Jun 26, 2012


Our peaceful Revolution has two cycles: the electoral cycle and the prosperity cycle. We must understand them in order to design the tactics and strategies. Let's see.
The electoral cycle is the period of bourgeois elections and a non-elections period.
In the non-election period, Revolution can develop its own logic, its physiology. It is a favorable period to establish the material and spiritual basis of Socialism. Revolution is ahead, it has the initiative, and the battle is taken in a clear field. In this stage of the cycle, we must take the most of it to gain awareness, organization, and training in order to sharp the revolutionary force.
On the contrary, in the bourgeois-electoral period, the oligarchy fights within its field. This is supported by almost century of customs and conditionings. We have already said that the bourgeois elections are made to perpetuate the bourgeois system and elevate its spiritual essence: selfishness. This election is a tournament where the mass is immersed in what is trivial; the glitter of marketing superimposes to the substance, what is immediate covers what is strategic, and the manipulation of advertising guides the decisions. The promise, the material gift refuses any argument. From them, that is the custom, a fragmented mass, depoliticized, childish.
Therefore, it is a period where the revolutionary consciousness, the organization, the information gained during the non-electoral stage is tested. If accumulation is deficient; then Revolution has to make concessions to the bourgeois-electoral logic; and subordinate it to itself the advance, granting that awareness and training decreases. Now, if the accumulation is successful, Revolution can give other content to the elections.
The prosperity cycle, at the same time, consists of a period of "normality" and a turbulence period.
The period of "normality" is characterized by a good economic situation, of high oil prices, retracted oligarchy, without initiative, working in the underground of infamy, preparing assassinations, coups, screaming from Miami or Peru, but without raising too many waves. In this period, Revolution has the opportunity to move forward, to break with the culture of rent and laying the ethical and spiritual foundations, which strengthen Revolution.
The period of turbulence is characterized by economic difficulties, low oil prices and the pressure of the recognition of the mass. During this period, as in the election period but even dramatic, the strength gained in the period of "normality is tested".
There are two cycles and four periods. Success will depend on the tight assessment of each one. These cycles represent a high risk of loss, in the propitious stages for the accumulation there is the temptation to forget that the wind ahead of us is temporary, and neglecting the strengthening for the turbulence periods. These periods of prosperity are favorable for the theory spin, reformists and restorer. The class that swings between the bourgeoisie and the workers, which the classical writers call petit bourgeoisie -a term that offends some- has a fertile field for the testing of their mistake.

With Chavez!

Jun 15, 2012


The Bolivarian Revolution, since its beginning, has as main foundation to transfer power to the people. This concept cannot be understood only in terms of philanthropic management, which is important but not enough. The power of the people lies in two fundamental pillars: organization and the knowledge that sustain consciousness. Without these two pillars everything will crumble.

The Liberator said in its aftermath: "Moral and Education are our primary needs". "An ignorant people are the blind instrument of its own destruction". Bolivar lived the sadness of seeing manipulated the people he loved, abused in its credulity by its enemies, became into its own executioner. Ignorance transformed into conceit, virtue, put the people against its Liberator.

Today’s Revolution, continuing the Bolivarian quest, must feed on the experience of Independence. It has defeated countless battles: April's, the oil sabotage, elections.

However, as the process advances the qualities that circumstances demand to the mass and to its leaders, are bigger. Neither the feeling nor intuition are enough, the challenges require knowledge, study, constant training. Improvisation and lack of rigor are flaws increasingly dangerous, it does not have place in the beautiful march towrads the construction of Socialism. Marti, within his wisdom, said: "be educated to be free".

Today, we are required to study the Second Socialist Plan that will be the script for the nation over the next six years. Commander Chavez submits it to the people for its study, complementation and analysis. It is an unprecedented gesture as well as a challenge. There is no place for improvisation, for spontaneity; in these circumstances it is irresponsible. It is necessary seriousness, rigor, study, the concepts as the basis of opinions.

The consultation of the Socialist Plan is the initiative of transferring power to the people more important than Revolution has ever done: it is ask to the people to rise and build its course, to know this Plan and to know the reason for every action, detached from the local to achieve national and international dimensions. This fact increases the demands. Now, it is necessary to refine the organization and the study that feeds reflection.

It is in this environment that the school “El Arado y El Mar” put its educational materials at everybody’s disposal, its classes and textbooks that are the basic segment of the study of the Revolutionary theory. There are presented concepts to understand and judge the reality we live in, we are sure that this will be useful in the task of enriching and understanding the Second Socialist Plan.

Materials can be found on the Web elaradoyelmar.com and elaradoyelmar.tv, a radio that transmits the audios from that School. You can also obtain information on the South Awareness program delivered from Monday to Friday through RNV-91.1 FM at six pm at “El Clásico” channel, also you can write to elaradoyelmar@gmail.com

With Chavez we will study and we will win!

