Mar 25, 2011


Fidel once qualify Che as a fortune-teller. When the Soviet Union had a healthy image and no one could feel the end of it, Che Guevara told the world: “Socialism is going thought a rough way, it is using the jagged tools of Capitalism to build itself, and that is the way of selfdestruction”.

And it did, the Socialist field crumbled and the world sat and waited the collapse of the lonely Cuba. But the small island resists until today, the Capitalists still predict the fall of the last bastion of Socialism and the fall of the hope of humanity. This fact deserves to be studied.

Why did the powerful and strong Socialist field fell so spectacularly and ashamedly? And why the small Cuba resisted? What does this astonishment relate to Che Guevara's thinking?
Let's see.

Che and Fidel's thoughts mark the last barrier of revolutionary thinking, along them the idea reached unknown limits that even today it is unconceivable a Revolution without rising above the shoulders of these two theoreticians.

What Che taught is numerous and very valuable, maybe one of his most famous teaching is that Socialism can not be constructed with the jagged weapons of Capitalism.

It means that the construction of Socialism is not apart from the instruments that we use to build it. If for the sake of a so-called efficiency we make conssesions of the metodology and capitalist companies, we are promoting the culture, the capitalist spirituality, selfishness, and we are digging the burial of Socialism.

This warning, this teaching of Fidel and Che summarize their whole thinking, from there it can be deduce all its theoretical structure. For them, the main objective of Revolution is the awareness of belonging to society.

According to Fidel Castro we have to make richness with consciouness and not consciousness with richness. Che Guevara proposes: “the moral encouregements are the main weapons to build the new man”.

Nowadays, the elevation of the revolutionary awarness is the compass of Cuban Revolution since the assault to the Moncada Fort and the first steps in Sierra Maestra.

The supreme teaching of these two thinkers is: If we solve the problems that are ahead of us with Socialism and with the masses participation, if every action of Revolution has as object to promote the awareness of belonging to society, the future of Socialism is assured.

However, if we confuse fields with paths, it will take us to fail, history is clear. It is vital for us to hear these warnings of the revolutionary theory and practice.

We have to be careful to not fall into temptation to search materialistic golds, thought the shortcuts that the Capitalist culture proposes. It is necessary to “invent” and to find the own fields of Revolution as we never did. It is necessary to hear the voices of the Revolutionary times.

With Chávez, all!
Without him, nothing!

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