culture, in order to socialize and nationalize the Revolutionary project. After Revolution conquers power, a vital challenge begins: How is the mechanism or the instrument to build the hegemony of the new culture? In the answer is the key of continuance, of consolidation.

Remembering a Victor Hugo’s thought -from The Miserable- and Commander Chavez frequently quotes, we could say: “…culture is the wind, everything else is the windmill”; if we do not change the wind (culture), whatever we do would be in vain, it would be absorbed by the old, the labor would be frustrated.

There is a great deal of obstacles in this cultural change. The most important one is to not recognize it: postulating that culture is just one, it is impartial, and it does not have relation with politics; that even it is not the main battle field, neither a confrontation field; it is a formidable obstacle the cultural change.

Following that statement, Revolution would not have raison d’être, it would limited to a material change, a fictitious improvement of people’s life conditions. A Revolution is not needed for that, a good government perhaps would be enough. On the contrary, the Revolution’s task is to make a drastic cultural change, a deep change of the vision of the world and human relations.

The Revolutionary challenge is huge: it is about changing the cultural essence of species, built through millennia of domination, exploitation. Demonstrating that we are not a failed species destined to suicidal.

We already are in conditions of giving that radical turn that life demands. We have reached the final times in excellent conditions: with knowledge and strength to save the species, and transform ourselves harmonically.

We can say that every former Revolution had been training for this last crossroad that challenges humanity. There is no way to save us that replacing culture; only Socialism can do it, to that conviction Revolutionaries had came.

The fight against the exploitation of man by man that motivated plenty of Revolutionary movements is not enough. Now, the fight against the capitalist empire is, besides, for humanity’s survival and life. The capitalist model collapsed, it cannot give an answer to the great dilemmas of the actual man, and on the contrary, it secures his extension.

The Bolivarian revolution must be a vanguard in these changes. It is necessary unleash -right away- a Cultural Hurricane, that exorcizes us from the capitalist logic, its values and habits.

It is indispensable to take concrete steps in this road of cultural changes. We are optimistic; in front of us a new culture is pushing to be born.

With Chavez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!

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