Jun 14, 2012


The thinking species has so much power to create and destroy that is the only one to commit suicide, to end life and destroy the planet. His intelligence is so high that he created war; he manufactured bombs that can destroy the planet several times, he created a flying unmanned aircraft, nuclear submarines, and a long and impressive etcetera. But the height of human distortion is the worship of Mammon, money, capital, wealth. Let's see.

We are used to have a relationship of accumulation of material things, who has the most is powerful, we summarize material goods into money, who has more money, who is able to get things and possess more, will be the most powerful of all. This division between holders and dispossessed seems natural. We think this is normal and we will always think so for the rest of times.

Accumulation is possible because the means of production -at some point- became non-social property, and means of exploitation; there is where man appropriates the work of other men. Who stole the land, the factory, could put conditions to the dispossessed; necessity forced them to work for the owner of the means of production.

We live in a world, in which it is possible for men to steal other men’s work, and the product of this massive theft becomes in merchandise, and this merchandise turns into money within the market, which is accumulated labor. This relationship between men has consequences.

This creates a spirituality that justifies, reproduces and perpetuates that relationship that makes possible the massive theft of labor. The essence of this spirituality is selfishness and competition. We all transform into merchandise, worshipers of Mammon, of capital, it governs life, humanity, and everything turns around profit, around accumulation. What benefits capital, to Mammon, is good, and what hurts it, is bad. Man switches his place with money, now he is just a slave of an evil religion that some people call capitalism.

This perverse idolatry, capitalism, has transformed us into a non-society, into a combination of selfishness, it has transformed us into selfish islands, and we are like puppets moved by the strings of consumption and production. The eager for profit, transformed into collective madness, leads us towards unhappiness. We suffer from a disease called capitalism, which alter our natural needs and override our limits of satiety. So, we live the restlessness of discontent, we are "always dissatisfied".

It is necessary to defeat fetishism, the religion of capital, founding the love for humanity, and urgently, it is necessary to establish a new way of relating with each others, rescuing relationships. This is only possible within Socialism, a society where the human is the center, and nature regains its status as sanctuary of life, and everyone lives according to their capacity and receives according to his needs, where nobody accumulates material things and every one lives for the good of all.

Chavez is Socialism!

Jun 13, 2012


Last Sunday and Monday were registered two options for the elections, two projects of opposite civilization, as opposite as water and oil.

One of them is the old path of capitalism, failed in the world that crunches under its leadership; Europe is a single cry, China cannot hide its crisis, and gringos that cannot find who else to exploit; yes, capitalism is exhausted, and therefore it is more dangerous than ever, the dying monsters lose any scruple, in its desperation to survive, it wipes out all life.

Capitalism, in the middle of a terminal crisis, has reserved for the periphery countries the role of supporting its wasteful system, being its captive markets, being its suppliers of raw materials, and providing cannon fodder for its colonizing battles.

In this pathetic picture, Venezuela would lead the main role, the large reserves of energy, water, and mineral wealth make us target of the imperial voracity. They need oil and plenty of gas -but given, they do not care if the people suffer the consequences of dispossession. That is the environment in which capriles’ campaing will move, with him there is no choice but to be a subjugated piece in the support of the imperial waste, a lifeline of its terminal crisis. The future he offers -beyond his lies- is misery.

World capitalism has a terrible future reserved, it will unleash the horsemen of the apocalypse, and the northern crisis will hit us with horrors. The North -that despises us- requires exploiting the South, it has no choice. The capitalist candidate has to follow the script, selling our motherland. We have to suspect of who considers capitalism.

The other possibility that appears to the electoral battle is the one that points the way to overcome capitalism, it seeks ways of organization to enhance social force, and integrate us as a society.

It is not a mere electoral proposal -it is known that the country's future, of this generation and those following- to overcome capitalism, and it is known that Socialism is the only way to do it, it is the continuation of a struggle for the emancipation of the human that takes millennia.

The task of building paths to escape from the fate of capitalism is fraught with difficulties, the dominant classes know the soul of the enslaved, they manipulate it, they deceive it, and so they have get to plunder mankind since the beginnings of history.

Liberation was always a goal to achieve a better life, end exploitation and slavery. Now, the struggle to free ourselves from capitalism is a battle where the fate of humanity is decided, a battle of life. Capitalism leads mankind to the abyss of extinction. In its excessive eagerness for profit; in its voracity it has injured in such way the balance of life that led it to the limits of existence. We are approaching a point where the gap is such, that there will be no return.

The choice of the Commander is the guarantee of the continuity of life.

Chavez is guarantee!