May 5, 2011


Gramsci tells that “immediately after the outbreak of Revolution and before leaving Russia, Lenin sent this notice: “Do not trust Kerensky”.

Few times in the whole Revolutionary history a strategy, a thought, a political teaching had been condensed in such a few words, in such a succinct message.

Lenin knew that after the defeated Tsar’s monarchy a revolutionary period would be opened, where the advance’s principal enemy would be reformism. In that extreme risk situation, when it was disposed to go in the “armored train”-that was going though the hostile Germany and the war front- would take it to the core of the Revolutionary battle, he sent as a testament and last instruction, a kind of epitaph that means: do not trust kerensky, reformists, they are the principal enemy of every Revolution…

History admits it -not only in Russia where Revolution concreted fighting against the international reformist’s and capitalist’s alliances- but in every Revolution that since that day have ever tried in the planet.

Every time that a Revolutionary possibility emerges, the restorer reformism appears moderating the waters, calling for calm, slowing down, distracting the impetus; they say “there are no possibilities”. “Capitalism does not work but it has to be beaten little by little”-they proclaim. The bolder ones scare and alert, “Without capitalism there is no production”.

The phenomenon is understandable. Let’s see.

A Revolution is a step, a change of such magnitude, which terrifies. Costumes, values and a deep psyche conspire against him; there, where the old vision of the world is anchored. In the definitive hour –when change knocks the door and when society finds itself in the possibility of flying higher- then appears the voices coming from the cavern of centuries, opprobrium millennium; whispering to us to go back, to what is known, to the tranquility of what is conquered, to the chains that shinning now just a bit.

But man is an animal, he is more curious than sensible, bolder than measured, more altruistic than selfish, more human than animal. Those are the conditions that let him conquer the seas under nut shells or let him climb mountains with the only incentive of watching the far horizon. Those are the characteristics that let Bolivar cross The Andes, let Fidel attack the Moncada’s barracks, and let Chavez try to take the sky by storm, let Fabricio leave the seat, let Americo Silva leave his family to go and favor the humanity, let Marti battle in Dos Rios, let Che died in La Higuera with the same dignity that he lived, and let the five kidnapped Cubans resisted all to show us that the new men exists… Man is capable of conquering himself.

That quality of human would be the one that let us go under the fables that come up from the mental chains and rehearse the bold step that found the worlds and justifies the struggles… Lenin was right.

With Chávez, all!!
Without him, nothing!!

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