Feb 17, 2012


In front of our candid noses the empire’s invasion has begun. They develop the phase of manipulation of minds. They use their expertise in distortion of reality, in creating fictions. With the primary elections, they created the image of a presidential victory, when it was only a simulation of the electoral reality, a reality show where they could not lose, any outcome will be favorable.

Analysis should go beyond the anecdotal, the numbers do not matter, the trap does no matter, the important thing is to understand the ideological current that moved there, who impose, what is the characteristic of the battle ahead.

To the empire any candidate worked but, paraphrasing Orwell, some served more than others, and it was, manipulation, arrangements, worked perfectly, the retrogrades, the snobs joined and left in the field the ancient pact of punto fijo, the social democracy. capriles defeated Pablo, what does this mean?

The empire chose the bloody path to face Chavez; they are getting ready for it. The candidate is a proven fascist, a veteran of april’s coup, when he and Leopold where the main characters of the most harmful passages of that onslaught of international fascism. Let’s remember the episodes with Rodriguez Chacin and the poet Tarek.

But where capriles graduated of empire’s agent was in the aggression against the Cuban Embassy, ​​there he showed his cowardice besieging an embassy full of children, threatened to make them eat wires and carpets. Everything in the best tradition of yankee soldiers in Iraq or Guantanamo…

To these agents we face, they are the beachhead for an invasion that is already developing. We live similar days to the days during the Independence, the confrontation is the same; we face a stateless oligarchy serving a foreign empire. Today as before, the Bolivarian are opposed to an empire: yesterday was the spanish monarchy, and today the capitalist gringo.

It is necessary to defeat in their manipulative attempts, we must redouble efforts to toughen our social base, barrios, workers, peasants, they all must understand the huge difference of what capriles represents, and what Chavez represents.

Capriles means loss of Independence and, without Independence that left us so much sacrificially the Liberator, there is nothing. We will be colony of international organizations, the days of spiritual and material misery will come back again, days of helplessness for the poor, the love and hatred will be back.

With Commander Chavez there will be Motherland and with it everything can be solved, everything can be reached, everyone will have shelter. There will be life.

The options are clear and defined: let the anti-motherland vote for capriles, whose hearts are in the north, the mercenaries of consumerism and selfishness. Vote for Capriles is surely treason.

For Chavez will vote who defends Motherland, Independence. In our hands will not be repeated San Pedro Alejandrino, we will complete Bolivar’s dream, we will defend Chavez.

With Chavez Forever!

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